Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/prospectgames/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ProspectGames
Unbox Mailing List: http://eepurl.com/caLOWj

We're pleased to announce that Unbox was in the top 20 (of 153!) games in the Rezzed section of EGX 2016! Plenty of Unbox fans seeked us out on the showfloor and we think we may have gained a few new ones!

We're on a roll with events, if you're in the North West (UK) then make sure you come to the Unbox stall at Play Expo Manchester! We'll have multiple stands, stickers and a chance to win free copies of Unbox!
We recently launched a small patch that should have fixed the NPC dialogue issue some players were having, please let us know on the forums if you encounter any more bugs or issues: http://steamcommunity.com/app/512300/discussions/
Have a great #WorldSmileDay!