Ho ho ho, Merry Boxmas! The Zippies of Paradise Isles have been allowed to go on deliveries this holiday season, and they've been getting dressed up to celebrate!
Unbox will update with FREE cosmetics:
- Xmas Gift Bow Clothing
- Santa Jacket Clothing
- Reindeer Belt Clothing
- Santa Hat
- Reindeer Antler Hat
- Santa Glasses & Beard Accessory
- Reindeer Glowing Nose Accessory
As well as all of that, we've made numerous fixes to the way achievements are handled in Unbox! Users should now be retroactively rewarded for achievements that they've earned but weren't granted in the past.

Don't forget to follow Unbox on social media!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/prospectgames/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ProspectGames
Unbox Mailing List: http://eepurl.com/caLOWj