It's been a hectic start as we're sure you all can agree, however, we're happy to bring you the first post-launch hotfix 1.01! Without further adeu, let's dive right in!
Changes & Fixes
- HUD[list]
- Fixed a problem with scenario saves always being first on the ‘load save’ list
- Fixed a bug with problematic GPS routes via non-existing rails
- Fixed the level up screen not appearing in some cases
- Fixed the Production Tree image missing from the Codex
- Fixed the player’s company logo being low resolution
- Fixed multiple problems in tutorials
- Fixed issues with employee routes and map filters
- Fixed the locomotive customization camera in some locomotives from blocking the view
- Fixed the ‘Passenger Wagon Capacity’ perk resetting after reloading the game
- ixed an issue preventing an objective in Scenario 7 from being completed
- Fixed some problems with asset clipping in the locomotive
- Fixed some problems with disconnected and missing electric overhead lines
- Fixed career and save game limit resulting in massive save bloat – This will automatically cull (delete) save games past a limit of 20 per career, choosing the oldest first.
- Fixed some situations that resulted in lag when saving
- Fixed a fatal error crash when attempting to load save data
- Update the game version to 1.0, removing the “beta” watermark
- Removed the game version watermark from the gameplay screen
That about wraps it up for this hotfix! There will be more to come, and just a reminder in case you missed the last developer blog, we will keep you guys updated regarding the transparency we want to keep with the community with weekly updates on addressing your issues and sharing some of the things we're working on so there are no surprises. Make sure to join the official Train Life Discord and follow Train Life on Twitter!
Until next time!
Simteract Community Manager