Patch #17 - Build 24310
Hey everyone, Joey here! It's been far too long since we had the pleasure of bringing you the latest batch of fixes. First and foremost, we're really sorry about the extended delay here. As we're nearing larger milestones internally with the project, we recently had some goals that required 'all hands on deck', so to speak. Unfortunately, however, this had the consequence of delaying our PC patch that we had planned to have out much sooner.
On the bright side, the scope of these internal milestones, which I sadly can't talk about just yet, resulted in many bug fixes as well as performance improvements. I can hint that they will lead to some really exciting bits of news in the near future though! As we start to shift from content development to polishing, a more stable and finished product will thankfully emerge from the other end. It's too soon to pour the whiskey just yet, but we can see the light at the end of the tunnel!
I won't drone on further here though, because we both know you just want those juicy notes! Please enjoy our latest patch and let us know, either on Steam or on our Discord, if you have any issues with it!
- Features[list]
- Added a rear-view camera that you can switch to in order to see from the back of your wagons
Changes & Fixes
- Tracks & Railways[list]
- Fixed a problem with an absent track in Hamburg Main
- Fixed a problem with 50km/h speed limit bypass tracks at Liechtenstein Grain Mill, Bern Main, and at Prague Warehouse – Not much of a bypass if you’re asked to drive slower than grandma going to buy lotto tickets
- Fixed problem with blocked tracks in Cologne area, Dresden Pumpjack, and at the entrance of Szczecin Main
- Fixed a problem with a missing entrance marker in Dortmund Steel Mill
- Fixed a problem with snow covering rails in tunnels – I mean, I could have found some excuse for this, like maybe the wind blew it in or something
- Fixed a problem with “blocking signals” at entrance of the Brussels Main
- Fixed a problem with 80km/h speed limits set in Luxembourg Main and Basel Main
- Fixed many instances of missing, redundant, disconnected, and clipping signs and signals
- Fixed a problem with a dysfunctional bumper block at Calais Main
- Fixed a problem with broken switches near the entrance of Dresden Main, Hamburg Main, and Cologne Main
- Fixed a problem with the speed limit setup between Berlin Smeltery and Berlin Warehouse
- Fixed some instances of missing entrances and track markers
- Fixed a problem with notifications of Level Crossing being duplicated
- Fixed the functionality of the coupling/decoupling icon in the locomotive's dashboard in scenario 10
- Fixed some improper terms in gamepad joystick terminology
- Fixed the headlight icon under the speedometer not reflecting the current state of lights after game load
- Added a missing part of the Pickup Planner Keyboard Input Legend
- Fixed exiting Career Options taking the user to the main menu
- Made some visual changes to the main menu loading bar
- Fixed showing XP and monetary rewards on scenario list screen which do not correspond with actual rewards received
- Added missing control tooltips in main menu and escape menu
- Fixed the missing Pizza Square icon in Locomotive Customization section of the Service Center – Just remember, do NOT buy the cursed pineapple pizza; we are unlikely to ever be friends and I've heard rumours that the game crashes more often for those that like pineapple pizza
- Fixed using SPACE as control action's input
- Fixed an issue with stations only producing 1 contract per good type, now they will produce a maximum of 10 per good type – This can only be described as a major bug that I'm surprised wasn't noticed sooner, but we're really looking forward to how the community enjoys the intended contract gameplay!
- Fixed an issue allowing players to enter service centers without applying the emergency brake first
- Fixed an issue where the player could enter the pickup/dropoff minigame without applying the emergency brake first
- Fixed a problem with postage deliveries not counting for Liechtenstein’s level up – We told them that if they don't let players level up then they can't receive all the junk they ordered off of Amazon
- Fixed a problem with the money bonus from contracts being different than expected
- Fixed a wrong time bonus multiplier with delivering an expired postage contract
- Fixed receiving 2X rewards on completing a cargo 'Delivery' task – Wish it worked that way in real life
- Fixed an issue with an objective in Tutorial 1 asking you to switch cabin
- Fixed showing the wrong distance to the pickup track on cargo contracts
- Fixed not gaining time and XP multipliers after completing passenger/postage deliveries
- Fixed some bugs and made minor changes in Tutorial 3 and 4
- Fixed an improper button prompt for increasing the throttle in objective 5 and 10 of the first tutorial
- Fixed custom bankruptcy thresholds not being properly applied and saved on new careers
- Fixed cargo contracts being labeled as “Delivery” completed in details screen
- Fixed a problem with contracts finished on a save migrated from Update 2
- Fixed some objective text in the third tutorial
- Fixed fog light penalty in scenario 'Leipzig-Nuremberg (Logs)'
- Fixed improper completion time displayed after finishing Scenario 11
- Fixed "Contract finished" objective in scenarios
- Adjusted the estimated times of two scenarios – We know you like it fast, but nobody is THAT fast...not even me when they put the mulled wine on sale
- Fixed various problems with some missing, disconnected, and clipping electrical lines
- Fixed a problem with redundant lampposts at Szczecin Main
- Fixed a problem with missing passengers on the platforms of Hamburg Main
- ixed a problem with the horn when the player opens the tablet – I'd still like to add a 1/10000 chance that when you honk the horn you hear a goose instead. We'll see what the future holds!
- ixed some missing translations
- Fixed a crash while re-entering decoupling mode after delivering a contract
- Fixed a rare crash that occurred while leaving a Service Center
- Fixed a common crash that occurred when trying to switch to a different tab from the Station Panel
- Fixed an issue with pickup and drop off tracks not appearing after loading save data created within the station
- Improved the visual transition into and out of snowy regions – Minecraft-esque biome transitions definitely shouldn't be present in our game, as much as I love Minecraft
Hate bugs, and need to rant about them?
We're here to listen, and fix them! You're all, as always, invited to join our Discord Server and chat with us directly! It's a great way to get more immediate feedback, or just watch me get banned for posting memes in general.
You may also follow our Twitter, if you want to get 10 years of good luck, and our Twitch account if you want to join our Monday livestreams and tell our Community Manager, Mike, that he's a bad player. For major content updates you can find us streaming on Nacon's twitch channel, which you should follow as well to see gameplay and news of other Nacon games!