Well, wonder no more. . .

While Kan works on finishing the rest of To the Moon beach episode, the rest of the team is preoccupying a vacant period of time with a side mini-project... The Last Hour of an Epic To the Moon RPG!
And it is just that: You start the game by loading a 99-hour save file into an epic To the Moon themed RPG (because who has the time to play the whole thing nowadays?), already at the final dungeon of the game that's shaped like a lighthouse, and play it to its story's conclusion.
Featuring characters from all of To the Moon and its sequels, Finding Paradise and Impostor Factory... but only more EPIC!!!



Are we serious? Did we jump the shark?? Is this fluff really all the game is?!?
Probably ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
. . . But perhaps it's best to wait 'til it's out next year to be sure.
+Wishlist here, if you dare: