To the Moon
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Über das Spiel

Dr. Eva Rosalene und Dr. Neil Watts haben ziemlich sonderbare Berufe: Sie kontrollieren eine Technologie, die es den Ärzten erlaubt, künstliche Erinnerungen entstehen zu lassen. Patienten können so auf Wunsch ihr Bewusstsein verändern lassen und mit lebhaften Erinnerungen an Dinge aufwachen, die in Wirklichkeit niemals passiert sind.
Eine Reihe von Problemen ergibt sich allerdings aus der Tatsache, dass diese künstlichen Erinnerungen dauerhaft ins Gedächtnis eingebrannt werden, und im schlimmsten Fall zu Widersprüchen mit der Realität und tatsächlichen Ereignissen führen. Patienten können die künstlichen Erinnerungen nicht von realen Geschehnissen unterscheiden.
Daher hat man sich dazu entschlossen, diese Operationen nur an Patienten auszuführen, die schon auf ihrem Sterbebett liegen. Damit will man ihnen den letzten Wunsch erfüllen, sich zumindest in den letzten Minuten an ein Leben zu erinnern, das im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes ihren Vorstellungen entspricht.
Noch haben wir keine Systemanforderungen für dieses Spiel eintragen können oder es sind noch keine bekannt.
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
281 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.21 14:02
Eine Reise voller Gefühle
Das Spiel sieht zunächst nicht nach viel aus, aber der erste Blick täuscht an dieser Stelle deutlich.
“To the Moon” wurde mit dem RPG Maker erstellt, aber klammert die klischeehaften Rundenkämpfe dabei komplett aus. Spielerisch beschränkt sich das Spiel auf Erkundung kleiner Abschnitte und dem Finden von einzelnen Hinweisen. Dazu kommen ein paar kleine Minispiele, die weder großartig noch nervig sind.
Wir schlüpfen in die Rolle von zwei Wissenschaftlern, Dr. Rosalene und den pragmatischen Dr. Watts, welche im Auftrag ihres Unternehmens einen alten Mann besuchen. Unsere beiden Figuren sind nämlich Experten darin, mit ihrer Maschine in das Gedächtnis anderer Menschen einzudringen und dieses zum Wohle des Patienten zu verändern. Es ist ein wenig wie der Film Inception, allerdings soll das Leben im Gedächtnis so umstrukturiert werden, wie es sich der Patient an seinem Sterbebett wünscht. Und genau so einen Wunsch hat der alte Mann namens John: Er möchte zum Mond fliegen! „Alles machbar“, denken sich unsere Wissenschaftler. Wir erleben im Verlauf des Spiels also erstmal das Leben von John, allerdings rückwärts. Wir erfahren vom Tod seiner Frau und erleben erst danach die ungewöhnliche Ehe der Beiden. Dieser Rücklauf durch das Leben gibt uns auch als Spieler viele Rätsel auf und macht uns neugierig, noch mehr von Johns Leben zu erfahren. Aber auch wenn diese Momente von Trauer und Missverständnissen geprägt sind, bleibt auch immer wieder Zeit für eine große Ladung an Humor.
Die Geschichte von „To the Moon“ ist einfach warm, herzlich und in wundervollen Dialogen verfasst. Die Erzählstruktur ist einfach genial! Dazu ist das Spiel auf einer Metaebene hoch philosophisch und behandelt viele verschiedene Themen wie Beziehungen, psychische Krankheiten oder auch einfach nur die Zeit an sich und was wir mit unserer Zeit anstellen wollen. Das Ende von „To the Moon“ schließt ab, tatsächlich ist dies aber nur der erste Teil einer Serie an Spielen.
Das Spiel wurde zwar mit dem RPG-Maker erstellt, arbeitet aber gut gegen diese typische Starre solcher Spiele an. Nicht nur hat das Spiel ein sehr gutes Mapping, sondern auch viele Animationen, die ich eher selten in derartigen Titeln gefunden habe. Aber der ganz besondere Leckerbissen ist hier eindeutig der Soundtrack, der sehr emotionale Klavierstücke bereithält, die jeder Situation angemessen sind. Ich kann mir gut vorstellen, den Soundtrack noch einmal separat zu erwerben. Er ist einfach wunderschön.
Vorab: Es gibt keine DLCs, die den Spielverlauf beeinflussen. Neben dem, wie bereits erwähnten, sehr guten Soundtrack, kann man noch zwei Comics kaufen, die ganz schön gezeichnet sind. Kostenlos gibt es dann noch zwei Minisodes, die im Unternehmen der beiden Wissenschaftlern zur Weihnachtszeit spielt und als Bonus zu verstehen sind. Trotz der Spielzeit von maximal einer Stunde für beide Minisoden bieten sie viel Humor, aber auch ernste Dinge wie das Hauptspiel. Nach der Hauptstory lohnt sich hier ganz klar ein Blick.
„To the Moon“ zeigt auf, dass man weder ein großes Budget noch eine gute Grafik benötigt, um ein großartiges Spiel zu erschaffen. Es bedarf nur einer guten Geschichte und ein gutes Design, diese Geschichte zu erzählen. Genau das macht den Titel aus. Das Spiel schlägt eine ruhige Gangart an und erzählt eine ungewöhnliche herzzereissende Geschichte eines alten Mannes. Oft habe ich mich beim Spielen selber hinterfragt und bin viel ins Grübeln gekommen. Die Spielzeit mag mit knapp 4 Stunden etwas kurz wirken, es fesselt jedoch durchgehend. Meiner Meinung nach, ist „To the Moon“ echt ein kleines Meisterwerk und ich kann es jedem empfehlen, der für 1-2 Abende bereit ist, sich auf ein emotionales Abenteuer einzulassen.
Man merkt, der Titel hat mich angesprochen. Wenn dir das Review gefallen hat, schau doch mal in meiner Steamgruppe vorbei, in der ich noch viele weitere Reviews verfasst habe.
311 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.20 14:26
Die Kampagne geht etwa 4 Stunden,die beiden dlcs die gratis mit dabei sind,gehen etwa 20-30 Minuten.
In To the Moon geht es darum,den letzten Wunsch eines strebenden Mannes zu erfüllen,die beiden Dlcs spielen nach der Hauptstory und sind ein nettes extra,dazu gibt es einen Wunderschönen Soundtrack.
Gespielt hab ich sowohl mit Tastatur als auch mit dem Controller,funktioniert beides super,obwohl ich die Steuerung mit dem Controller bevorzuge.
Jeder der ein kurzes Spiel mit einer wunderschönen Story sucht,ist hier genau richtig.Ich habe jede Minute dieses Spiels genossen.
255 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 21:13
You play as Drs. Eva and Neil, two specialists hired to help a terminally-ill elderly man named Johnny experience his lifelong dream of flying to the moon. You attempt this by using special tech to jump through the man's memories, descending through the years until you can pinpoint what exactly needs to happen in his simulated life to spur him into pursuing his dreams. Can you help the man achieve this aspiration before his life fades away?
Though To the Moon is an RPGMaker game, it is more accurately described as a walking sim. Gameplay follows a loop of exploration and discovery, as you search through a memory and talk to its denizens to resolve the mysteries of Johnny's life story, then locate a significant object that bridges two memories and solve a brief puzzle to establish a link and hop further in time. The gameplay in this is thus very minimal, as the medium here is mostly used as a means to tell an interactive story. Unlike most walking sims there is little environmental storytelling here, partly due to graphical limitations and partly due to this being a very character-focused story.
The narrative of To the Moon delivers a somber, emotional experience. Over a runtime of roughly 3.5 hours, you get to experience the pains and joys of life, love, and loss through the telling of the pretty average life of one man. While the melancholy tones throughout may not be suitable to those players looking for a total salve for depression, say, that's not to suggest all of To the Moon is a dour affair. On the contrary: there are plenty of moments of comedy and romance to mix up the experience in this, even if the comedy often falls flat and clashes with the story's central drama. The ultimate spoiler-free summation to offer prospective players is this: if you're here on account of this game's moving story, you shouldn't be disappointed.
This game has begun to show its age in a few technical and gameplay aspects. To the Moon sports the very basic look of early RPGMaker titles, with little offered to differentiate itself. And while the gameplay is simple enough to not necessitate complicated controls, there are still some errors in controller inputs that complicate gameplay in one lategame memory (keyboard input should be unaffected). A run button would've also been appreciated for many a memory that involves backtracking, though the game's short runtime means that ultimately you're not wasting much time.
I should briefly highlight the game's soundtrack, which includes works from the legendary Laura Shigihara. The music here helps uplift the game's basic looks to match the emotional highs of the story, including tracks of both melancholy and merry dispositions. While nothing in the soundtrack is necessarily the earwormy kind of good music, there is instead a lot of background music here that would fit in well in applications outside of videogames - be they romantic dates or austere house parties, the sounds of To the Moon can really transport the player.
To the Moon is a lovely vehicle for an interactive story. While the game shows its age on the technical side and some of its attempts at humor don't work, the core emotional experience is as worthwhile as ever. Check this one out if you're ready for a meditation on what's truly fulfilling and important in life. To the Moon gets a B.
198 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 23:06
The story is great and has pretty good twists and conflicts. I love the characters and the representation of River.
It goes without saying that the soundtrack is outstanding. I actually found the game from the soundtrack originally.
This game easily places as a perfect 7/7 for me.
340 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.22 02:40
203 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.22 20:27
GRAPHICS - ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
''To the Moon'' is a Pixel-Style game. Its very minimalistic but I felt that it was the perfect style for this game. Very small amount of animations but which gives you enough details to get immersed in this little story.
MUSIC - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Soft Piano-Tunes and romantic melodies. Really melancholic but also very beatiful.
STORY - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
To the Moon is a Story about fulfilling the last wish of a dying person. For that you'll need to chance the memories of the this person. A wonderful story about love, lost and how even small things can make a huge differences in how you life will turn out. Brilliant Plot-Twists and a heart-warming ending.
The Reason why you should play this game.
GAMEPLAY - ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
A mixture between a walking simulator and really light point&click. The devs tryed to mixed the gameplay up from time to time but overall this is a story- and not a gameplay-driven game.
WORTH BUYING - ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
If your looking for an emotinal story which is more of a experience or playable movie than look no further! This a hidden gem!
If you need gameplay-variation than this might not the best game to pick up.
LENGTH : 3-4 Hours
BUGS : None
PRICE : Paid 5€
DIFFICULTY : No Difficulty
85 / 100
If you like that sort of Review, check out my Profile for more!
Recommending every game over 60
306 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.22 21:09
342 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.22 08:07
With Eva and Neil, you relive some of the most significant moments of Johnny's life and find a way to fulfill his dying wish which was to go to the moon. There's also fun banter between the two doctors and their ongoing commentary on what they are witnessing as outsiders, just like us. I was curious on how it would end and the ending definitely did not disappoint. It was climactic in a way that was at once sad and beautiful.
454 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.22 22:20
The game does have an exceptional story. It asked you to investigate your nostalgia and your choices, when this was not at all a thing yet. Not many games do, but this has SOUL. By some chance, it's more relevant today than it ever was. If you do not play it, you are making a pretty big mistake. I know. I bought it shortly after release and did not play it for 10 years. Don't be like me. Play it.
267 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.22 16:56
286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.21 02:09
genuinely one of the best and most memorable experience I've had in my entire gaming life, it's impossible to describe all the feeling of playing this independent masterpiece. it's the second time I ever played and still got the same experience as the first time, extremely recommended if you want to see an experience that you'll never forget.
(I just finished the game and I am literally with a headache from crying so hard again)
genuinamente uma das melhores e mais marcantes experiências que tive em toda a minha vida em jogos, é impossível descrever toda a sensação de jogar esta obra-prima independente. é a segunda vez que jogo e ainda tenho a mesma experiência de como na primeira vez, extremamente recomendado se você quiser ter uma experiência que nunca vai esquecer.
(acabei de terminar e tô com dor de cabeça de tanto chorar dnv mds)
266 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.21 11:08
It borrows from the style of the 16-bit video game generation, and shows the story of a man on his deathbed, who signs up for a program that can help him relive his life in order to achieve his wish.
His wish? He wants to go to the moon.
If you're anything like me, you're going through the first two hours of the game, basically at the brink of bawling like a baby, with the last thing on your mind having anything to do with the moon. It's a complex story, and the culmination point of it seems farfetched until you let the entire story play before you, and you recognize the beauty of it all.
Let me tell you something. Beauty is a perfect word to describe it. The storytelling is masterful, and complex, and charming. The characters are lovable. You play as the two scientists who assist the man in the pursuit of his dream, and often act as the comic relief for emotionally tense situations. Other times, they show as glimpses of characters who themselves have dark and secreted away emotions and struggles.
The graphics show how aesthetic and detailed something can be when you focus that graphical attention on a style which is otherwise considered to be outdated. If you can masterfully produce something in 16-bit graphics, then you can see it as masterful as someone who built a complicated 3D system. The difference is that you have a much harder time showing a masterful presentation in 3D that ages well, since the medium is constantly being updated. The odd place of this current-day 16-bit presentation looks easily as masterful as the most detailed presentations of 16-bit classics.
In short, I loved it.
So, here's the part where I provide some criticism. The game looks very much like an old turn-based RPG classic. It plays like a point-and-click adventure, and much of the actual 'gameplay' is a set of sliding puzzles. The intent, it seems, is to focus much of the attention of the player to be on the story (which, as previously stated, is a strong point worthy of being pointed toward), but after all is said and done, one wonders about how necessary it was to have the title called a 'game'.
Could the presentation have survived without the gameplay mechanics? The sliding puzzles, certainly, but one of the best things about a video game over, say, a book or a movie, is that you have the ability to interact with the world to get the most out of the storyline. There were a few things that I admired that could have only been done through use of gameplay- notes which get altered by untrustworthy narrators, and the like, but beyond that much of the exploration is required to progress the game, and the interactivity between the player and the environment is slim.
In fact, the game 'reads' much like a visual novel. You do macguffins, and it makes story happen. But they jokingly acknowledged it several times, and clearly made an effort to keep it at a necessary minimum. To be fair, the turn-taking RPG itself stuff itself with macguffin'd tasks and elements. I dare you to tell me that the actual 'gameplay' in a Final Fantasy or Dragon Warrior game is good. Enjoying the battle element out of a turn-taking RPG is like liking calculators and Excel spreadsheets for the thrilling gameplay. You do a thing, which makes you feel like you're progressing.
289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 23:07
353 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 16:14
Story is ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
The soundtrack, too, is so pretty.
Thank you Freebird Games for such a splendid game ;-;
1221 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.21 10:18
No other game except Alan Wake have played my heart like a harp like this game and I loved every moment of it.
342 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.21 23:55
Additional Details
Operating System | Ubuntu Linux 14.04 x64 | [/tr]
CPU | AMD FX-8350 | [/tr]
GPU | GTX 750 | [/tr]
Game Saves | Automatically and manually | [/tr]
Notes | Play the free DLCs too | [/tr]
Technical Notes | No problems | [/tr]
226 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.21 21:03
268 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.21 01:42
Oh, and - play it all in one go to feel all the ~feels~
864 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.21 01:27
588 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 12:13
628 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.21 11:26
390 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 12:16
184 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.21 23:33
If you can look past that, the story itself is very moving. A dying man, John (whose wife also recently passed), hires some Inception-style tech gurus who have the ability to craft artificial memories for the sake of granting last-wishes. John wishes to go to the moon, but mysteriously can't come up with a reason why.
A big part of the story's impact is in the details - slowly uncovering more information as you move back in time through John's life - learning more about his struggles, his relationship with his wife, and his childhood. Major themes arise such as love, marriage, friendship, family, mental illness, death, and trauma. You will not get a typical Hollywood-style happy-ending, but rather a bittersweet one that comes with its own set of ups and downs.
It's hard to say much more than that without spoiling. It's heartbreaking. All I can say is that I'm still thinking about it several hours later.
185 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.21 15:36
To the Moon is not a game, it's an experience.
An interactive story that knows how to give feels on several levels: it makes you laugh, it makes you cry, then it makes you smile again, conquers your heart and becomes part of you.
With its delicacy it touches on various themes: friendship, true love, illness, loss and reaction to it, the importance of a life and how this can change everything and upset the future of those around it.
In simplicity, without using photorealistic graphics and without actors who play the dialogues, it manages to convey a lot.
A special merit goes to the soundtrack that accompanies the story in a masterly way, always perfect in tracing the lightness, drama or romance of the scenes.
The two special contents found in the game folder (Sigmund Minisode 1 and 2) are also interesting and unmissable, which, although short-lived (about 15 minutes each), add something extremely important to the main plot.
I don't want to go too far in illustrating this title, I could in fact talk about each character and its uniqueness, give other information about the story, mention the various and often funny quotes to other works, but I am firmly convinced that it is not a game to tell, but to try.
This title is perfect for anyone, but it could deeply touch those who have experienced the various themes dealt with on their skin; therefore if you have recently lost a loved one or are still suffering from a loss, you must be aware of the fact that you are not faced with the usual teenage love story that is so popular on various media, but rather in front of an extremely mature.
[spoiler]It's not a game with a happy ending, it tastes sweet and bitter at the same time, but it invites a kind of reflection that you wouldn't expect to find in a game.[/spoiler]
I've been playing To the Moon for several years at the time of writing and still tears flow every time I hear even a few notes from the soundtrack. For me it is a small, rare gem to have absolutely.
291 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 22:52
Game play is not difficult, but it's fun. The story and music is what sets the stage. When you realize what a certain someone was trying to say by making those dang paper bunnies, you will be shooketh. When you realize why the moon is the destination.... omg.
Heartbreaking story that is both sad and sweet. The creator of this game dealt with tough subjects through love and genuine human emotion. Also, hilarious dialogue between the two main characters. Truly enjoyed every bit of it.
241 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 00:09
Do not hang your head
Scatter the mist of the clouds
The Lord's Providence is great.
Gently smile at the earth
Stretched out beneath you;
Sing a lullaby to the glacier
Strung down from the heavens.
Know for certain that once
Struck down to the ground, an oppressed man
Strives again to reach the pure mountain,
When exalted by hope.
So, lovely moon, as before
Glimmer through the clouds;
Pleasantly in the azure vault
Make your beams play.
But I shall undo my vest
And thrust out my chest to the moon,
With outstretched arms, I shall revere
The spreader of light upon the earth!
—Joseph Stalin
300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.21 10:52
Just Read/Play this game, its heartfelt, its a beautiful game.
Anyone can play this. Definitely Recommended.Best If you play this straight though, 4hrs game time.
Spoiler ↓↓↓↓↓↓Read for only who finished the game ↓↓↓↓
[spoiler]Still, I feel multiple emotions for the false memory. I feel bad for River and John of them in the reality, those blocked memories. It would be nice if John remembers them while River was alive, It feels like River was still waiting, I really hope John didn't not say what he told to Nicolas. Well, it was part of the story, I like it. [/spoiler]
221 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.21 18:35
Very nice game. There isn't much interactivity player wise but the story is incredibly potent and well thought out.
Like I mentioned the player doesn't really do much except find objects that can be used as a memory triggers and then solve a puzzle to access earlier memories of the old man (There's a little bit towards the end where you have chase your colleague in the school halls and prevent them from doing their scheme but besides this not much else.)
Very nice, niche RPG I found and can't wait to play its sequel 'Forever Paradise' and see the film they're working on currently.
318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.21 16:43
The moon is all we'll see
I'll ask you to fly away with me
Until the stars all fall down
They empty from the sky
But I don't mind
If you're with me, then everything's alright
257 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.21 05:14
???????????????????????????????????????? GME & AMC BABYYYYYYYYYYY ????????????????????????????????????
227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.21 15:40
587 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.21 20:02
Definitely worth a purchase. Just make sure you have your tissues handy when you play it.
270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.21 11:34
???? My 90 year old grandma could play it
☑️ Easy
???? Normal
???? Hard
???? Dark Souls
☑️ MS Paint
???? Bad
???? Meh
???? Graphics dont matter in this game
???? Good
???? Beautiful
???? Masterpiece
???? Bad
???? Not special
???? Good
☑️ Beautiful
???? This game has no story
???? It's there for the people who want it
???? Well written
☑️ Epic story
???? You choose your fate
???? Free
???? Underpriced
☑️ Perfect Price
???? Could be cheaper
???? Overpriced
???? Complete waste of money
☑️ You can run it on a microwave
???? Average
???? High end
???? NASA computer
???? Very Short (0 - 3 hours)
☑️ Short (3 - 15 hours)
???? Average (15-50 hours)
???? Long (50-90 hours)
???? Extremely long (90-110 hours)
???? No ending
~ FUN ~
???? I'd rather watch paint dry
???? Hard to enjoy
???? Repetitive
☑️ Actually pretty amusing
???? Ride of your life
☑️ It's a one-time experience
???? Only for achievements
???? If you wait a few months/years
???? Definitely
???? Infinitely replayable
???? Not as good as the previous one/s
???? Better than the previous one/s
☑️ Doesnt apply
???? No
☑️ Wait for sale
☑️ Yes
552 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 16:24
Kan Gao (the jenius behind this masterpiece) really know how to make a male cry, i'm not joking, i was really cry when i play this game, the story and soundtrack was really good, really loves this game, can't wait for the another sequel (Impostor Factory)
550 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.20 15:24
Plot raises serious topics of human life such as problems of love, value of family, real life vs illusory happiness, and the power of human will. There's no logical errors in narrative, no moments when you cringe. You believe in this storyline and its sincerity.
The emotionally difficult moments are mixed with humor, therefore the game helps the player to have time to rest. In addition you may find some small but pleasant references to films or games.
The storyline and narrative is the biggest part of this game, however, the mechanics are also well made: the mini-game of puzzle solving is small, not too hard, and makes the gameplay more variative. Other small mechanics are enjoyable and quite original. They do not distract you from the storyline, but make gameplay more remarkable and variative. There is a suitable number of them and they disappear after you've seen them once, this is important. I haven't expected to see these mechanics in the game, this is a pleasant surprise.
This visual novel is made by a small indie studio, its graphics and mechanics are pretty simplistic, however, it's made better than some non-indie visual novels, which have much bigger budget and development teams (for instance, Life is Strange 2).
All in all
if you enjoy visual novels with deep storylines, I would highly recommend this game.
If you don't believe that game can be a work of art, maybe To the Moon can change your opinion.
326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.20 18:17
In summary, if you like story-driven games and would like to [strike]cry a lot[/strike] play only for a few hours, this is something you can complete in just one sitting.
286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 19:13
436 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.20 11:00
It's surprising to think how a short game with no voice overs, facial animations or good visuals for that matter can move you emotionally and also make you share a bond with the story. In this game you re-live important memories of a dying man's past to fulfill his last wish of going to the moon and learn why he wants to. Here is my take on the game in a nutshell:
+ Strong Story and Concept.
+ Dialogue writing brings the characters to life making the game feel so real like you are a part of it.
+ Clever storytelling - Indirect emphasis on bits and pieces early on in the game and unravelling them towards the end in a beautiful way to pack an emotional punch.
+ Music - The heart, The main ingredient that makes the formula work. A masterpiece.
+ Funny - The game although serious most of the time has it moments when it is genuinely funny. Makes the game feel like a complete package. Love Dr. Neil Watts.
+ The ending sequence can qualify as a brainteaser.
- No resolution fix. Looks scaled.
- Clunky controls.
I really loved the game for how unique yet vaguely familiar it felt. As suggested by friends, I finished the game in one sitting. Right around the middle of my playthrough I felt a tiny bit of boredom but it soon went away as the game progressed to a more exciting phase. The game has it's charming way of keeping you hooked with the combination of funny moments, puzzles and engaging story. Overall, To the Moon was a heart touching game and I do sincerely hope one day I get to play the next adventure of Dr. Eva Rosalene and Dr. Neil Watts.
Recommended. A must-play just to experience the masterful piece of art that the game is.
MY SCORE: 9.5/10
319 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 11:23
The ending isn't any more important than any of the moments leading to it. The important thing is that over here, they are happy.
The ending isn't any more important than any of the moments leading to it. The important thing is that over here, they are happy.
Moving story, very well written, well paced and captivating. Besides that, the soundtrack stands out, with a main theme that is magnificent.
Otherwise, it's very short and the gameplay is practically nil. But it doesn't matter, the important thing about this game is its story, and there it is wonderful.
Highly recommended if you are looking just for a good and touching story.
7.3 / 10
341 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 07:25
You won't miss a second of deep emotions and surprise along this beautiful story. Also laughs, and some geeks jokes (personally, a Whovian, I loved a few).
The music is excellent, the story, the way the paths turn, how I wanted something to actually happen and how they played it in a way I could not imagine. I won't say any spoilers because I really don't think anyone deserves this game to be spoiled.
Just, play the game. You'll be making a favor to yourself ♥
163 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 14:15
Information / Review English
To the Moon is an adventure game developed by Free Bird Games.
Gameplay / Story
To the Moon tells the story of John, an old man who is dying. That's why he calls Dr. Watts and Dr. Rosalene to himself, two scientists who should fulfill his last and most ardent wish: he would like to fly to the moon. Or have flown, because the researchers can't shoot him into the sky, but they can implant the memory of the visit to the moon in him so that he can die satisfied, but that's not that easy. Because nobody knows where John's longing comes from - not even himself. Now you come into play to find out ...
+ varied interactive scenes
+ lovely animations, wonderful music
+ emotional story without pathos
+ clever use of changeable backdrops
+ Achievement and trading cards
- Playing time too short
To the Moon offers you a loving short story that above all invites you to think.
Information / Review Deutsch
To the Moon ist ein Adventure, welches von Free Bird Games entwickelt wurde.
Gameplay / Geschichte
To the Moon erzählt die Geschichte von John, einem alten Mann, der im Sterben liegt. Deshalb ruft er Dr. Watts und Dr. Rosalene zu sich, zwei Wissenschaftler, die ihm seinen letzten und sehnlichsten Wunsch erfüllen sollen: Er möchte zum Mond fliegen. Beziehungsweise geflogen sein, denn die Forscher können ihn zwar nicht gen Himmel schießen, ihm wohl aber die Erinnerung an den Mondbesuch einpflanzen, auf dass er zufrieden sterben kann.Das ist allerdings gar nicht so leicht. Denn niemand weiß, woher Johns Sehnsucht stammt – nicht einmal er selbst. Jetzt kommst du ins Spiel, um dies herauszufinden...
+ abwechslungsreiche interaktive Szenen
+ liebevolle Animationen, wundervolle Musik
+ emotionale Geschichte ohne Pathos
+ geschickter Einsatz wandelbarer Kulissen
+ Errungenschaft und Sammelkarten
- Spielzeit zu kurz
To the Moon bietet dir eine liebevolle Kurzgeschichte, die vor allem zum nachdenken einlädt.
378 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 00:14
feeling disappointed with how 'mundane' my life is and wishing that I could fast forward through the next few years. Naturally we all know that, that is a terrible thing to wish for, but playing this game has made me stop to appreciate the small things. Stop and feel everything. It's rare that a video game of all things will do that for someone, But this game has done that for me. If you are on the fence buy this game and play it and appreciate it just like I have.
339 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.20 18:29
First of all the graphics are pretty simplistics.
Early-mid 90s style top-down 2D graphics.
What is called 8-bit graphics.
The controls are pretty simple too - You have the Up,Down,Left,Right buttons, and the action button. Or a mouse can be used instead.
Even though the Steam overlay says it only support Keyborad/Mouse, a controller will work pretty well too.
The game is relatively bug-free.
There were some minor glitches in the mini-games (like enemies cornering you), but I'm not entirely sure if they weren't intentional.
Ok so now that we've covered all the side stuff, lets get to the gist of it.
How does a small indie game, with unremarkable controls, graphics and gameplay gets 96% positive rating on Steam with 36,000+ reviews?
By having a great story and an amazing soundtrack, that's how.
The store in the game is really great.
The story picks up the pace as it progresses, and pulls you in more and more.
And even has some unexpected turns and twists, that really help to hold it all together and keep your attention.
The soundtrack is amazing as well - surprising for a game of this caliber.
Now I'm not going to lie that this game has the best story, plot or dialog I've seen in a PC game.
But it's god damn good.
Especially considering how small the group of people that made the game was.
398 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 15:43
343 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.20 17:23
Gameplay consists of exploring each memory to find objects that have some connection to the client, in order to go back even further into his life. There are some unobtrusive mini-games related to this as well, which don't take much time. Really, it's all about the story, which is one of the strongest I've seen in a game.
To the Moon also includes a couple of nice short episodes, which nicely expand on the backstory of the two main characters, providing some insight into their jobs, where they work, and the people they work with. Highly recommended.
1898 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.20 08:58
277 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.20 15:27
206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.20 00:26
326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.20 19:00
286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.20 07:36
Part JsRPG, part adventure game, To The Moon is a story-focused experience with an emphasis on character and atmosphere. The tale told is a remarkable, unforgettable yarn and definitely worth your time if you're at all fond of either genre—especially if, like you, you arbor a special affection for games with particularly emotional soundtracks.
Nicht Empfohlen
17 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.20 14:03
The main character scientists are obnoxious, and not in an endearing way. Their constant banter always feels forced. I couldn't dismiss their dialog fast enough.
The story felt pretty simplistic and immature too. It was hard to care about the guy and the people around him. The game has these moments that are set up to be big and emotional, but they just feel self-important and dull.
Maybe it's the soundtrack? If the music is more important to you than the story, maybe you'll like this game.
Nicht Empfohlen
80 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.20 23:11
I played To The Moon on Linux. It never crashed on me once. There are no graphics options at all. Alt-Tab doesn’t work. It uses a total of 223MB of disk space. It uses the RPG Maker XP engine. The game allows you to manually save at any time outside of dialogue and has 3 save slots. There is also an auto save feature for those who prefer that. During play my GPU usage was 3-7%; my VRAM usage was 537-594MB; my CPU usage was 0-3%; my RAM usage was 2.6-3GB and my frame rate was a constant 40 FPS. Why it was stuck at 40 I have no idea.
I got through 79 minutes of To The Moon before the I came to the conclusion that the story wasn’t worth putting up with the gameplay. I paid $2.52 for the game and would say that is very much a steal for the story but way overpriced for what I put up with for it. Your enjoyment of the game will hinge on whether you value story and whether you have similar pet peaves as me with gameplay.
My Score: 5.5/10
My System:
AMD Ryzen 5 2600X | 16GB DDR4-3000 CL15 | MSI RX 580 8GB Gaming X | Mesa 19.3.4 | Samsung 850 Evo 250GB | Manjaro 19.0.0 | Mate 1.24 | Kernel 5.5.2-1-MANJARO
223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.20 08:39
245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.20 15:06
The characters and the story is what makes this game so special.
It has everything from good humor, to drama and even tragic events as well as happy ones,
I'm gonna be honest I did shed a few tears thanks to this amazing game.
Story : you play as both Watts and Rosalene and their job is to fulfill the wishes of their patients via a machine
that can go through their memory and with that they change a few things so that the patient can fulfill his/her wish inside their dream. The main problem that their patient Johnny wants to go to the moon but doesn't know why and its their job to find a way to make his wish come true and for that they need to know why he wants to go there.
Characters : Well done, I got attached to all the main characters ( River, Johnny, Watts and Rosalene ) all of them were great with unique personality, Hand down to Watts and Rosalene as their relationship is very dynamic and fun to see while River and Johnny relationship is simply beautiful.
Bugs : I had only once encountered a bug that I had to restart the game, so I have to suggest to save every time you finish something.
Soundtrack : Wow, the soundtrack is on point definitely gonna listen to some of the scores more than once, hopefully they will not make me cry again while listening to them.
Gameplay : is the weakest point here, a few puzzles here and there and just point and click as well as moving from point A to B that's all. To be honest that all it needs to be.
Conclusion : A must buy and a game that you must play at least once, shows how a game could be great even almost without any gameplay, its story and characters is what make this game so amazing.
I want to mention that in my personal opinion this game could also become an amazing movie and I hope it will get adapted one day to be as such.
Freebird Games
Lace Mamba
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos
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