Thank you so much.

The campaign runs for 30 days, starting from today!
As we shoot past the funding, the project is assured, and each backer will receive more and more bonus as we pass the stretch goals (already unlocked a TtM series sticker sheet on the first day).

The next includes a special poster for the To the Moon - Illustrated Works Artbook (by the talented Maki's Atelier), embedded in the artbook:

A preview of the poster:

Lastly, of course, every supporter of the Bestest Memory Kickstarter campaign will be able to place a message of their own on the beach of the upcoming To the Moon Beach Episode, to be dug up by other players.

And that leads to the second big announcement...
To the Moon - Beach Episode Trailer:
Just a beach episode full of fan service, nothing to see here.
But if interested, here's where to wishlist it:
Helping spread the word is always appreciated! We've got a lot of work to do in the coming months, but we'll try our best to get there well.
Cheers & thanks again, everyone.