Hi puzzle lovers,
The Talos Principle 2 is launching this year, and we'll have some big news for you later this week. Exciting, right?
To warm you up for playing The Talos Principle 2 soon and the incoming piece of news, we thought we'd warm you up with some reading/watching - 'in case you missed it' style.
First up, why don't you take a look at this great interview from a few months back? Jonas and Verena Kyratzes, gameplay designer Davor Tomicic, and game designer Davor Hunski sat down with Thinky Games during the latest Cerebral Puzzle Showcase and talked what led to TTP2, how it's structured, and what it even is in the first place.

We had a great time showing The Talos Principle 2 to press behind closed doors at Gamescom, which led to some really cool previews. Read some cool previews below.
"This optimistic, human-first approach makes The Talos Principle 2 subversive as a work of contemporary sci-fi." - Engadget
"If the first game was about what it means to be an individual, the sequel asks what that means for the society that individuals form." - PC Gamer
"Talos II aims to continue and deepen the mythology set out in the first game." - COG Connected
"The Talos Principle 2 is shaping up to be 2023’s can’t-miss puzzle game" - DigitalTrends
“I'm Ready For The Talos Principle 2 To Put My Brain In A Vice” - The Gamer
The Talos Principle 2 is a character-driven exploration of philosophical ideas about faith, technology, history, and the future. We could not have made a game about what it means to be human without these remarkable people.

Erin Fitzgerald as Alexandra Drennan was the heart and soul of the first game. She returns as Athena, the Founder of New Jerusalem. Because whose voice would she have taken if not Alexandra Drennan's?
Byron is an optimist, a believer in the humanist ideals of Alexandra Drennan, frustrated by the direction his civilization has been taking. He needed the charm and conviction that the amazing Peter Wingfield brought to the part, which was written for him.
Yaqut is a young explorer still figuring out his place in the world and struggling with some of the more difficult sides of humanity. We needed someone who could bring real heart, humor and vulnerability to the part, so we wrote it for Adam Green - and got him!
New Jerusalem's Chief Engineer Melville is a fascinating character, rough around the edges but with a lot going on underneath. She has to grapple with the implications of what you will discover in the Megastructure and Rachel Atkins brought that process to life beautifully.
Byron's best friend Alcatraz does not share his ideas and worries that humanity will repeat the mistakes of the past. We needed someone who could play this less optimistic perspective with warmth and honesty. It was hard to find the right actor, but Ian Porter blew us away.
Cornelius is a pivotal figure in the history of New Jerusalem, a figure of great wisdom and emotional depth, and we approached Sean Branney for this part because we were certain he could deliver. He did, in spades.
Miranda is a mysterious and important character tied to the history of the Megastructure. She sees a great deal of beauty in the world, and we needed someone who could really convey her sense of wonder. Grace Hogg-Robinson was absolutely perfect.
Trevor was a coworker of Alexandra Drennan's. His recordings give us a different perspective of the events at the Institute for Applied Noematics. Who could play this lovable working-class guy? Only the one it was written for: Joe Lynch.
The man who defined the Talos Principle itself also makes an appearance, and casting Straton of Stageira was not easy! Until we heard Howard Ward, who captured the voice of a brilliant, complex man who didn't get along terribly well with the philosophers of his own time.
Lifthrasir is a mysterious, eccentric explorer with a uniquely harsh philosophical perspective. He seems to have preceded you on the island - if you can find them, his recordings may challenge your views on Nature and humanity. David Annen really grasped the character's voice.
And of course it wouldn't be a Talos game without Tim Watson's flawless performance of ELOHIM, whose role in the story is much gentler this time.
This is just a selection of the lovely people who helped us bring robotic humanity alive. We are thankful to all of them and can't wait for you to enjoy their performances when the game launches later this year.