Hey everyone!
We've got some cool news for you today. As some of you might know, behind the scenes we have been working on updating The Talos Principle to the latest version of our engine. Now, this is not an easy task, but we were adamant to make it happen.
The current Serious Engine is vastly upgraded comparing to the one that was used back when The Talos Principle was released on Steam. There are some huge under-the-hood changes that made their way to this build of the game, but we won't bug you too much with those.
What we will say is that The Talos Principle now defaults to x64 executables, has full support for Vulkan and DX12 (OpenGL and DX9 are no longer supported) and is full of various other optimizations, fixes, and tweaks that will make your gameplay experience better without you knowing why that is. If you don't notice anything has changed — we did a good job, because changes are there. It's magic, trust me.
Mind you, this update is currently available only as an open beta update. To play it please follow the steps below:
— right click on The Talos Principle in your Steam library
— go to properties > betas
— opt-in by picking the "publicbeta" branch in the drop-down menu
After you do this, your game will update, and you're good to go.
Please make sure you backup your progress before playing the updated version, as you won't be able to use the saves from the newer version of the game in the current live build.
Please let us know if you are having any issues running this version of the game and we'll get on it ASAP. You can do so by starting a new thread in the Steam discussion boards.
Much love from Croteam!