Once there, you can choose between three types of boxing gloves (fast and loose, well-balanced, and heavy slugger) and enter a PvP free-for-all arena.

During the Rosenbrawl Open, you'll discover a vintage Soulmate arcade machine. Use it, and maybe you'll find TRUE LOVE...
Disclaimer: Satisfaction not guaranteed.
Beside the arcade cabinet lies a special investigation mission; embark on a task to uncover why the matchmaking machine would be in a pocket dimension in the first place. ????
If you've already completed this mission from last year, you'll be able to fast-forward straight to the finale, if you so dare.

Complete the mission and its boss encounter for extra loot and a unique consumable reward: a Romantic Cake! When used, the cake spawns a feast for you and up to 9 other players to interact with and receive a temporary buff that increases your Crit Chance, Crit Damage, and Health. The cake is a one-time-use consumable, although you can stack multiple cakes in your inventory.
This boss encounter scales to any level or difficulty, and group size. Complete it solo or with 4 other friends!

Two seasonal emotes are now available for purchase from the Emotions Window: 'Heart', and 'Cute Cheesin’. Get ‘em while they last - they’re only available during Rosenbrawl Open!
Lots o' love, bees. Will you find your match?