A Bouquet of Rosenbrawl
Starting February 12 through February 19, you’re invited to a special Rosenbrawl event! All players level 15 or higher automatically get an invite to the free-for-all this week. If you’ve never been, you’re in for a treat - this pocket dimension is accessible through the Tabula Rasa in London.
Once there, you can choose between three types of boxing gloves (fast and loose, well-balanced, and heavy slugger) and enter a PvP free-for-all arena.

The newest attraction during the Open Week is a vintage Soulmate arcade machine you may use to find your true love...and then fight them to the death!
Find a new investigation mission beside the arcade cabinet; embark on a task to uncover why the matchmaking machine would be in a pocket dimension in the first place. ????

Complete the mission and its boss encounter for extra loot and a unique consumable reward: a Romantic Cake! When used, the cake spawns a feast for you and up to 9 other players to interact with and receive a temporary buff that increases your Crit Chance, Crit Damage, and Health. The cake is a one-time-use consumable, although you can stack multiple cakes in your inventory.

New Emotes
Two new emotes are now available for purchase from the Emotions Window: Heart, and Cute Cheesin’. Get ‘em while they last - they’re only available during Rosenbrawl Open Week! Good thing we also added the ability to preview emotes before you purchase them in this update ;)