Patch 1.25 - Your Dollar's Still Kickin' Butt!
With all the amazing support during our last sale we have decided to drop the regular price of The Mean Greens down to $4.99, and to celebrate we're running another massive sale on the game. The game is currently available for only $1.49! Please help spread the word so we can get those player counts up really high again.
We've made a lot of improvements to hit detection, especially in instances where lag is a factor. A lot of the levels have seen upgraded lighting and optimizations and we've added the ability to dodge roll backwards and diagonal sprint (pressing A or D while sprinting forward).
With this build we have made some changes to Toybox Assault that may potentially fix some of the lighting issues we're seeing on some Linux machines. If this does resolve the issue, we will roll out the fix to the rest of the maps.
As usual we love to hear your feedback and suggestions so please keep them coming.
Below is a list of the changes/fixes that made it into this patch.
- Added backwards combat roll
- Added diagonal sprinting
- Added 'on fire' effect when you're hit by a flame thrower
- Added damage taken sound when hit by flamethrower
- Added new objective SFX
- Added low health sound
- Added new got hit sound
- Added support for DirectX 10 (beta)
- Adjusted post effects for Fishtank Frenzy
- Updated Japanese localization (Thanks HoT_Chocol4tE)
- Updated Korean localization (Thanks DioklecijaN)
- Decreased fog in Table Top, more optimization for this level, updated lighting
- Improved lighting in Sandbox Showdown near flags
- Adjusted Global Illumination in Halloween Hustle
- Updated Flamethrower, improving material, fixing hit trace so it better aligns with particles
- Updated explosion and muzzle effects
- Kitchen Run optimization
- Updated bullet fly by sound cues
- Updated enemy killed indicator sound
- Updated sound when player is killed
- Adjusted some camera shakes
- Adjusted sound volumes
- Weapons reload 20% faster
- Weapons switch 50% faster
- Updated Sandbox Showdown's spawn points
- Adjusted blend times for landing/jumping
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed Octopus head so it would have more accurate bullet collision
- Fixed Octopus tentacle's not being synced with server so bullet collision could be off
- Fixed rockets exploding instantly when on ducks in Bathtub Bash
- Fixed warning spam of ducks being set to moveable
- Fixed weapon mismatch between client/server for impacts
- Fixed ice blocks melt speed and network spam
- Stopped network spam caused by damage from Skeletons
- lowered overall cost of impacts on players
- Fixed game mode crash
- Fixed a few potential issues that could cause reload bug
- Fixed lighting and reflections in Tutorial level
- Potentially fixed lighting issue on some Linux Machines on Toybox Assault
- Improved bullet impact accuracy