Stream or purchase on Apple Music, Spotify, iTunes, Deezer, Bandcamp.

The artist Tim Shiel shared some thoughts about the origins of this album:
‘Deep Cuts’ create the scars that you later cherish from things that might have hurt when you were a kid. Like when you had to say goodbye to that friend, it hurt but now that scar doesn't really hurt any more. It’s just a reminder of something that meant a lot to you.
It’s also a subtle reference to a famous song - "the first cut is the deepest" - which is in reference to someone's first love, first heartbreak. But could also refer to those pains / memories you have from childhood - your first 'loss' of a friend hurts the most (but it’s something that shapes you/that maybe you cherish).
The album was made by taking the sounds from inside the game and then asking 20+ of my friends from around the world to improvise new parts, build on what was there.
I then took all of their parts and reshaped it into a seamless narrative of music that (I hope) reflects on the themes of the game - childhood, memory, loss, hope, friendship.
The Gardens Between soundtrack - Volume One
Tim has recently released a very limited run of the first volume on vinyl - only 500 copies. In true retro style you can now spin the vinyl at your next house party! You can purchase one of the 500 pressings on Tim's Bandcamp page or Vinyl Me Please!
We got our hands on a copy of the vinyl, and it’s as beautiful as the game that inspired it <3 Check out that transparent vinyl print. Gorgeous!

If you’re feeling a little more modern you can also stream the music directly on your favourite streaming service. To indulge yourself update The Gardens Between to the latest version and hit the Listen button on the main menu, or follow one of these links below:
Glowing Pains: Music from The Gardens Between

Keep on Gardening everyone!
Love from Simon & The Voxel Agents <3