The Gardens Between
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Über das Spiel

- CPU: 1.8 GHz
- GFX: Intel HD 4000 Series
- Software: Windows 7
- HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 10
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
- CPU: 2.4 GHz
- GFX: GeForce 780
- Software: Windows 10
- HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 10
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
264 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.20 21:23
Nur durch geschickt eingesetzte Zeitmanipulation und ausgeklügelte Zusammenarbeit der beiden Freunde kommt man ans Ziel. Dabei werden mit jedem Level die eingesetzten Mechaniken erweitert und die nötige Vorgehensweise komplexer. Dies geschieht jedoch in so gelungener Weise, dass nie Frustration aufkommt und bei genauem Hinsehen und Beobachten jede Aufgabe trotz ansteigendem Schwierigkeitsgrad immer logisch und gut lösbar bleibt.
Neben den Rätseln punktet das Spiel mit einer bewegenden Hintergrundgeschichte, toller Atmosphäre, besonderem Artstyle und gelungener Soundkulisse.
The Gardens Between hat mir ausnehmend gut gefallen und bekommt von mir deshalb eine klare Empfehlung!
175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.20 10:41
262 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.20 16:27
Popcorn, Blitze und Bananenkisten
Ein stimmiges kleines Rätselabenteuer versprachen die Bilder und nach Abschluss des Spiels hat sich das bewahrheitet: The Gardens between des Melbourner Studios The Voxel Agents bietet aus Sicht der Präsentation und Rätselei hohe Qualität, auch wenn mich die Geschichte nicht ganz packen wollte.
Inseln, Leuchtkugeln und ein Freundespaar: Geschichte
Den erzählerischen Hintergrund präsentiert uns das Spiel gleich nach Abschluss des ersten Rätsels: Ein Umzug reißt zwei wohl um die 10 Jahre alten Freunde jäh auseinander. Im zusammen gebauten Baumhaus passiert es dann: Eine Lichtkugel transportiert beide in eine Inselwelt, die sie mit dem zum Boot umgebauten Baumhaus befahren; auf jeder Insel, die gespickt sind mit Erlebnissen und Gegenständen, versuchen die Freunde nun, auf die Spitze zu gelangen und so ihre gemeinsamen Erinnerungen festzuhalten und zu verarbeiten. Das alles wird ohne Worte und nur durch Bilder erzählt.
Laufen, Drehen und Erklettern: Art des Spiels
Spielerisch sieht das Ganze dann so aus: Man läuft die Insel auf vorgegebenen Wegen entlang, jeder Schritt lässt zugleich die Zeit vor- oder zurücklaufen. Mit der Aktionstaste ruft man spezielle Aktionen auf, die die Zeit manipulieren. Und so entstehen zahlreiche Rätsel, deren Art zwar in vielfältiger Form durchvariiert wird, die aber leider keinerlei neue Elemente einführen, sodass es etwas eintönig ist. Der Schwierigkeitsgrad ist angenehm einfach und wird erst im letzten Drittel anspruchsvoller; die meisten Rätsel hatte ich nach zwei bis dreimal vor- und zurückspulen gelöst.
Dinos, super verrückte Krähen und Loops: Graphik und Sound
Bei der Graphik sieht man, wie detailverliebt gearbeitet wurde: Jede Insel ist gespickt mit Gegenständen aus dem Leben der Freunde, ein paar Reminiszenzen an andere Spiele und lustige Einfälle (Super Silly Crow!). Alles qualitätsvoll präsentiert, toll animiert und technisch einwandfrei. Der sphärische Sound ist ebenfalls von hoher Fertigkeit, hat mich aber nicht vom Hocker gerissen; aber auch ohne zu überraschen, eignet er sich gut für die Rätsel.
Issy, Insta und Achievements: Sonstiges
Ist The Gardens between überhaupt für Erwachsene oder gar für Kinder? Ganz klar beides! An manchen Rätseln würden sich Kinder die Haare raufen, aber Präsentation und Thematik zielt klar auf beide Gruppen. Nicht umsonst erscheint in den Credits die 9-jährige Issy als Testerin.
Was ist unnötig? Tatsächlich sind zwei der fünf Einträge des Startmenüs (Folgen und Zuhören) sinnlos und viel zu deutlich als Eigenwerbung in Richtung Instagram, Facebook und Spotify präsentiert – das hätte man auch unauffälliger machen können.
Sammelkarten und Achievements: Es gibt keine Sammelkarten, aber 17 Achievements, von denen ich ca. ein Drittel beim Durchspielen erreichte. Der Rest kann aber mühelos nach Ende des Spiels durch Anwählen der einzelnen Inseln nachgeholt werden.
Hast du Lust auf mehr Reviews mit einmal mehr und einmal weniger archäologischen Anmerkungen? Dann komm vorbei und tritt meiner Kuratoren-Gruppe The Archaeologist plays… bei.
187 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.20 15:54
147 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.22 05:06
???? My 90 year old grandma could play it
✅ Easy
???? Normal
???? Hard
???? MS Paint
???? Bad
???? Meh
???? Graphics don't matter in this game
???? Good
???? Masterpiece
???? Bad
???? Not special
✅ Good
???? Beautiful
???? This game has no story
???? Like playing Temple Runners for the story
????It's there for the people who want it
???? Well written
✅ Epic story
???? Imagine Kingdom Hearts but on crack
✅Perfect Price
???? Could be cheaper
???? Overpriced
???? Complete waste of money
✅ You can run it on a microwave
???? Average
???? High end
???? NASA computer
✅ Very Short (0 - 2 hours)
????Short (2 - 15 hours)
???? Average (15-50 hours)
???? Long (50-90 hours)
Extremely long (90-110 hours)
???? No ending
~ FUN ~
???? I'd rather watch paint dry
????Hard to enjoy
???? Repetitive
✅ Actually pretty amusing
????The kind of fun you'll remember
???? Ride of your life
???? It's a one-time experience
???? Only for achievements
???? If you wait a few months/years
???? Definitely
✅ Infinitely replayable
???? No
???? Wait for sale
✅ Yes
253 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.22 04:12
Completionist Review:
DLC Achievements: No DLC
Rating: There's a pattern to most of them you'll figure out eventually, overall not bad.
Can be completed in one run: Yeah probably.
Chapter Select: Yes, although it doesn't really say which levels need to be replayed.
256 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.22 07:02
The puzzles are not very difficult and at the same time not easy to moderate
The graphics of the game are very cool and the music is also very good and calm
My game rating: 8.5/10
Really great game
116 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.22 14:04
141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.22 03:08
320 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.21 03:46
GAME TIME | 3-5 hours | [/tr]
DIFFICULTY | Average | [/tr]
GRAPHICS | Nice | [/tr]
MUSIC | Relaxing | [/tr]
REPLAYABILITY | For the achievment | [/tr]
BUGS | None | [/tr]
WORTH BUYING | On sale | [/tr]
The Gardens Between is a puzzle game that focus on manipulating time. You play as a two friends. This game has simple controls, you can either move time forward or backward. You can get a little confused on how to advance, but the puzzles are not very difficult. Definitely a good game to relax for a while with a good soundtrack and beautiful visuals.
160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 12:58
The story embedded is worth mentioning. Each mission finished will give you a shard of the background story, a fragment of the two protagonists' friendship. And this is, I think, what drives many players to keep playing: curiosity. We just want to know what had happened, would happen, or what would become of the two. The puzzle realms itself are fashioned with disoriented pieces of memories between them. Do not be mistaken: they did not suffer amnesia or had their memory taken away. It's just that, say, their might be a level in which a television stood as the center piece and, upon finishing the level, you will be revealed a scene of the two friends having a movie night together. Part of their story, that is. This too is an noteworthy aspect of this game.
228 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 12:33
Apart from that, this is a positive review afret all ;) When we started playing and figured out we can't do that at the same time, we just played it together like it would. We had two controllers, both of us thinking of solutions and sharing them with each other, moving characters whe someone had an idea. We kind of invented a hybrid xD
I DO recommend this game for either solo play or brainstorming session with your partner or a friend. The story is both nostalgic and heartwarming but you have to see it for yourself :)
P.S. Short tho
P.P.S. 100% achievements!!! ^^
236 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.21 11:59
The puzzles are quite easy. Thanks to that, the story progresses very smoothly, except for the occasional level where you need to use your imagination a bit more.
The level design is really well done. The colours, the music and the graphics too. It all works very well together. It's simple; but with enough attention to detail that the result is really pretty.
The game mechanics are innovative and a breath of fresh air.
I was happy to finally see a story about friendship instead of love, in a little game such as this.
A good game overall. Perfect if you have 3 hours to kill, and to relax.
130 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.21 15:11
The game involves 2 characters but they move together. Game is divided into several worlds- each contends well art-designed mini levels. What I like about this puzzle game is, it is not very hard yet the solution is not direct. There are some fun parts, like you need to wait a few seconds on particular scene to let it work, and have some good imagination.
There is a Oscilloscope in the game!!! Like I am back in high school lol
130 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.21 19:49
146 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.21 08:46
They did an excellent job with this game. Beautiful visuals, exceptionally excellent soundscape, and fun puzzles complement the story they've told. It might be short, but it's worth every penny.
405 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.21 16:11
The game is short and can be finished in about an hour's play. But there are ways to enjoy this game longer.. eg. alt tab and do other stuffs while letting the game runs in background just to listen to the music... :3 (If you like these type of music)
The story is the standard type about 2 kids becoming friends due to a move in and get separated due to a move out. While the ending might be a bit of a twist. The whole game is about journeying through their memories. There's also a few hidden secrets and funny achievements to grab that's none related to the story.
Overall, it's a short but enjoyable game.
Nicht Empfohlen
186 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 00:01
The art style is fantastic and the soundtrack is nice. There are also some really cool game mechanics like [spoiler] the level with the playground and the spraypaint/chalk [/spoiler].
I got 100% of the achievements (17/17) in 3 hours, which included me struggling on the 13th level for god knows how long, so I don't think there's enough content for it to be worth $23. If this game goes on sale or if you can buy it somewhere else for cheaper, I would definitely recommend getting it though.
392 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.21 02:36
The Gardens Between is a universal story then, all told without a script, dialogue or any written words whatsoever. As you journey with our young friends, Arina and Frendt, you get a sense of their personality and their enduring friendship and moments together, through objects that make up the levels and the snippets of moments they share when each is completed.
Arina is a bit more boisterous, and a bit quicker on her feet than the more thoughtful and methodical Frendt. Arina will regularly lead the way through the 2D kaleidoscopes, pushing the buttons that open the paths to the level end. Frendt often takes in the landscape, and will interact with the bell chimes that can change the course of time in the levels, opening up opportunities for Arina to move ahead. Both move independently, though you control both simultaneously and this is a rewarding mechanic which is easy to understand and allows you to really immerse yourself in the minimalist story.
The diversity of the puzzles is very well crafted. Although each level is designed to bring an orb of light to an end altar, it is how you obtain that light, and how you move it through the level, which makes you feel the creativeness of the development team. For example, in an early level, an old VHS player has a tape in it. By standing in a certain location, the tape rewinds. Continuing to stand there allows the tape to pop out of the VHS player, giving our young explorers a ramp and a new path to follow. These oversized props tell a story and provide a puzzle, like a buddy box which is holding a light orb standing on a hose which builds up water pressure and blasts a beach ball off the path, allowing you passage ahead.
Ocassionally I was a little confused by a puzzle and how to progress, but for the most part, the puzzles are rarely taxing and fairly easy to understand. The levels are small, and easily broken up, so you can’t get lost and the solution will make itself found. I never felt the need to look up a walkthrough, and any frustrations I had were minimal, and tempered by the joy I had when I found the solution.
Although the game is very short, clocking in at just over 1 hour, The Gardens Between doesn’t outstay its welcome. Each level is a microcosm of a moment these young people shared, and to follow them as they live through this journey to the bittersweet end is something I won’t easily forget.
The Gardens Between is a beautiful game, with a rich graphic style like a gouache watercolour, vibrant and uplifting. The music too, is simple but beautifully weaves through the levels and provides the emotional pull the game is all to eager to impose. Without a time pressure or any complexity to the design, The Gardens Between is an easy game to recommend to those that don’t regularly play games, or prefer games with a simpler design.
I recommend this.
148 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 17:48
On the downside, it is too short for a game of this genre, just 2-3 hours.
Anyway, besides is a simple and short game, it is certainly a pleasant experience. If you're looking for a relaxing puzzle game, this is a quite good option.
6.2 / 10
191 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 01:10
403 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 14:30
This game is really cool, the story is sweet and emotional, art and soundtrack are beautifully exectued.
It is a nice relaxing puzzle, fit for all ages and with a very unique gameplay.
I thoroughly enjoyed and totally recommend.
334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 16:15
Plot: 4.5/ 5 (I really did not expect that SAD ending)
Graphic: 5/5
Soundtrack: 4/5
Overall, good game. It's a short game but I really take my time listening to the soundtrack
210 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 15:58
121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.20 14:06
+ Fundamentally abstract. The surreal dream-like journey of Arina and Frendt's nostalgic experience, comprising of various islands featuring shared memories, shrouds the non-verbal narrative with an endearing aesthetic that solidifies their friendship. The dioramic constellations, that are viewed upon completing a group of islands, highlighting their most fond memories before the simple yet effective climax hits home. Creating an effective allegory for childhood nostalgia.
+ Time goes by so slowly. The islands, representing the various puzzling stages that these two must reach the top of, each showcase unique objects that create the intricacy of each puzzle. For example, Frendt playing on a video games console which in turn creates a reactionary response to the world around them. However it is the core concept of timeflow manipulation that gifts The Gardens Between an innovative experience of lateral thinking. The characters are not controlled by the player, time is. It can be rewound to move Arina and Frendt back a few paces or resumed to continue their trek to the top. The logical thinking is implemented through the use of their interactions with the environment, which remains mutable with time itself. Every single stage posed a unique and refreshing challenge, producing a small yet profound memorability for each island.
+ An auditory and visual delight. The art direction is absolutely stunning. From the environmental details to the puzzling mechanics to the character models themselves. Every single angle of every single island was beautifully crafted, and the audio was just as euphoric. The sound editing for when time stops and rewinds was seamless, as well the general ambience when playing each variety of island.
+ Satisfyingly challenging. Whilst not the most brain-melting puzzler, various sequences do require lateral thinking. However the gradual rise in difficulty was sublimely integrated, with rarely any hand-holding included. Once a certain puzzle was solved, the sense of self-accomplishment was overwhelming!
- Too many jumping cubes. Arina holds a lantern, to which it must be filled with a light source in order to activate the pedestal and the top of each island. She can place the lantern onto various jumping cubes, which allows her to walk on specific obstacles without them disappearing, before picking up the lantern again down the path. The vast majority of islands employed this mechanic as a means to move the lantern further on, without needing to adjust the types of puzzles that the two protagonists encounter. A consequence of this, was that the puzzling variance was lacking somewhat despite the change in environmental design, meaning they could be solved using the same thinking method as before.
8/10 popcorn kernels being thrown at Frendt's face (poor boy...)
162 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.20 21:04
The concept is original and I liked the small hidden achievements.
This is for anyone who want to enjoy a small beautiful relaxing puzzle game with a touching little story behind.
Thanks for your hard work on it!
237 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 03:11
[spoiler]The Gardens Between establishes the story right at the beginning; you see two friends and know one of them is moving away. Other players seemed to miss this and treat this as some big reveal. Knowing this right away establishes each series of puzzles as revealing the depths of this friendship. Arina and Frendt are neighbors and best friends who did everything together (again, some players seems to miss the fact these are children and seemed disappointed there was no romance. Seriously, read the room people!) If you ever had a childhood best friend and they (or you) moved away, you understand the feelings it's trying to evoke. Each island leads to showing an aspect of the friendship through solving puzzles.[/spoiler]
Now that the spoilers are out of the way, the gameplay is short- I think I played a little over 3 hours. I missed a few achievements and might consider it worth going back to see what I missed and how- I'm not terribly achievement driven so this is a big deal.
The puzzles themselves are fairly simple, although I imagine since this game has a wide target audience it might be more challenging for kids. There were a few that took a little more thought and the game mechanics were quite fun.
If you played Braid (or twice like me) and enjoyed the concept but want something that might not frustrate you so much, this is a great, short game. I paid $4 for it and I would have considered worth it paying up to about $10. The visuals and music create a lovely atmosphere and it's quite relaxing.
133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 13:23
Short game ~2 hours long. Game difficulty at casual mobile puzzle game level. 7/10.
Nicht Empfohlen
106 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.20 08:07
Visuals and audio give it a slick appearance and the gameplay is easy enough to get into, but it just didn't grip me in any way.
You basically fast forward/rewind 'edit' what the two characters do to allow progress through each level, being able to change things while going back and forward to unlock/trigger/place/etc. things that let you move forward.
And I just didn't find it compelling enough to bother to continue, along with what I can tell from the achievements is 49% of other players, with my biggest problem being that the characters themselves cause the barriers to progression.
I am aware it is the gameplay, but the characters split up and one is blocked where both could have just gone the same way at the expense of a game.
Ultimately for some reason I find the characters and their actions illogical and irritating and I couldn't persevere any longer, my play time becoming a chore rather than a pleasure to the point I didn't play any games for a week as it deterred me.
Only 35% seem to get to the end, which is just after I stopped and I can see why, it reminded me of the memory editing minigame in Remember Me and that is ultimately what the problem is - a minigame made into a game.
Not often I abandon anything unfinished but this one I have.
191 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 16:04
280 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 19:54
PS : It also exists on phone ♥
180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.20 04:22
This is that, in video game form.
There's some clever puzzling in here, and while the artistic direction is cute and excellently implemented, it's a bit pasted-on, it feels a bit mechanically disconnected. I suppose that's pretty much always the case with puzzle games, but still, it does enhance the experience.
I'd say that the puzzle difficulty is relatively easy, I got stumped twice, but what I really enjoyed is that once stuck, the variables you have to play with are so narrow that the key becomes very difficult to overlook.
It's a 2-4 hour game, it certainly could've been more fleshed out with more clever puzzling mechanisms (though I suppose such are the limits of indie game developers), but I thoroughly enjoyed my time here. I hope Voxel Agents are still active and working on other passion projects; sign me up.
204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.20 14:52
Gardens Between is a simple and short puzzle game with beautiful graphics. There's not much to talk about. You complete levels by solving puzzles in various locations. There are two characters you control at the same time. You control them by advancing time or reversing time. The world moves with you so when you advance the time both characters walk forward and the world evolves around them. To go back you just reverse the time but the world goes to a previous state too.
There are certain objects which are not affected by the time flow and by interacting with these objects you solve the puzzles. You constantly need to advance forward or go back, backtrack, take something, carry it, put somewhere else and so on.
The levels all are different and they provide different puzzles each time. There's no repetitiveness. The game is also very short, if you're smart I guess you can finish it in 1-1,5 hours. It took me around 2-2,5 hours. After that I went for achievements.
The puzzles are not too hard and not too easy. But i'd say this game is more on a relaxing side. You can play this when you're tired, the puzzles are not like in some other more difficult puzzle games where it needs a lot of thinking and concentration. Here you just take your time and sooner or later you'll know what to do. It's more about finding where everything should go rather than thinking.
I think the price is way to high for such a short game. Sure it's a really nice experience, I can't think of anything negative to say regarding the game itself but for many people this will be worth getting on sale/bundle only.
Graphically the game is fantastic. Everything is very colorful and every world is completely different.
Native ultrawide support is there and performance should be great even on slower PC's.
While you play there's some relaxing ambient music playing. The ending song was really nice though.
Get this is if you want a simple and relaxing puzzle game. Don't expect a challenge, this game is not designed for that. It's just a cute story wrapped in a beautiful world with puzzles.
- Nice graphics
- Good puzzles
- Relaxing
- Cute story
- Price is too steep
Follow my curator page for more
145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.20 07:29
would suggest not completing it in one go take your time. For me , Coming home after a dull day this sure lifts mid of stress.
296 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.20 23:04
156 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 22:17
149 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 16:25
244 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.20 20:33
7.9/10 — didn't fully activate the left half of my brain, but the right part (pun unintended) they threw in, compensated crucially!
128 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.20 00:45
170 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.20 16:19
164 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.20 01:09
Back to reality, as I became aware the end was near I got sad. I knew how the story would end, and I knew this sweet gem would be over.
The concept is simple - manipulate time instead of the characters. The puzzles are nothing complicated, but still enjoyable. New mechanics are slowly added, as well as twists on existing mechanics. It is a really well made puzzle game and I wish there was more.
Expect around 2 hours to beat the game. After, you can select which puzzle(s) to replay to get all the achievements if you miss some in your first go.
Additional Details
Operating System | Ubuntu Linux 18.04 x64 | [/tr]
CPU | Ryzen 5 1500x | [/tr]
GPU | GTX 1050, nvidia-440.82 | [/tr]
Game Saves | Automatically | [/tr]
Technical Notes | Unity game engine, no problems | [/tr]
230 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.20 06:41
249 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.20 21:10
Despite having no dialogue at all between the characters, it has a surprising amount of story in between. At the end, I really empathized with them!
The mechanics are fairly simple but get more complex along the way. It's never overly difficult, but some levels will without a doubt require a few tries or some figuring out. Sometimes the introduction of a new mechanic could use a *little* more clarity, but maybe I'm just a little dense :). Some experimentation always reveals the correct solution in the end.
The soundtrack is nice and relaxing, the sound effects very well done.
Overall I recommend getting this, especially if you like relaxing puzzle games with time manipulation mechanics.
Controls are flawless in Ubuntu 16.04 and I encountered no bugs, everything works perfectly.
192 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.20 07:39
This simple interaction scheme is used to amazing effect as the islands vary in how they play out. This ends up being the kind of game that I wish I had thought of, and if I had, that I would be clever enough to construct the different manipulations that can happen in each little world.
The game is best when you can see everything important happening, but because you can't directly steer the characters or the camera, scenery obscures the view of some puzzle elements as they move. Most of the time this is designed to happen where you can clearly make out what is happening as you move, but every now and then I felt like I was solving by trial and error, sending the lantern away and seeing if it came back lit, and so on. With a couple of dozen islands to solve, I'd say there were maybe 3 or 4 where I really didn't know what I did to solve it and couldn't do it on purpose again. But most of the time it works magically, like nothing I've ever played. The closest game I can compare with it is Old Man's Journey, which matches The Gardens Between in sentiment and simple beauty, so if you like one you should play the other.
I don't mind when games like this are short, and this is just about right at three hours, but achievements don't motivate me much to go back and spot things I missed while solving the puzzle. It seems that there are some things you can cause to happen in the worlds that aren't necessary for the solutions, but I probably will move on without trying to find the rest.
All in all, I rate it high enough to play and finish, for sure. I wish I could say I was more willing to pay $20 for a game like this, but based on playtime alone, I'd feel like it was worth it at $10. Best wishes to these developers.
219 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.20 17:59
Nicht Empfohlen
39 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.20 22:36
Nicht Empfohlen
112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.20 23:04
However, although I do recommend the game in general, I don't recommend it at $20. For $20 I'd expect something longer and more difficult, or at least something with more replay value. This, of course, places me in the paradoxical position of writing a positive review but ultimately not recommending the game as it is now.
I got this on sale for only $5, and I'm glad I did. So that's my recommendation: get it when it's on sale.
667 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.20 11:34
Ah, don't look at my time in the game. I forgot to close it when I went to sleep. -_-
On average it should take 1~2 hours to beat it. That's probably why I think it's a bit overprice for amount of content in it. Totally worth to pick during a sale, though.
140 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.20 21:23
* Fun puzzles.
* Great characterizations.
* Short - 2.3 hrs w/o explicit Achievement-hunting.
TL;DR: If you like story/puzzles, 7/10 (solely due to length; quality is top-notch); else, avoid.
542 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.20 05:24
If it isn't clear by now: I HIGHLY recommend this game to puzzle lovers..s2..
I finished it over the course of one cold and snowy afternoon.
I loved!
238 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.20 01:32
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the gardens between is a combination of honey, I shrunk the kids and time and perspective manipulation. two friends end up in a strange world full of islands representing their memories, except everything is gigantic compared to them.
the girl can carry a lantern, so she's the one who gets to transfer glowing balls around, while the boy can interact with certain objects, and the goal on each level is to get a ball to the portal at the end, so the kids can move on. everything is paused by default, nothing moves until you press the left or right arrow to move time backward or forward. this means you don't control anything directly, not even the characters, only the flow of time.
levels are basically beautiful 3d dioramas, and as the kids move around, the levels keep turning with them, but the game is a bit more than 'press the right arrow to win'. there are so-called 'friends' (little robots basically) that can carry the lantern and move to places where the kids can't. this is also a way to avoid things that eat your energy balls when the lantern gets near them. no worries, you can't run out of them or die, there are no fail states, no timing, no quick actions required, everything happens at your own pace.
other mechanics include a pinkish cloud or fog you can walk on, and following the same logic, can't go through if it's in the way. light makes it disappear, so you can interact with objects covered by it, but can't take a lit lantern over a cloud bridge. there are also objects, activated by the boy, that let you manipulate other objects around the level, like make a jenga tower 'un-collapse' to clear the way, or collapse again because why not.
so despite the game literally being about going back and forth, there's some light puzzling to do, but I don't want to write too much about it, as the 8 chapters with 2 or 3 levels in each only take 2 to 3 hours to complete and it's not too complicated or difficult and should be experienced first-hand, without knowing all the details in advance.
controls are straight-forward, the left and right arrows move time, space or enter to interact, but the mouse works in the menus as well. there are no voiceovers or dialog, but the presentation is excellent. loved the graphics, liked the mostly ambient music as well, and all the necessary settings are here, separate volume sliders, resolutions, windowed mode, graphics details, etc. level selection is also available, so you can replay any section later for fun or missed achievements.
I did run into a bug, on level 3 the game started acting as if the right arrow key got stuck, I couldn't rewind time and had to restart the game, as resetting the level didn't fix it. and speaking of unpleasantness, I didn't like the telescope puzzle and the penultimate level with the lightning, and would've liked slightly faster movement and rewind speed, but these are all the issues I could find.
the gardens between is an easy recommendation, a pleasant, family-friendly adventure with light puzzling, ideal for an afternoon or evening, though the price is pretty high, so I'd recommend waiting for a bigger discount.
The Voxel Agents
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