All hands, battle stations! ????
Tempest Rising pre-orders are now live! We are also very excited to announce that we are participating in the Steam Real-Time Strategy Fest with a new demo. Play the multiplayer demo NOW until February 3!
Pre-order Editions Breakdown
Pre-ordering either edition will provide you with the bonus Commander Pack.
In addition to the Commander Pack, pre-ordering the Deluxe Edition will also provide you with:
- One week of advance access to the full game, including multiplayer and skirmish modes
- A digital artbook showcasing the art and lore of Tempest Rising
- The full digital game soundtrack, featuring 43 tracks from legendary Command & Conquer composer Frank Klepacki as well as community favorites like Michael Markie, Hexenkraft, The Witcher composer Adam Skorupa, and Sigurd Jøhnk-Jensen
Join the Tempest Rising Discord to share your feedback with the team and chat with other players in the community!