News Liste Survivalist

Italian update!
25.06.22 11:53 Community Announcements
I've released a new version of Survivalist, v72, which greatly improves the Italian translation. Michela, who did the Italian translation for Survivalist: Invisible Strain has gone over it and carefully re-written most of the lines to be more fluent. We've also taken a few features from Invisible Strain which allow the game to handle gender suffixes, pronouns, and suchlike correctly in a bunch of situations where it wasn't before. For example, the line "You saved me/Alice/Bob from being bitten" could be translated variously as:

Mi hai salvata quando mi stavano per mordere
Mi hai salvato quando mi stavano per mordere
Hai salvato Alice quando la stavano per mordere
Hai salvato Bob quando lo stavano per mordere

depending on the gender of the person who got saved, and whether or not they are the person speaking. (Hope I got that right).

There's also a number of typo fixes for the English. And I've added a feature to specify the savegame path in command line arguments (aka Steam Launch Options), e.g. -save_game_path c:\\SurvivalistSaveGames. This is useful to fix a rare error that crops up occasionally.
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Release:30.01.2015 Genre:keine Infos Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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