Here at Icebird Studios we are super happy about finally releasing Subsiege. We worked very hard and for a long time towards the release and we definitely celebrated this with a lot of non-alcoholic drinks ????

Obviously, the Early Access is not the end, but rather the beginning of the most exciting time of developing a game. Now it is much easier for us to receive your feedback and add the cool stuff and new features that you like the most.
In the last two weeks, we already received a lot of feedback through all channels as well as at our booth at the PAX East. Overall, the feedback about the game was overwhelmingly positive, which is amazing and encouraging to hear.

While receiving such great response about the multiplayer gameplay, it is especially sad to hear about some players having problems finding a match. This happens especially in regions in which, due to the Early Access phase, not so many players are playing at the same time, yet. That’s why we will concentrate all our efforts in the next weeks on making it easier for you to find opponents. Also, all the new players joining the Subsiege community every day will help a lot here.
If you still have troubles finding an opponent in your skill range, feel free to use our “match scheduler” as part of the Subsiege league, which you can access in the “league” tab in the main menu.
You can also help us by spreading the word and participating in league matches and our upcoming events.
Get in touch, tell us what you think and keep on hunting!