we are proud to announce that Subsiege has now left the Early Access and
also has brand new things for you.
Which you can see here:
Subsiege changelog for release
New Features
• Added info about single unit locations to radar
• Player’s line of sight is shown on radar
• Showing enemy player icons on radar again if none of their units are visible
• New voice lines in tutorial
• Integrated automatic matchmaking
• Started Subsiege Season 3
• Implement ELO system and widget for player rating
• Every unit has a new sound for movement. (triggers after 1.5 seconds of not giving a movement-order)
• A few new radio-sounds for the big mama
• A popup now tells the player that starting a quick game search will remove them from any open lobby.
• The automatic polling of the custom games list now uses exponential regression for the delay.
• Removed unused VR plugins to prevent SteamVR from launching when starting the game.
• Fixed widget timers not being cleared in a timely manner in some cases
• Added loading screen at proper time in matchmaking
• Added ranking information to post match screens
• The close button of the credits is now much bigger.
• The credits will automatically close when they have reached the end.
• Added two new buttons to the credits which control the scroll direction and speed.
• Added the localization faction to the credits.
• Improved caching of player data, so data shown is consistent across players, alive and disconnected
• Starting a singleplayer map now automatically stops all lobby polling.
• Oxygen meter and Sonar are again invisible at the start of the tutorial.
• The Quick Game button now also triggers the "Play Tutorial" popup like the Custom Game button.
• Fixed obsolete and broken tooltips
• Rank should now always be up to date
• Joining a custom game now cancels the quick game search.
• Starting the quick game search now leaves any open custom game.
• Ranking button in game over screen now works.
• Ranking button in game over screen is now invisible until the data is ready.
• Fixed matchmaking accept prompt sometimes not showing when a match has been found instantly
• The score screen is no longer shown again in the main menu if the player actively closed it while still on the game server.
• Stopped garbage collector from throwing away cached avatar data, resulting in crashes when opening the scoreboard
• Fixed improper handling of game server reserved status reset
• Ranking panel now shows correct data of active season
• Fixed scoreboard displaying wrong survival time if a player left prematurely
• Fixed players disconnecting from the game causing other players to be removed from their teams
• Units will now move back onto the navmesh if the player manages to push them off.
• The targeting indicator for directional abilities like the Demob will now be visible on top of the worm areas.
• Player can no longer break the tutorial by collecting oxygen before asked to do so.
• Corrected the rotation of one rig in the Test Area so there should be no more problems conquering it.
• Player can no longer move (and kill) units when the UseAbility quest is active.
• The restart button in the game over HUD of the Test Area will no longer load the normal tutorial but reload the Test Area as intended.
• Changing the region now works without restarting the game.
• Fixed LOS visibility granted by bombs and re-enabled possibility to hide them in kelp
• Fixed kelp fields hiding effects and other things which should stay revealed
• Fixed one player of a team surviving while the other suffocates
• The shop will be opened at the beginning of the Test Area again.
• All players of a team can transfer resources again
• Replaced player playtime with more accurate team survival time
• Player colors visible in scoreboard again
• Scoreboard is now correctly sized based on entries
• Upgrades of other player's units are now visible again.
• Fixed the revive feature.
• Players can die again (in terms of gameplay state)
• The shop will no longer pop up when a player dies.
• Changed startup movie
• Bumped version to 1.0.0
• Reduced start oxygen loss per sec to 1.5 (before: 2.5)
• Fixed appearing outer creep cave in multiplayer matches
• Huge unit value update
We hope that you enjoy the new Subsiege 1.0 and are excited about new updates coming!
Your Subsiege Team