I hope you are all excited and can’t wait to start, because that’s what we’re going to do now!
During the first phase teams will fight each other! To know who is playing with whom, please refer to this table:

We are very excited to announce that there were so many applications, we had to change the group phase from 2v2 to 2v2v2. The first set will be the green matches, after that the red matches and last but not least the blue, yellow and white matches.

We will start at 6pm UTC+2 with a little chit chat and socialize. The first match will start at 6:15pm UTC+2. The matches will be 20 minutes apart. There will be one person per team, who is in charge to get the results of each match to the head of tournament (with screenshot of the end-screen)!
After we’re done with the group phase, we will have a short break, in which the scores are counted and the players who will get into the KO-phase will be a announced. The best three teams will fight in a Free For All match (1v1v1v1v1v1). The three best players will advance into the finals (1v1v1) to fight for the victory and goodies. The others will play the relegation (1v1v1) for the small podium.

Watch the moderator Defender833 on his channel YouTube.com/Defender833/live or join one of the 18 participating streamers on their channel, so you won’t miss a match of the underwater mayhem.
Enjoy the Championship and game on!