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Patch - Changelog
06.01.25 18:48 Community Announcements


  • Reduced the chance of Negative Settlement Situations when failing or not completing contracts.
  • Increased the chance for Neutral and Positive Situations to occur.
  • Negative Situations will no longer overlap, preventing their quick “chaining” one after another.
  • The Caravan Camp can now be set on the seashore.
  • Reduced the price of most Caravan Upgrade items.
  • Reduced the price of Fodder.
  • “Foraging Table”: added slow Fodder generation.
  • “Soothing Incenses”: added +5% Experience Gain and +5% Fatigue Resistance if Sanity and Morale are above 50% respectively.
  • “Training Area”: added +3% Experience Gain.
  • “Web of Contacts”: added +50% Advances Size for contract rewards.
  • “Old Favors”: added +10% Contract Rewards for each settlement you’ve achieved Respect with.
  • “Local Informants”: now displays the ongoing Situations and available contracts when inspecting settlements on the global map.
  • “Trade Preferences”: added +10% Stocks Size for traders.
  • “Messenger Pigeons”: the Pigeon will now spawn immediately after installing the upgrade.
  • Reduced the price of most “advanced” consumables, such as drugs and bombs.
  • Reduced the price of valuables in general, but increased the price of valuables made of gold, silver, and gems.
  • Changed the starting tiers of some dungeons: the Bastion near Mannshire (T1 > T2), the Crypt near the Rotten Willow (T2 > T3), and the Catacombs near Denbrie (T3 > T4).
  • Reworked Repair Kits and Armor Fragments: removed the scaling of Durability restoration with the repaired item’s level. Instead, the amount of restored Durability is negatively affected by the degree of damage the item has sustained (only for Repair Kits). All Durability restoration values were adjusted as well.
  • Increased the number of Fragments received from dismantling armor with the “Self-Repair” passive.
  • Doubled the size of advance payments that can be requested when accepting a contract, from 20% to 40% of the reward.
  • Reworked “Common Cause” and “Underworld Connection” Reputation perks: the amount of reputation granted in other settlements for completing local contracts now depends on the completed contract’s difficulty.
  • Different types of meat now grant varying effects when used in dishes.
  • Using an ingredient with multiple charges now spends one charge instead of the entire ingredient.
  • The minimum Durability at which equipment can be sold to traders was lowered to 50% to better correspond with damaged items’ visuals.
  • Butchering chickens, roosters, and ducks will now yield two drumsticks instead of just one.
  • Added a possibility of crafting Straw.
  • Fixed the Caravan Storage granting less space than stated.
  • The Drug Dealer in the Rotten Willow will now purchase drugs.


The changes listed in this section won’t affect already saved items:

  • Tweaked the Protection and Resistance values of various pieces of equipment to reduce the disparity between the effectiveness of different armor types.
  • Adjusted the overall stats of some weapons and armor.
  • Increased the base Range of Ranged Weapons.


  • Reduced the number of enemy spawns on the surface.
  • Reduced the Vision Range of most enemies.
  • The speed of Hunger and Thirst accumulation during the Rest Mode now depends on the current and maximum Health and Energy respectively.
  • Reduced the Health and Resistances of most wild animals.
  • Increased the Bodypart Damage coefficient. In other words, Injuries will now become more frequent. Reduced most enemies’ Bodypart Damage values to reduce the impact of this change on the player character.
  • Reduced the base Energy Cost of most abilities in the game.
  • Restored the innate +4% Accuracy and -4% Fumble Chance bonus of Attack skills.
  • Reduced the resurrection frequency of the “Blasphemous Ritual” Dungeon Condition. Reduced the amount of Health and Energy replenished to the Undead resurrected by it.
  • Significantly nerfed the hidden debuff affecting the Proselytes in the Prologue to reduce the overly high discrepancy between its difficulty and that of the main game.
  • Move Resistance is now less effective against Claw Traps and Caltrops. Increased their base Armor Penetration and Bodypart Damage.
  • Changed the abilities available to Mage Hunters.
  • Decreased the base Ambush Chance on roads.
  • “Cleaving Strike”: increased the Bodypart Damage scaling.
  • “Keeping Distance”: increased the Stagger Chance scaling.
  • “Onrush”: increased the base Weapon Damage bonus.
  • “Mutilating Lunge”: increased the Bodypart Damage scaling.
  • “Double Lunge”: increased the base Weapon Damage bonus.
  • “Cut Through”: increased the base Weapon Damage bonus.
  • “Hewing Strike”: increased the Bodypart Damage scaling.
  • “Parry”: reduced the base Counter Chance bonus.
  • “Heroic Charge”: increased the base Stagger Chance bonus and the Weapon Damage scaling.
  • “Unstoppable Force”: increased the Knockback Chance scaling.
  • “Hooking Chop”: increased the Armor Penetration and Weapon Damage scalings.
  • “Dismember”: increased the Bodypart Damage and Crit Chance scalings.
  • “Reign in Blood”: increased the Knockback Chance and Bodypart Damage scalings.
  • “Nail Down”: increased the base Weaponry Damage bonus and Bodypart Damage scaling.
  • “Impaling Lunge”: increased the Armor Penetration and Bleed Chance scalings.
  • “Regroup”: removed the mention of the Damage Taken bonus which carried over from the previous version of the game.
  • “Hail of Blows”: increased the base Daze Chance bonus.
  • “Step Aside!”: increased the base Weapon Damage bonus.
  • “Elusiveness”: increased the Dodge Chance and Fumble Chance scalings, and also reduced the scaling of the Damage Taken bonus. Added a possibility of prolonging the effect by dodging.
  • “Distracting Shot”: added scaling to the Weapon Damage bonus. Increased the Dodge Chance scaling. Increased the base Immobilization Chance bonus.
  • “Startling Volley”: added scaling to the Weapon Damage bonus. Increased the base Daze Chance bonus.
  • “Hard Target”: increased the debuff to the attacker’s Accuracy to 8%.
  • “Flexible Defense”: increased the debuffs applied to the target while wearing medium armor.
  • “Battle-Forged”: reduced the heavy armor bonuses.
  • “Custom Adjustments”: reduced the heavy armor bonuses, added Dodge Chance to the medium armor bonuses.
  • “Unyielding Defense”: reduced the effect’s bonuses and duration.
  • “Right on Target”: reduced the Accuracy and Fumble Chance bonuses to Attack skills.
  • “Defensive Tactic”: reduced the base duration and bonuses to it for each enemy within Vision. Reduced the effect’s bonuses to stats.
  • “Raise Shield”: increased the Block Chance scaling but reduced the base bonus to it. Increased the Block Power scaling.
  • “Hold the Line”: reduced the effect’s bonuses.
  • “Flurry of Strikes”: fixed the penalty to Hands Efficiency that applied a -25% debuff instead of the listed -20%. Reduced the bonus to Hands Efficiency for successful hits to 3%.
  • “Concentration”: reduced the Accuracy Chance and Fumble Chance bonuses to +3% and -3% respectively.
  • “More Blood!”: reduced the Hands Efficiency bonus to 10%.
  • “Residual Charge”: fixed the Weapon Damage bonus which was 33% larger than intended.
  • “Bone Throw”: added scaling to the skill’s damage and Armor Penetration.


  • Fixed the bug allowing some enemies to block ranged attacks without shields.
  • Fixed the issue causing settlements to generate contracts for Distant Dungeons.
  • Backfire Damage will now gradually decay when out of combat, no longer requiring manual turn-skipping for optimal play.
  • Fixed the issue with missing stats on some pieces of armor and jewelry.
  • Fixed partially blocked shots dealing zero damage.
  • Fixed the complete removal of the "Mighty Swing" effect when attempting to reapply it.
  • Possibly fixed the rare softlock caused by the "Cannibalistic Frenzy" Dungeon Condition.
  • Fixed "Living in the Light" failing to apply its effect in certain situations.
  • Fixed "Ghastly Revelation" failing to apply its effect in certain situations.
  • Fixed the Brynn Bank exploit with backpacks and Bills of Exchange.
  • Fixed the exploit with the increased price of enchanted items.
  • Potentially fixed the issue with dual wielding counters skipping a turn.
  • Fixed “Dual Wielding Training” granting the Off-Hand Efficiency bonus while equipped with two weapons of the same type.
  • Fixed the possibility of prying open locks with a crowbar in settlements without it being considered a crime.
  • Fixed “Leg Sweep” granting its free move option to the player character when used by an NPC.
  • Fixed the issue causing only the item in the main hand to lose Durability when equipped with two items with the same Block Power.
  • Fixed “Fate of the Brewery” ignoring the “Help the Brewer” stage of the quest when blackmailing Odar.
  • Fixed the bug granting access to Skinflint Homs before achieving the relevant Reputation perk.
  • Fixed the inability to trade with the Hostess in the Watchtower Tavern.
  • Fixed the “Pimp my Ride” achievement.
  • Added appropriate sound effects to Caravan upgrade items when moving them around.
  • “Web of Contacts” and “Reinforcements” no longer grant Reputation for slaying harmless critters.
  • Fixed the disappearing projectiles when using “Fire Barrage” and “Jolt” on birds.
  • Fixed the possibility of attacking enemies during the animations of “Peck”, “Defiled Remains”, and “Deadly Premonition”.
  • Fixed the issue with the incorrect cooldown reduction of “Last Stand”.
  • Fixed the issue with “ineligible” cooking ingredients in certain situations.
  • Fixed Bonus Range not affecting some Ranged Weapons abilities.
  • Fixed the issue with graves respawn. This fix will also remove all graves in pre-existing save files.
  • Fixed the incorrect duration of “Adrenaline Rush”.
  • Fixed the bug allowing multiple runes and sigils to exist on the same tile.
  • Fixed the Rest Mode hover which wasn’t adjusting the effect’s stats dynamically.
  • Fixed Caravan Followers using Settlement Situations’ speech lines.
  • Verren’s dialogue about the final three “Communication” upgrades will now only trigger after installing the initial two upgrades.
  • Fixed Darrel not having a Markup on his Repairs Price.
  • “Flame Wave”: fixed the missing cooldown reduction for each target affected by the spell.
  • Fixed the issue with Caravan Followers being able to occasionally occupy the same tile.
  • Fixed the possible softlock during the Brewery Mercenary’s dialogue.
  • Fixed the speech lines for critical shots and throwing full bottles at enemies triggering at incorrect times.
  • Added a context menu option for emptying out plates and cooking pots.
  • Added the Swap option to more working NPCs to avoid potential softlocks.
  • Fixed the missing Energy Cost and Cooldowns Duration icons in the Chinese Localization.

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Release:06.02.2020 Genre: Rollenspiel Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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