• Stoneshard: Screen zum Spiel Stoneshard.
  • Stoneshard: Screen zum Spiel Stoneshard.
  • Stoneshard: Screen zum Spiel Stoneshard.
  • Stoneshard: Screen zum Spiel Stoneshard.
  • Stoneshard: Screen zum Spiel Stoneshard.
  • Stoneshard: Screen zum Spiel Stoneshard.
  • Stoneshard: Screen zum Spiel Stoneshard.
  • Stoneshard: Screen zum Spiel Stoneshard.
  • Stoneshard: Screen zum Spiel Stoneshard.
  • Stoneshard: Screen zum Spiel Stoneshard.
  • Stoneshard: Screen zum Spiel Stoneshard.
  • Stoneshard: Screen zum Spiel Stoneshard.
  • Stoneshard: Screen zum Spiel Stoneshard.
  • Stoneshard: Screen zum Spiel Stoneshard.
  • Stoneshard: Screen zum Spiel Stoneshard.
  • Stoneshard: Screen zum Spiel Stoneshard.
  • Stoneshard: Screen zum Spiel Stoneshard.
  • Stoneshard: Screen zum Spiel Stoneshard.
  • Stoneshard: Screen zum Spiel Stoneshard.
  • Stoneshard: Screen zum Spiel Stoneshard.
  • Stoneshard: Screen zum Spiel Stoneshard.
  • Stoneshard: Screen zum Spiel Stoneshard.
  • Stoneshard: Screen zum Spiel Stoneshard.
  • Stoneshard: Screen zum Spiel Stoneshard.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 06.02.2020
Zum Shop
Preis Update 23.01.25

Über das Spiel

Stoneshard ist ein herausforderndes rundenbasiertes RPG mit einer offenen Spielwelt. Spüre am eigenen Leib, wie hart das Leben eines Söldners im Mittelalter ist: Reise durch das kriegsgebeutelte Königreich, erfülle Aufträge, kämpfe, behandle deine Wunden und entwickle deinen Charakter ohne Beschränkungen weiter.

  • Offene Welt Krieg hinterlässt immer Spuren: Dörfer wurden niedergebrannt, in den Dungeons wimmelt es nur so von Monstern und die alten Straßen sind verlassen. Reise durch Aldor und erfahre mehr über seine Vergangenheit.
  • Wirtschaft
  • In Zeiten des Krieges geht es der Wirtschaft meistens schlecht, es gibt aber dennoch einige Gelegenheiten: Erfülle Aufträge, suche Schätze, Handle mit unterschiedlichen Waren und bereise das Land, um reich zu werden.


  • CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6320 or equivalent
  • GFX: GeForce 7600 512 Mb or equivalent
  • RAM: 2 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7/8/10
  • HD: 500 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible sound card
  • DX: Version 10
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Russisch, Polnisch
  • CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6320 or equivalent
  • GFX: GeForce 7600 512 Mb or equivalent
  • RAM: 2 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7/8/10
  • HD: 500 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible sound card
  • DX: Version 10
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Russisch, Polnisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

90 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1344 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 14:34
Ein Spiel mit Potential, aber leider kann ich es zu diesem Zeitpunkt nur Masochisten empfehlen. Dieses Spiel ist unnötig und frustrierend schwer. Gegen schwere Spiele ist an sich nichts einzuwenden, es kommt aber darauf an wie es gemacht wird und bei diesem Spiel ist es einfach nur nervig umgesetzt.
Laufen, laufen, laufen nur um etwas Geld und Erfahrung zu sammeln, für einen Levelup, der dann nicht viel bringt. Die Attribute zu steigern bringt kaum merklichen Fortschritt und je Aufstieg kann auch nur eine neue Fähigkeit erlernt werden. Speichern kann man nur an spärlich verteilten Speicherpunkten. Ein Fehler und die Lauferei war umsonst, bzw. beginnt von vorne und bereits geklärte Karten immer wieder zu durchqueren zieht sich und ödet unheimlich an.
Die Kartenfunktion ist sehr eingeschränkt und stark Verbesserungsbedürftig.
Wie gesagt, das Spiel hätte potential um sich einige Tage damit zu vergnügen, wenn die Speicherfunktion und die Reisemöglichkeiten verbessert werden.
135 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
778 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.21 14:33
This game is more frustrating than fun. After hours of grind and luck dependent world generations i managed to kill the boss the first bounty was about. Finally i thought. Then i ran into a trap and died. Over 1 hour of gameplay gone... this game needs a savegame function !!!
till then thumbs down
410 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1623 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.21 13:53
100% Blockchance. Enemy hits me anyway for 22 dmg. My char dies. Trashgame unreal....
Nothing more to say about this game.
72 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
2183 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 18:25
Richtig geiles Game - ich feier das extrem

Es macht Sau Spaß das Spiel zu erkunden und das Kampf- & Verletzungssystem ist richtig genial.

Den Schwierigkeitsgrad find ich sehr passend. Mann muss sich gut überlegen wie man skillt, welche Ausrüstung man nimmt, wie man kämpft und wann es vielleicht besser ist mal den Schwanz einzuziehen. Jeder einzelne Zug kann in einem Kampf entscheidend sein, du solltest gut überlegen welche Fähigkeiten du benutzt und wenn du es versaust - tja dann war die letzte halbe Stunde für die Katz, da das Speichersystem dafür sorgt, dass man jeden Kampf auch ernst nehmen muss.

Viele beschweren sich hier über das Speichersystem, aber Quick-Safe and Load würde nur das ganze Spielprinzip in die Tonne hauen (dann würde einfach jeder neu laden bis er jeden Kampf gewonnen hat, was ja nicht Sinn der Sache sein kann). Wenn man stirbt, muss man halt von der Taverne oder einem anderen Schlafplatz nochmal neu starten, aber so lernt man wenigstens etwas daraus.

Und es gibt mehr als genug Möglichkeiten Gegner mit ein bisschen Grips zu töten: Sei es, indem man Feinde in ihre eigenen Fallen lockt oder sie hinein schubst; man vor Zauberern wegrennt, um hinter der nächsten Ecke auf sie zu lauern; man seine Verfolger vielleicht zu einem Rudel Wölfe lockt oder man notfalls einen flüchtenden Feind irgendein Müll hinterherwirft damit er nicht entkommt - deine Pfeile sind alle? Na dann wirf halt den Bogen! ect. ect.

Und auch wenn Story und Inhalttechnisch noch nicht soo viel am Start ist, kommt doch trotzdem keine Langeweile auf

Ich könnte jetzt noch ewig weiterschreiben, aber Fakt ist: Ich war seit langen nicht mehr so angetan von einem Spiel. Die Entwickler sind auf einem guten Weg eins der besten RPG´s aller Zeiten rauszubringen
342 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
561 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.21 07:27
Ich muss sagen, ich bin hier echt gespalten. Einerseits mag ich den Stil des Spiels sehr. Auch den Start in die Story fand ich sehr vielversprechend.

Ich finde grundsätzlich auch gut wenn ein Spiel mal etwas schwerer ist.
Da kommen wir dann auch gleich zum Knackpunkt. Stoneshard ist nicht schwer, sondern stellenweise unfair und das Speichersystem zähle ich definitiv dazu. Man kann nur in einer Taverne speichern, wenn man in einem Bett schläft. Das heißt dann auch mal 1,5 Stunden Spielzeit für die Tonne, wenn man dummerweise doch mehr Risiko gegangen ist als es gut wäre. Dann wieder genau die gleiche Mission von vorn, wenn es dumm läuft, stirbt man wieder anderswo, bei irgendeinem anderen Gegner, weil RNG einem nicht hold war und dann nochmal 1,5 Stunden das gleiche von vorn.

Ich persönlich finde das nicht motivierend, sondern eher frustrierend und richtig nervig.
Man muss halt auch dazu sagen, dass das Balancing wahrscheinlich der nächstgrößere Schwachpunkt das Spiels ist und man sich gerade zum Anfang auch mal Gegnergruppen gegenübersieht, denen man nicht gewachsen ist.
Dazu kommt dann noch der große RNG-Faktor im Kampfsystem an sich. Klar kommt es auch auf die Skills an, aber im Grunde spielt das Glück schon eine Rolle, ob man jetzt trifft oder nicht, ob der Gegner einen kritischen Treffer landet, oder nicht. Gerade in Verbindung mit so einem absurd fiesen Speichersystem, sorgt das bei mir, nach dem 3ten oder 4ten Mal abnibbeln für viel Frust.

Ich verstehe halt nicht was dagegen spricht, warum man nicht einfach einen Easy- oder Softmode ins Spiel bringen kann. In dem man beispielsweise alle halbe Stunde mal speichern darf und am besten auch einmal via Schnellreise zu einem vorher festgelegten Ort reisen darf, damit dieses nervige zurücklatschen ins Dorf entfällt, wenn man mal wieder voll ist.
Wenn es Spieler gibt, die die original-Erfahrung wollen, okay, cool. Aber warum für den Rest nicht wenigstens ein paar Hürden aus dem Weg räumen?
Wenigstens wurde mit dem jetzigen Update einmal Speichern eingeräumt, wenn man das Spiel beendet. Allerdings wird der gleich wieder gelöscht wenn man ihn lädt. Das löst mein Problem mit dem Spiel also auch nicht.
Grundsätzlich bin ich sehr resistent und offen was schwere Spiele anbelangt. Ich habe beispielsweise knapp 4000 Stunden in Escape from Tarkov, knapp 900 in Hunt:Showdown und knapp 400 in Darkest Dungeon. Diese Spiele sind zwar auch öfter frustrierend, man wird aber nicht mit so einem unfairen Speichersystem in Verbindung mit einem Kampfsystem mit großem RNG-Faktor gegängelt.
In allen genannten Spielen kann man nach einer Niederlage lernen und einen anderen Ansatz wählen, der vielleicht mehr Erfolg verspricht. In Stoneshard rennt man erstmal die gleichen 30 Minuten zum Questziel hin, kämpft sich dann wieder 30 Minuten durch den gleichen Dungeon und stirbt dann an einem anderen Gegnerblob, der vielleicht wieder ein Müh zu stark war und RNG es wieder nicht gut mit einem gemeint hat. Spätestens nach dem 3ten mal, macht das dann keinen Spass mehr, wie man sich vorstellen kann.
Es ist schade, weil dieses Spiel grundsätzlich Flair und Potential blutet.
So ist es für mich aber keine Empfehlung.
157 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2380 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.21 17:21
bockt immer wieder mal, schönes Spiel
106 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1517 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.21 11:35
Great piece of work. Nostalgy play inclusive!
226 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
827 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.21 08:35
Dank dem Schwierigkeitsgrad ist es eigentlich (leider )unspielbar
und macht keinen Spass.
224 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
995 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.21 15:47
it looked promising, now i know that looks can be deceiving
183 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1570 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.21 09:09
Das Spiel ist schwer und frustrierend, damit muss man umgehen können.
-Die Bosse sind herausfordernd und nicht mit tot-klicken zu besiegen
-ohne passende Ausrüstung stirbt man definitiv
-auch mit passender Ausrüstung stirbt man oft
-wer mit Geld spart bereut es
-fast jeder Tod ist selbst verschuldet (zu starker Gegner, offener Kampf mit Gegnergruppen, nicht ausreichend regeneriert) Tipp: nutzt eure Umgebung
-das Speichersystem ist gut so, egal was ihr gewohnt seid

Wer sich mit diesen Sachen anfreunden kann, wird viel Spaß mit dem Spiel haben.
102 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2663 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 06:45
Simply fantastic old school feeling!
113 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 22:26
good game. I like.
144 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
654 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.20 15:47
Nach Beendigung des Tutorials wird man darauf hingewiesen nicht unsterblich zu sein und genau dieser Satz macht den Reiz des Spieles aus. Nicht einfach auf Gegnergruppen zulaufen sondern mal kurz überlegen wie die Feinde getrennt und einzeln besiegt werden können.

Negativ finde ich, dass es keine SAVE&EXIT Möglichkeit gibt. (nur Ingame im Gasthof)

Auf jeden Fall eine Empfehlung
90 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.20 22:13
Eine Frage sei erlaubt: Was zum Teufel hat an diesem Minispielchen mit Retrografik nach Ankündigung 1Jahr Warte/Entwicklungszeit gebraucht?? Mal den Schwierigkeitsgrad beiseite gelassen, (paarmal die Mechaniken verinnerlicht, und schon gehts): DAS
nennt ihr Content? n RPG content?? Leute.....
wer echtes Retrofeeling mit anständigem Content sucht: Might & Magic X spielen..
160 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
435 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.20 13:37
Das Spiel ist absolute Spitzen Klasse und Hart.
Lasst euch nicht von der Süßen Indie Grafik Täuschen! Denn es wird euch so richtig Hart in den Allerwertesten ….n.
Jedoch ist das spiel immer fair, weil niemals Hektik entsteht da der Kampf Zug pro Zug vonstatten geht. Jeder Zug muss wohl überlegt sein sonst war es das.

Ich dachte zuerst auch das diese Art Kampfsystem, absolut langweilig ist.
bis ich einige Reviews gelesen habe. Nun wollte ich es einfach drauf ankommen lassen und ich wurde Nichtmal ansatzweise enttäuscht.
Wer etwas zartbesaitet und kein Durchhaltevermögen hat, lässt es gleich bleiben. Denn wie heißt es so schön..nur die harten kommen in den Garten!

Absolute Kaufempfehlung!
195 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
905 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.20 11:23
Deutlich zu schwer für jemanden der einfach etwas Spaß haben will. Warum gibt es keinen einfachen Schwierigkeitsgrad wo man jederzeit speichern kann falls man eine falsche Entscheidung getroffen hat.

Dungeon geschafft und auf dem Rückweg zum Speichern gestorben, Danke für 2 Stunden vergeudete Spielzeit.
165 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
247 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.20 12:18
Habe leider zu spät gemerkt, dass das spiel immernoch nur ne demo ist. Es gibt 2 städte und gefühlte 6 quests. Nur etwa 30% aller talente/skills sind im spiel und nur etwa 40% aller spielmechaniken funktionieren bereits. Das ist so wenig, dass ich das Spiel gern umgetauscht hätte, was steam bei unglaublichen 4h spielzeit aber bereits nicht mehr zulässt.
34 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
624 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.20 15:24
Viel zu schwer, da verliert man ruckzuck den Spielspass. Die Gegner sind übertrieben stark, die Wege zu den Quests zu lang und gefährlich (schon tot bevor man ankommt). Die Quests selbst sind auch zu lang wenn man die Härte der Gegner betrachtet. Also z.B. quäle ich mich durch 3 Stockwerke eines Gebäudes, verballere alles an Heilmitteln und bin dann immer noch nicht beim Quest-Endgegner. Ach ja: Speichern geht nur in der Taverne. Das heißt alles nochmal von vorne. --> Buuh!
233 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
271 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.20 03:18
Gespannt auf die Dinge die da noch kommen werden.

Sieht sehr interessant aus und mit einem gewissen Anspruch.

Klar ist bedingt durch den EA-Status nicht weniger Content, aber es gibt wichtigeres im Moment, wie z.B. Grundsätzliche Gameplay und Balance Entscheidungen.

Für alle die, den Entwickler und die bisherigen Stand unterstützen wollen - ran an den Speck - alle anderen sollten warten.
79 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2856 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 21:46
Gutes Spiel.
Sehr schöne Pixel Graphik und eine sehr schöne Atmosphäre.
Das gameplay ist sehr fordernd und man muss sich wirklich überlegen wie man vorgeht und Skillt, am Anfang scheint das Spiel nahezu unüberwindbar, was den Fortschritt sehr befriedigend macht.
Alle in allem ist das Spiel für den Preis ein echtes Schnapp.
181 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
283 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 18:42
Immer noch viel zu schwierig und unausgewogen. Das Tutorial erklärt zwar das Spielprinzip gut, aber wenn die per Zufallsprinzip generierten Karten immer wieder so schwierig sind, dass es noch nicht mal möglich ist, ohne Probleme die ersten Quests zu machen, stimmt irgendwas nicht.

Auch normales Leveln außerhalb der Quests ist schlecht möglich, weil man z.B. gegen Bären und Wölfe, die in den Wäldern ziemlich plötzlich auftauchen, kaum eine Chance hat. Manche Klassen wie der Bogenschütze machen überhaupt keinen Sinn, da man jeden Schuss per Perk aufladen muss und dadurch viel zu viele Aktionspunkte verliert.

Dieses Spiel braucht dringend (!) ein Balancing. Schade um die tolle Grafik und das liebevoll gemachte Lootsystem.
218 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.20 17:35
Ist ein interessantes Game macht Spaß.
168 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.20 13:30
mega !!!!
sau schwer aber macht richtig bock
71 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1012 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.20 16:21
Hallo an alle,

also das spiel macht süchtig! im positiven Sinn.

Der Schwierigkeitsgrad ist sehr gut gelungen. An alle die behaupten das Spiel sei zu schwer (was nicht stimmt): Ein Spiel negativ zu bewerten weil es einem persönlich zu schwer ist, ist einfach lächerlich.

Übrigens es gibt keinen Grund 1 Stunde im Spiel zu verbringen ohne zu speichern. Es gibt genug Rastpunkte und die Wege sind auch nicht allzu lang.

Also cooles spiel. Hoffe auf umfangreichen content.

192 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.20 01:31
Balancing ist (noch) nicht vorhanden und daher entsteht ein teils hoher Frustfaktor! Wenn ein Mob vor dir spawnt ist eine Std. Spielefortschritt oder mehr futsch. Nahkampfklasse ist brauchbar wie Coronaviren! Magiebasierte Skillung lädt hingegen zum spazieren gehen ein.(bis der Mob vor dir spawnt)

Speichersystem ist ebenfalls (noch) fürnArsch!

Für Early Access aber schon viele Items und nette Story Einführung.
Generell finde ich den Survival und Wundmanagementfaktor grandios.
Das könnte ein großes, kleines Game werden.

Aktuell gebe ich dennoch einen Daumen runter.
Solltet Ihr frustresistent sein könnt Ihr aber gerne zuschlagen.

Ich glaube aber an die Entwickler und freue mich auf die kommenden Aktualisierungen.
101 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
353 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.20 21:55
ja ein gutes game
57 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1975 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.20 15:55
Hab also das Spiel mit einer Magierin angefangen. Irgendwelche Lumpen auf mir drauf und alle drumherum haben Preise wie Weltmeister, also zog ich erstmals in die Wälder und brachte Tiere in Massen um und verkaufte die Felle an die örtliche HM-Abteilung. Läuft. Es kamen ständig Leute an und wollten engen körperlichen Kontakt, aber ich hielt einen ordnungsgemäßen Abstand und killte sie alle mit Feuermagie und sie vermachten mir ihre Waffen. Schön. Yeah, ich bin der König der Welt!

Bin also frohes Mutes zum Banditenlager, es kamen von Süden Wölfe an, aber hey, ich bin der König der Welt. Solange mit Wölfen beschäftigt, erschienen von links und rechts komische Gestalten mit Mistgabeln, ungewaschen und garantiert nicht desinfiziert, und wollten wissen, ob ich reich bin. Ich wollt gerade noch erklären, dass ich kein Klopapier dabei habe, aber es hat sie irgendwie gar nicht interessiert und Endbildschirm.

Okay, neuer Anlauf, bin gleich in die Wälder zu den Tieren, es kamen von links und rechts und von unten die Wölfe an. Kaum zu glauben, wie tief sie zubeißen. Bin von Schmerz ganz verwirrt geworden und lief in noch so einen Typen rein, der sicherlich schon die Seife seit Ewigkeiten nicht mehr gesehen hat. Endbildschirm.

Ein schönes Spiel! Sehr realistisch! Kann ich jedem nur empfehlen! Den Entwicklern viel Glück!
170 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
964 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.20 17:42
Aktuell würde ich das Spiel noch nicht empfehlen, dafür ist noch zu wenig fertig.
Wenn aber erstmal alles, was sich die Entwickler vorgenommen haben, im Spiel ist, wird es bestimmt ein klasse Spiel.
Aktuell lieber aber noch den einen oder anderen Monat warten.
2255 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
532 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.20 18:14
Mal schauen wohin die early access Reise geht ...
330 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2335 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.20 12:00
Ich habe Stoneshard bis jetz 38 Stunden gespielt welche sich natürlich noch steigern werden da ich das Spiel sehr gut finde.
Der Schwierigkeitsgrad am Anfang ist relativ hoch was mir persönlich sehr zusagt.
Ebenso ist das Speichersystem mal etwas anderes du musst in Betten schlafen um abspeichern zu können,das heißt entweder in einer Taverne(Gasthaus) oder in einem freien Lager welche teilweise in Wäldern zufinden sind. Ich seh schon das vielen Leuten das Speichersystem zuwieder ist aber das war ja klar ;). Mir persönlich gefällt es sehr gut weil dadurch ein gewisser Nervenkitzel in dunegons aufkommt ob man nun weiter macht oder sich erstmal zurück in die Stadt begibt zum Abspeichern.
Zum jetzigen Zeitzpunkt ist noch nicht alles im Spiel welches ja logisch ist da es sich noch im Early Access befindet,aber die Roadmap die bereits einsehbar ist sieht sehr Vielversprechend aus und macht lust auf mehr.
Momentan könnt ihr nur einen Char zur Zeit haben haben da der letzte Speicherstand quasi überschrieben wird,aber mit einem Kleinen Trick könnt ihr mehrere Chars gleichzeitig spielen dieser Kollege hat nen kleinen Guide erstellt um euch dies zur ermöglichen https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1995971362 viel Spaß beim spielen.
928 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
364 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.20 08:46
wtf bis jetzt hab ich nur mit offenem Mund gespielt und ja natürlich bin ich gestorben, fange ich eben wieder von vorne an wie im Real Leben auch .Aber dieses Game ist der Hammer und gehört zu den ganz ganz grossen Spielen aller Zeiten ,das heist natürlich für Fans dieses Genres !

Fazit ein Meisterwerk mit sehr viel Liebe und Detailtreue gemacht .Schlicht ein EPOS ^^
135 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
832 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.20 12:19
ein hübsches, tiefes und schweres Spiel! kann ich nur empfehlen!!!
RPG! Roguelike!! Spielspaß!!!
27 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1057 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.20 23:53
Geiles game trotz early acces
9 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
997 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.20 23:21
Sehr schönes Spiel, ein bisschen im alten Zelda Style.
Ich würde mir nur gern ein bisschen größeres Inventar wünschen, damit man länger auf Tour bleiben kann, oder Nahrungsmittel stacken können oder zum Beispiel sich einen zweiten oder dritten Rucksack im Spiel kaufen kann, damit man nicht nach 3-4 Wölfen wieder zum Händler rennen muss.
Ich bin in den meisten Spielen ein Sammler und habe immer Inventar Probleme ;-)
Ansonsten weiter so. LG CRENZURIO
59 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3668 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.20 21:33
Zwar ist das Spiel noch lange nicht fertig, aber es birgt gigantisches Potenzial in sich.
Es ist eines der sehr wenigen noch fordernden Spiele, welche nicht jede Charakterklasse gleich einer anderen Klasse spielbar macht.
(Diablo 3, wo der Barbar irgendwelche Urahnen beschwören und Erderschütterungen auslösen kann, anstatt seine Muskeln und Stahl zu verwenden)
Ich bin am Anfang ständig gestorben, weil ich in guter alter MMORPG-Manier in die Monster gestürmt bin.
Stoneshard forderte ein Umdenken von mir!
Vielen Dank dafür!
71 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2215 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.20 18:42
Ich habe ein schon einen Review für den kostenlosen Prolog verfasst und bekräftige meinen Kritikpunkt hier noch einmal: Mit diesem Save-Mechanismus wird ein eigentlich sehr gutes Spiel eine Zumutung! Trotz meiner Bedenken habe ich mir die kostenpflichtige Version gekauft, auch um die Weiterentwicklung zu unterstützen.

Meine ersten Schritte (ca. 3h Spielzeit) sind komplett verloren, da das Spiel offenbar mit der Minimierung in Windows nicht klar kommt. An sich kein Problem für eine Early-Release-Version: Das sind Kinderkrankheiten, die auch später noch behoben werden können. Es zeigt aber, welche Folgen das oben genannte Problem der fehlenden Save-Möglichkeit hat: Der komplette Fortschritt ist weg, was nicht auf einem technischen Problem, sondern auf einem gewollten Mechanismus beruht.

Die Aussage, dass es mit der verwendeten Engine nicht realisierbar sei mehr Save-Punkte zu implementieren halte ich - bei allem Respekt vor der Leistung ein solches Spiel zu programmieren - für Quatsch: Wie wird der Spielstand denn in der Taverne gespeichert, wenn es mit der Engine generell nicht möglich ist?

Edit: Nach weiteren Patches und etwas mehr Spielerfahrung will ich meine Kritik relativieren und eine vorsichtige Kaufempfehlung aussprechen. Durch die Banditen-Camps hat sich die Lage deutlich verbessert. Es ist zwar immer noch etwas frustrierend, wenn man nach einem Dungeon-Crawl an der Oberfläche überraschend von einem Rudel Ghoule zerfleischt wird und alle Arbeit für die Katz war, aber damit kann man sich irgendwie arrangieren. Ich warte gespannt auf weitere Inhalte!
456 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
380 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.20 17:52
The save system ruins the game completly.
45 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
809 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.22 04:35
This game is awesome, but not without its flaws.

Stoneshard feels a bit like how I felt playing Subnautica. In both games you are tethered to a home base. You have to plan ahead, venture out and carefully/methodically progress further, then make your way back in one piece. If you don't make it back, you're gonna have a bad time. Now imagine if Subnautica only allowed you to save at your home base...it would ramp up the difficulty quite a bit and make players rage quit.

The decision to tone down the save ability emphasizes the player's vulnerability, but also increases the player's payoffs. Each dungeon you clear successfully, or each ambush you survive holds a lot of weight. You didn't just save outside a dungeon and cheese it until you beat it. You were forced to plan ahead, venture to the dungeon, clear the dungeon, save enough space for looting the goods, and get back, all in one fell swoop (or RNGsus was in a good mood). It feels pretty good to pull that off.

I get why some people don't like it. Losing 40+ minutes of progression to RNG is just a horrible feeling. That being said, I felt the high highs outweighed the low lows. The overall gameplay is solid and the player progression keeps me coming back for more.

The one thing I will mention that's driving me crazy at the 10-hour mark, is how much of a drag traversing the map can feel. If there was maybe a fast travel option similar to Kingdom Come Deliverance, maybe that could meet people halfway? (it keeps the tension while cutting out some of the mind-numbing downtimes).

Anyways, TL;DR - If you're looking for a game that's challenging/unforgiving, but is well crafted and fun in almost all areas, check out Stoneshard!
214 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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452 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.22 08:08
A said before, this game is unforgiving, which in this times of dark-souls like shouldn't be a problem, but the bad mechanics ruined this game for me.
170 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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2923 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.22 10:59
Great concept, obnoxious execution.

I really love the concept of this game, and having an experience which makes each battle a struggle, where you have to really think about positioning and tactics makes for rewarding game-play. Slowly completing quests and using your gold to deck out your player with your hard earned cash really invests you in the game.

That being said, the absolute unforgiving save options really that punishes players for bad RNG, in combination with the both tedious and soul destroying repetition of game-play is why I do not recommend this game.

When you design a game there a lots of bad tropes that designers fall into, the worst being punishing the player by forcing them to repeat potentially hours worth of game-play due to a mistake or revealing a new enemy mechanic.

To spend hours carefully clearing out a dungeon, collecting the item to complete the quest, to then be killed by enemies spawning outside the dungeon exit, with your last save being back in the town prior to setting out, requires sadomasochistic levels of self-hate to not simply close the game and never return to it.

This could be easily rectified by having an auto-save function upon any quest update and upon entering dungeons. This would at least remove the need to tediously walk through the forests and still give a level of punishment for dying.

Until this save issue is rectified, I doubt I will return to this game.

112 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
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559 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.22 23:28
I love RPG and I started playing before computers could handle such things.
I love the elements and risks of games like this and I have experience to
get through even the toughest of games, however.

This game simply loves to beat the heck out of your character with a
poorly managed RNG that allows even the most basic of combat to be deadly.

Each update seems to make the game more of a challenge and never let you
be able to stand on firm ground. I am not sure why the developers are doing this
to their player base, however it makes the game simply not fun.

All too often you are off to what you think is a good start only to hit a wall with mobs
where you can not get past them and you die trying. The elements and skills are there
it is simply the RNG that gives a huge bonus to the bad guy NPC's. No matter your
tactics or skill level with games like this it beats you over the head and forces you to walk
away from the game.

Paying to sleep in an in is expensive and a real pain, especially at the start of the game.
Sure you can make a sleeping roll but good luck getting the leather early game to do so!

I really wanted to like this game but it is really no fun to play in its current state.
59 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1973 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.22 09:00
while very rewarding at times stone shard's progression feels incredibly slow.

stone shard feels more like a slot/masochism simulator than it does a tactical/strategy rpg. the only form of strategy is weather or not you choose to avoid threats. nearly every fight is a gamble and even the most prepared mercenaries fall to its ruthless rng. you are more likely to get struck by lightening than you are to hit a single bow shot.

the world itself feels dead. npc interactions lack originality and immersion as a lot of the dialogues are copy and pasted. world tiles are incredibly bland and consist of a few herbs, the occasional berry bush, and the same 4 mushrooms.

the shopkeepers are taxing harder than any drug dealer I've come into contact with. they damn near rob you with how much your loot is worth and making money feels sisyphean. push your rock up the hill and watch it fall as you get paid a mere 50 gold for something you worked 2 hours to get.

if you like role playing as an agoraphobic mercenary spited by the gods then this is the game for you.

all memes aside stone shard does a lot of things right for an early access rpg. the combat is satisfying, the attrition is unforgiving, and the mechanics are promising. I hope all of the employees at Ink Stain are fairing well in spite of the recent circumstances. I cant wait to see stone shard in all of its glory.
23 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
47103 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 22:05
717 hours in. I have played since early beta release. It has been an amazing experience to see this game grow around me.
I recommend playing permadeath mode. This is the bulk of my time spent on the game and the replayability is still high.
516 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1827 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 04:08
Fantastic game, one of the best in my library. Played the prologue numerous times, I've been holding off from playing the main game until there's more content, but couldn't resist diving into it. Put around 22 hours in over the course of the weekend, loved every second of it.

Massive world to explore, some of it, isn't quite as filled out the rest, but doesn't take away the enjoyment of exploring around. I'm around 15 hours in on my current character, not close to exploring a fraction of the map. The game-play loop is great, keeps you coming back for more, completing those contracts and gathering the loot can become a little addicting, always one more contract before bed.

There's a lot of diversity to be had in terms of character builds even now in early access with a bunch more to come in the future by the looks of the road-map and the teasers that the development team throw out on Discord.

Completed a contract prior to writing this, on the way back to town to hand it in, had a bunch of goodies from the dungeon to sell along with a bunch of pelts gathered before entering it. Heading back I had to traverse through a forest, knowing the dangers ahead, I was attempting to be cautious. Dodged past a pack of wolves before being trapped between a boar and a bear. Tried to manoeuvre between them in the hopes that they would either lose interest in me or attack each other, but nope. The boar decided to charge me as I was running away and killed me in three hits! Was gutted as lost a wallop of gold and have to re-do the last 45 mins of game-play, but laughed about it anyway.

Would recommend this to anyone who enjoys their survival games, rouge-like games or even RPG's in general, brilliant world to uncover here, in a title which stands on its own against AAA companies. It can be a little bit of a challenging experience at first, but eventually it clicks. I can't wait to see what the future has in store for this.
138 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
5842 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.22 13:58
While it is still in development, this open world RPG has a good mix of tactics, choices, and consequences. It's not easy, but once you find your groove it becomes a lot of fun.
The weapon choices feel fun, and meaningful, and judging by the online bickering of which is THE best, they are actually pretty well balanced.
It's a gritty game with a bit of a learning curve, trying not to go insane, hungry, or die from pain isn't easy, but it's also interwoven with some gallows humor and good leveling mechanics.
Levels feel worth it, they aren't too rare nor too frequent. You yearn for the next level, but also don't feel like it never happens.
Very playable now, but should be even better once it comes out of early access. Currently, the main plot is a dangling thread and there is no 'win' condition. But the open world and quests you have all feel fun, even half completed.
728 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
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535 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 04:01
I like the vibe of the game and combat but the early game is god damn miserable to try and get out of. The biggest recommendation from me without changing the game difficulty would be to let me save at bonfires and buy consumable camping supplies. The inn being the only early location is painful.
Really want to play this but Im going to wait for mod support for so quality of life improvements.
340 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
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6941 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.21 22:03
This game looks great, but it's incredibly slow and grindy. You'll spend most of your time hoarding food and water, so that you can suck your thumb in the corner of a dungeon, after fighting your seventh bandit. Fighting more than one enemy at a time usually results in death, even though two of the five characters have traits that _encourage_ this. (They'll have a marginally easier time, but still die.) Not worth the time playing.
372 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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5694 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.21 18:13
An otherwise great game tarnished by how little it respects your time as a player. Far too much of the experience is spent traveling, and its a completely mindless process. It can be accomplished by holding down a single key for 10 minutes. Truly thrilling and brutal roguelike gameplay.

They don't have to make the game easier, just less tedious. Then it'd be an easy recommend. But its not, so...
65 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1891 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.21 00:10
TLDR I enjoyed this game, and look forward to playing it when more is added.

- The combat because of the weapons/abilities. Its challenging, punishing, and enjoyable.
- The leveling up system and abilities are good, they offer many paths with some flexibility based on what you want to do.
- The hunger/thirst/intoxication/sanity/moral system is great, it adds some challenge in between the combat
- The difficulty is perfect, if you are not careful you will die and have to load from super far away and lose a ton of progress (or lose your character)

- It doesn't feel like there's a ton of content, and the content seems to be added very slowly. The map is huge and they added the city of gold, but the overarching story is short and the city of gold is empty. I played several months ago before city of gold was added, and it doesn't seem much different

120 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
25 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.21 06:25

Stoneshard - B-

Who This Game is For:
Those who like 2D turn-based, Dungeon-Crawling RPGs that are punishingly challenging, require strategy for stat and inventory management, and don’t mind dying and re-doing entire missions.

Click Here to Follow My Curator Page for more reviews! [/tr]

Stoneshard is a fun game. I feel like I have to say that because I do have countless problems with it, but it is still a damn fun game with a lot of passion behind it. This 2D pixel RPG takes you through an open world where you fight enemies with weapons and magic, take on contracts/quests, and rage as you discover the brutality of the world and the save system that doesn’t show any kindness. Level up your character and put skillpoints into attributes and ability points into abilities, which you unlock by reading books you find in game. The story took a little for me to get into, but once I did, I was much more into it. Be careful in the truly unforgiving and beautiful world that has every enemy as strong as you are and hidden traps that will kill you near immediately once triggered. This game has a few issues with it, but the save system will be my biggest. I have had to repeat a quest 8-9 times since I could not save, it took me 8 hours. I do like how difficult the game is, but without a competent save system in place, it was infuriating. While the game is sometimes frustrating, I had a lot of fun. Be warned though, the updates for this game are relatively slow and don’t seem to be picking up pace. I do have faith it will be finished though.

Disclaimer: This game has 30+ hours on my main account, this doesn't have my accurate in-game time.

BREAKDOWN (Grading Key at the bottom):

Graphics – A:
The game has a 2D pixel-art design to it. I find this art style to be gorgeous and very detailed here. The setting is Medieval times right after a war, so the world is torn and in the process of rebuilding. There is a day and night cycle, which illuminates the world so nicely. The animations are very fluid and those small carefully added details really pop out. From chimney smoke particles to raindrops trickling down a horse’s skin, the world feels wonderfully alive. While it still looks gorgeous, I have noticed a lot of open areas without anything to do. It makes sense, but I had to do a lot of traveling and I didn’t see much variety or enemies to grind. Moving in the Forest can be jarring as tree pop in is quite brutal. Cities are much more pleasing to walk around in and shops inside are just as detailed.

Gameplay – B+:
This is a turn-based RPG, so every movement you make is one turn. You are on an invisible square-based grid where you click with your mouse on a square you want to move to. From there, you can go wherever you want across the gigantic map and explore or complete quests. To get these quests, you can go through the campaign or talk to random people who may give you contracts to do. Those contracts usually come in the form of killing monsters or retrieving items, usually in dungeons. Some people will also be selling equipment, armor, or weapons to gear your character. All equipment in this game does have durability, so you will need to repair often. One thing you will do constantly is check for traps, which can become annoying. Triggering one could be a death sentence and while you can try disarming them, it isn’t a guarantee and can also kill you. Fighting monsters is a blast and requires strategy. Enemies are as strong as you, so it’s easy to die. I have utilized strategies ranging from setting up my abilities to setting the ground on fire to burn them over time to tricking enemies into springing traps. The game also implements a wound system where different parts of your body may be injured and you must bandage or use a splint to stabilize them, which I liked. Sometimes, enemies drop equipment or crowns, the game’s form of currency. Every item you find has a certain size and you must fit it together in your backpack, like Tetris. You can’t rotate items to fit in your backpack currently though, which can be obnoxious when you have a perfect fit if the item was horizontal. Gaining XP does come relatively fast since enemies are on your level. From leveling up, the skillpoint goes into 1 of 5 attributes to enhance the character, while the ability points go into one of the skill trees. There are about 17 trees currently available of the 31 total planned that go in 3 categories: Weaponry, Utility, and Sorcery. To unlock these abilities though, you must find and read the corresponding book. While I understand this system, I don’t agree with it. I like being able to progressively unlock abilities just by playing, not by searching for a book to read. Magic may need a book to learn logically, but my character is a Maiden Knight, so I find it weird she doesn’t know how to hold a two-handed sword. Additionally, the save system in this game is infuriating. The only ways to really save the game are to go to a tavern and purchase a bed or clear out a camp and find a bed there to sleep. This wasn’t explained well in my opinion, so I spent crowns for a room, but I didn’t go up the stairs to sleep in a bed. There were a couple times I was wounded and died on my way back after completing the quest, which I had to then start over completely. The developers recently added a “Save and Exit” option as well so you can exit the game without needing to backtrack, which should have been in at launch. This game can be brutal and devastating, but I really enjoy the difficulty and gameplay.

Story - B:
The story revolves around the mystery of the Stoneshards. After the prologue, which is great, you create your own character from 1 of the pre-made characters and set out to figure out what happened in the prologue. The story is interesting and while it took me some time to get into it, there is something there that kept me hooked. Other than that, I wasn’t invested story-wise in anything outside of the campaign. Not to say there isn’t something there, but it wasn’t as engaging to me.

Replayability - C:
The game features some replayability. While playthrough time may vary, mine was dominated by restarting due to save system, the game has procedurally generated dungeons and contracts, so there is some replay value there. Choosing a different starting character also changes affinity and a unique trait they have. The story doesn’t change though, so I don’t feel drive to start over. The level cap is 30, so you can only progress so far with your main as well. I would say replayability wasn’t the focus of this game though.

Developers - C-:
The developers of this game have a TON of passion to make it wonderful, but there are a 2 things I have noticed. First, updates are relatively slow. This year alone saw 1 big content release, which added the first major town to the game, almost 2 years after Early Access launch. There were more smaller hotfixes sprinkled in, but a lot of them added buildings to the town they just released. Developing games is an arduous process and times vary due to team size, so this is a heads up that update rollout could be slow. Second, the dev’s responses to negative reviews have been on the rude side. I have seen a plethora of copy-paste responses to most and even one insinuating someone was writing misinformation on purpose for upvotes and awards. While I don’t know if it is true or not, the dev’s way of responding was not okay. The desire to make a good game is there but being rude to people who have purchased your product is not okay. They invested money into what you do and have a right to not feel satisfied with it. Wayfinder, if you read this, be better. There are ways to defend your game while still respecting your community.
235 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
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1622 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.21 22:35
This game has so much going for it. In so many ways, it feels like a cleaned up version of a classic dungeon crawler with some great innovations. Unfortunately, it stubbornly holds on to enough outdated mechanics that this game and this genre have outgrown.
Fighting in this game feels *great.* There's always some level of risk, and you'll always have important tactical decisions to make that will dramatically impact the flow of the fight. Likewise, building, leveling, and equipping a character is a deep and satisfying process with a lot of variety. Unfortunately, those two systems have made up maybe 15% of my time in this game. The rest is just... tedium. The world is huge and empty, and moving on the overworld still uses the same classic dungeon crawling, turn-based pacing, but without any auto-explore or auto-pathing options. This means that doing something as simple as travelling from town to a nearby dungeon can take half an hour, and it's likely that nothing of any significance will happen in that time. And you'll be travelling back to town a lot, since your inventory fills up rapidly, and there's very little you can do to get more carrying capacity. Fiddling with your inventory and discarding things that you *think* are slightly less valuable in order to maximize the value of that long-haul trip is another huge time sink. And getting back to town only to find that the 1200 gold book you looted only sells for 2 gold is a *devastating* feeling.
But the worst part of this game by far is the save system. You can only save the game when you rest at a campsite or inn, and those are few and far between. You'll find a few campsites around the world, but they're a massive pain to locate, especially since you have no idea which portions of the map you've actually searched. So be prepared to spend an hour hiking out to a distant dungeon and another hour crawling through it, only to die to the final boss and lose two hours of your life.
This game is even more brutal than most permadeath roguelikes, but trying to get anything done in it takes an exorbitant amount of time, and you may lose your progress at any given moment. I keep coming back to this game, because I desperately want it to be better, but I think I'm losing hope that that will ever happen. I can't in good faith recommend it.
38 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1094 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.21 18:01
I've been on the fence whether or not to get this game ever since the prologue because of all the negative reviews. Only decided to get it when I saw it on sale. After a few hours with it, I regret skimping out, this game is a masterpiece in the making. If you're a fan of old-school rogue-likes or rpgs this game should be right up your alley in terms of its gameplay. That said it is still a work in-progress and the devs are still tweaking the game, holding off getting the game when it's finished would be totally understandable, but personally the game is already quite enjoyable as is.
63 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
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2171 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.21 01:17
The games been out for 3 years in early access, I don't think the devs have the intention of finishing the game.
The last 22 months have been fixes and language changes.
36 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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7012 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.21 21:34
While I liked the idea and premise of this game, waiting for an update after 10 months is ridicules. Wait until it had been completely finished before you buy.
20 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2719 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.21 04:21
best game ever.
if u see a bear - run away.
release the update already :(
61 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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1897 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.21 12:04
the base game can be all that i need ... roguelike turn based rpg. i like the graphic and low fantasy setting the music and animations...all the basics are there for a brilliant game....BUT THERE IS NO CONTENT.

its been more than a year since last major content update the troll slayer. i came back after a year to check the game,
beside some minor updates there has been zero content upgrade for a year !!! the end boss still the troll which was a year ago... this is beyond laziness and is alarming and shady.

i would say DO NOT BUY until the game is finished. this early access is not worth the full price tag as it is 10% of the game should be. this game may be finished in 2-3 YEARS minimun or maybe never. BEWARE
39 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
3506 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.21 14:54
Beautiful and detailed graphics, an atmosphere that sucks you in and intriguing story are enough to make it worthwhile. The challenging combat and high risk-high reward approach to situations, where everything is scarce and the odds are always against you will put your tolerance to frustration to a test, but that is exactly what modern games lack. Stoneshard is one of those titles that will make you ragequit and come back for more after an hour.
The beta is good enough to be a standalone title. Additional content will only make it greater. I really think this game is bound to become a cult classic if the developers manage to pull it off completely.
119 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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1994 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.21 07:08
another early access that would never be released .
i've stoped buying early access games long ago. this was probably the last
97 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
1568 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.21 23:02
I started the game with a tutorial that I couldn't beat more than few times in the prologue. After the release I tried few characters, got into the forest and hunted down by some bears. After that point I realized that the first night of all nights is the most important one so I played the games 1st day for at least 10 times till I get a decent save at night at the inn. After that point progress came easily and I leveled up a lot as an archer with some good amount of gold in his pockets. Carefull on the roads, patient in the dungeons... Than I got the last city of the game and realized there is a giant boss and no more content after that. That broke my will to play anymore because I couldn't get enough improvment to satisfy myself against the creatures of the whole world.
Short story long: needs more content
208 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
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732 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.21 21:06
Way too slow on updates. They promised the next major content update in 'the summer', now they are saying october. Who knows when it will actually come
195 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
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1330 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.21 18:33
I hope my grandchildren will find this game fun
74 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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932 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.21 13:51
if you have a life the save system will force you to remain a gamer until you go to virtual sleep so i stopped playing
69 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
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1654 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.21 21:05

Liked the demo? Don't buy the game because it's nothing like it

Stoneshard's demo teases at a cool little turn-based pixel rpg game.

But finish that and you find yourself in a half-finished world with major functionality missing. There's nothing of note going in like 75% of the map, just random encounters with the same 3-5 enemies.

Now that's ok in many early access games, but the amount of progress that has been in made in this game over the past few months is woeful.

Some of the attempts to make this game difficult and unforgiving are just bad - the map system is appalling and more than any game you can find yourself in impossible RNG/pro-gen situations where death is practically a formality.

There's probably some plot but it all conversations seem paper-thin so you just skip them and travelling just seems a chore.

Clunky controls turn this into an arduous clickfest - avoid in the current state

237 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
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938 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.21 12:04
The difficulty of the prologue is misleading. It goes from being reasonable to being ridiculous in the actual game. Before posting ridiculous replies, like 'get gud!'. Keep in mind that most people have lives outside of video games and that this, for most, is a pastime to spend some enjoyable hours. Not a pastime to spend some frustrating hours, for that, I can go to work and make money.
94 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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386 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 00:49
I bought this game on my brothers account when it first released, as he was the only one in my house with a PC. I loved it and I had a lot of hope for what it could be. Eventually my brother moved for university, and I had to get my own PC, and repurchase the game.

I was excited to play it again, as it had been a year since I had last. I played for a few hours, realised they had added virtually nothing new in a years time, and decided to stop. I figured they'd add more at some point and I'd just come back once they did.

There was a small update in the last few months, so I decided to come back and try playing it again, put a few more hours into it, only to realise yet again that they have added virtually nothing in what has now been nearly two years.

It's a hard game, and can be extremely frustrating, so if that might be an issue for you, I don't recommend the game for you. Ultimately, I don't recommend the game at all, for anyone. Until the developers show that they are actually working on the game, I don't think anyone else should purchase it.

If the Brynn update isn't massive compared to the scope of the game currently, then I'm just going to write this game off as another scam, because at this point, the lack of updates and content being added over the course of two years in early access with plenty of fan feedback; is just utterly ridiculous.
136 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4042 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 08:28
I loath doing reviews but my buddy played the game for 3 hours and gave up. He’s a solid gamer and I think he is missing out.

This game has adorable pixel art and I wish its mechanics could be ported to a larger world setting. One of the big draws for me is the turn based combat and how you need to prepare or die. The tutorial does a great job of teaching you the mechanics and it shows the spirit of how challenging this will be. You have limited inventory space, you have a complex set of needs to stay effective in a fight, and monsters and traps hurt. I also don’t like getting mauled by a randomly generated bear or chased by a pack of wolves but it forces you to be careful at level one.

If you are overly attached to your tutorial character, you don’t get to play him for the main game. However they give you a reasonable selection of starter options that can quickly grow on you as well. TBH I want to play my own generated character and want access to all the skill trees. Its nice to want things.

The most important part of this game is, that while the main point is to do quests, the silliest thing you can do is to try to only do the quests and not explore. Maybe instead of paying an arm and a leg to sleep in the Inn you can find something exciting elsewhere. The sleep-to-save system does add to the challenge but if you are mindful of that limit, its manageable. I can think of a handful of pixel farming sims that have a similar mechanic. Besides you can forage for 5 minutes and get enough to sleep at the Inn for a night.

Finally there is actually a sanity mechanic in the game. So if losing large amounts of progress by random encounters because you have not saved recently and you feel this might affect your sanity... eat Mindwort.
57 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1831 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.21 00:50
Put a good ammount of time into this game when i first purchased. Love the turn based system, love the oldschool artwork, love everything about it! I see so much potential for a great game, but its moving at a snails pace. So many people in the reviews complaining about the lack of updates and i have to agree with them. Dev's say there is alot going on in the background which is great if its true but i have had this game for a number of months, maybe close to a year and literally nothing has changed. There is barely any classes ready to play, alot of the mechanics are due to change. Its un-motivating to try and learn the game in its current state knowing it is slated for such a massive change. Either way i really like what the dev's have created and hope for its expedited success. I understand covid has forced alot of people out of the studios and to work from home. Hopefully that is the case and things will start moving along soon.
280 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
7486 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.21 04:54
This game is awesome, but it will make you suffer, and it will feel unfair at times. Don't buy it if you're not comfortable with this.
762 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1597 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.21 08:30
The game is good, the pixel art is nice, the turn based decision making is meaningful since you're not much stronger than your enemies. If you don't think ahead you're limping back to town or worse. The combat RNG is fine, you feel that your gear adds enough numbers to your rolls that its meaningful. The healing is in depth and getting better means healing in specific ways, like bandages, splints or herbs, dealing with pain which causes psychological debuffs, but most means of dealing with pain increases intoxicity so its a conscious decision on how you deal with your wounds rather than just downing a potion.

However where the RNG fails, is dungeon generating. The prologue/tutorial is a good indicator of this. It's randomly generated so the enemies you face can be different as well as the loot you find. So you can get enemies and traps in much better positions, or in very unfortunate positions. In the prologue I was having a hard time, but on about the 5th try I got armor that was a significant upgrade, and easier enemies. This plays into the next big problem.

Only saves when sleeping. I don't mind the idea of only saving at specific times, however only when sleeping is a massive drawback, ESPECIALLY when you get to your dungeon it can RNG into a random difficulty. I understand save scumming is something you have to factor into a game, espcially with RNG, but its a massive barrier of enjoyment in this game. There's also a day/night cycle so if you get to town after too late you can't sell your stuff so you sleep/save and in the morning you prep for the day, so if you go out and die, you have to do that every time. Or if you kill some enemies on your way to a mission, do you go back and save or just take the risk that you'll have to redo it, some missions are timed so you might not have a choice. If you could save before a building/mission area/bandit camp I would have much less of an issue, or something I saw Kingdom Come do was saving at sleeping, with inns in most areas to save at, and also a potion that also saves. I think having a select few places to save, and then a potion that takes up space and costs gold so saving is accessible, but also a specific decision you have to make since they cost money, but also take up space.

I'll probably keep coming back, there is a good, even maybe a great game, it just needs some major tweaks to balancing like RNG effecting enemy and item placement and updates are relatively slow. The saving works against the enjoyment of the game currently. I can't recommend trying it as is right now.
339 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1825 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.21 20:37
This game seems so cool, and i love the concept so much.... but i can't recommend it.... the updates are far too slow for any reasonable game. The game is incredibly solid because of how thorough they seem to be, but holy hell, it takes forever to release an update. It is incredibly fun, and a really hard challenge too, which i love.

it is a great game, but it is super shallow in content, when this game is done and released fully, i might change my review, but at this rate i might be dead before then.
289 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
172 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 18:04
The game looks promising and I really like the graphics and overall atmosphere.
Sadly, imho, it progresses way too slow. The developer should've gone into Early Access at a later
point in time.
327 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
1705 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 17:10
I do agree with some of the complaints people have so far and that this game should be more accessible, or at least give people more options to adjust the game to their liking. As it is now, if you're into hardcore, old school-ish RPGs and aren't averse to being screwed over from time to time by the roll of the dice, then this game is wonderful. If you don't have the patience for that and just want to romp through dungeons and destroy everything in your path, you probably won't have a good time.

It's a lovingly crafted game with great pixel art, fantastic UI, well-written dialogue, and surprisingly good music. But it's hard. You're not powerful in the beginning. An encounter with a wolf (God help you if you get more than one) could mean a quick demise. A bandit ambush on the road could end you before you reach your first quest location. Saving (as it is currently implemented) can only be done by sleeping, meaning you can only save in the inn in town or at camp if you happen to find one out in the wilderness. Knowing this, it's easy to see why the game frustrates so many people, since a bad encounter with a wolf can wipe away an hour or two of progress since the last time you saved. And yet I find myself drawn to the game, because part of the fun for me is to know my limits and pick my fights, know when to run, and most importantly, *prepare* before you set out in the first place to make sure you can handle whatever curve balls the game will throw at you.

It's early access, content is still getting added and there may be changes to the save system, but there's still a lot here to do if you think you're the kind of person who's up to the challenge.
473 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5008 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.21 15:51
There is a lot to like here but I cant recommend it. I enjoy a difficult game but much of the difficulty here feels attributable to a lack of rewards and not respecting the player's time. For example, completing a mission gives you about 1/4 the gold required to buy anything that improves on starter equipment -- even if you farm, pelts and drops sell for dozens of gold, as where repairing equipment and feeding yourself costs hundreds and anything remotely interesting will cost thousands. Most egregious in my opinion is that you can only save by camping, so you have to finish dungeons in one sitting. I've got a lot of time played but it's because I've had to leave the game running in the background while doing other stuff so I don't lose my progress. I get it, they want to keep people from savescumming and add consequences to dying. But i feel like it's a clumsy and kinda lazy way of making the game harder.

But Like I said, there is a lot to like. It's early development but it doesn't feel incomplete. The turn based game play feels great, works well, remarkably smooth and fun. Skills seem well developed and like they have interesting mechanics built in. So, if you have a lot of time to play and don't mind wasting your time and calling it difficulty, give it a try. I'll keep checking in on development.
73 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4785 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 02:31
This game is like Pixel Dungeon (turned-based game) and is open world. Rather difficult as a game, requires some strategy, but overall a very good game.
422 Produkte im Account
109 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1179 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.21 21:48
Stoneshard is a fun game but has some issues, The prologue is very misleading and feels nothing like the game itself saving the game is a pain and makes me not want to continue playing. And the game content is lacking and has not changed much since when I first got the game back in feb 2020. At this time I can not recommend the game in its current state.
205 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1320 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.21 08:58
I've talked about this on the stoneshard reddit, but no one wanted to hear it. the devs aren't going to be able to ship as many features as they would like. I mean, they -could-, but for some reason they are so freaking slow. There are only 2/like 8 magic trees even working right now. About half of the weapon skill trees are not in. Their big bi-year update is for one of the magics and 2 of the melee branches to be implemented. This means just getting the stuff they've already promised in is going to take like 10 years. Then they mention they want to add in some more medicine stuff. They want to add in more armors and weapons. They only just updated the procedural generation to not be barebones (every dungeon a hodgepodge of similar rooms obviously generated like a bad dnd game). There are two whole story beats and they are 1)fetch quests and 2) boss fight, and they are over quick.

The overworld aspect to the game is overblown. You wander some awesome looking nature, and kill stuff, try to bring back the loot. That's it. At the moment, that's the whole game. Sure they try to sprinkle in some 'events' but I really get the sense they aren't trying all that hard. Ambush on the road, bandit camps.

Look, what I'm trying to say is....they aren't going fast enough. Everything they've got works well, the art is swell, the basics are mostly there. Everything I interact with I say, 'yeah, makes sense, works well', and then I move on and expect the next piece to be there but it's not. They lay out this plan that says, 'look at all we are going to do here!'...but I seriously doubt it man. It's been like years and so little has changed.

I've gotten into the code of the game (to cheat), and I really don't see why it takes 3-4 months to implement a new weapon that is just reskins/balancing of some previous weapon. I'm resisting the urge right now to write some interesting road-side interactions/random events just to show you this shiz could be cooked up in a few minutes.

I dunno, it sucks because it could be a sweet game. It's frustrating. Like watching a grown man tie his shoes into neat knots but at a toddler's pace.
387 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
341 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.21 02:36
Yeah... wait till it gets out of early access... even the template characters they give you can't properly deal with the game mechanics... let alone finish quests... unbalanced and definitely not fun to play.... outside the introduction its a bore....
679 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
656 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.21 20:10
The game is too hard without reason, you have to purchase a day at the tavern to save, there is no autosave, prices of the items are TOO HIGH, you self stuff for about 30 gold pieces and a basic weapon costs 1k~3k .
Enemies chase you to the end of existence and between maps, meaning that if you encounter and enemy you can't beat, you're dead.
I do not recommend this game
123 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
878 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.05.21 03:19
I really want to like this game as it has much going for it, but the simple fact that you can only save by sleeping, and you have to go way out of your way just to do that, is beyond frustrating. There's nothing like clearing out an entire dungeon just to get killed by some lackey at the very end by a bad roll of the dice and then have to restart the last hour or so of your life. Until a better system is implemented for saving, I cannot recommend.
385 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
398 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 10:58
This game gave me flashbacks to when I first played Ultima Online circa 1997 and spent 40 minutes chopping down trees to build up my strength only to be killed by a rabbit and lose everything.

246 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1366 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.21 20:14
Enemies just flee to the next zone and disappear making leveling frustrating early game. Also the frequency of rain plus the nerf to fire makes playing pyromancer so unfun. Its like these devs don't play their own game. And despite it being more then a year they've yet to add anymore magic beyond 2 schools. Seriously these guys are the worst
325 Produkte im Account
84 Reviews
13481 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.21 21:38
I have played Stoneshard since it first released on Steam and it's one of the best games I've ever played! The world of Stoneshard is very immersive and the sense of 'realism' that the game brings to combat systems, survival elements and character builds are well-designed. I very much appreciate the gritty, post-war game world - it's similar in setting/atmosphere to other darker fantasy properties like Goblin Slayer, Game of Thrones, Witcher, etc.

Don't be swayed by the negative reviews. The game is fantastic given its current stage in development and is only getting better with each update!
124 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
9105 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.21 18:59
This game is hard, slow, very incomplete (so far you can only do like 6 different quests). But the charm is undeniable and when it is actually complete it will be one of the best single player rpgs around.
150 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2311 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.21 17:26
A promising game at release.

Revisiting it over a year later, I have to say there has not been much development, neither gameplay nor content wise. A shame.
36 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
2481 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.21 18:47
The potential for this game is almost infinite. If the devs manage to finish the game and not ruin it.

At this point there's not much to do. There are 2 towns with around 3 locations for each town that u quest at, and 2 bosses and one of them is at the end of the prologue.

The save system even tho is being changed in the future didn't bother me so I don't care about that.

I wish the game was open instead of being divided into squares with just void when u walk next to the border, it breaks the immersion.

It also would be cool if the game was procedurally generated and could go on forever instead of having actual borders that you can't pass.

Overall it's good for now but it has a very long way to go.

108 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5050 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.21 14:58
So, i really quite enjoyed playing stoneshord for many hours. But at this stage of development i just cant recommend it. Let's start with the positives though.

- The graphics and atmosphere are both really well done and i love this kind of 2D artstyle!
- Combat feels great, throwing fireballs at enemies, beheading them with a greatsword, shooting bolts at brigands, zombies, skeletons and the like, it's a lot of fun indeed! Animation's look really nice too!
- There are a lot of different builds you can do in stoneshard, and while some are better than others, they all have their unique style of battling your foes.
- Progression feels rewarding. It's a hard game and your coins are earned with blood and sweat. Therefore it's great to finally be able to afford a new weapon, armor, spell/ability.
- The feeling of the constant possibility of dying and losing precious time, XP and money make for an exciting trip everytime. No matter how prepared you are, death could wait around every corner.

Well those are pretty great points speaking for the game itself. But sadly that's where it hits a wall for me. You're playing the game, finishing contract's, talking to townspeople and explore dungeons and locations scattered around the map. You're becoming a more and more experienced mercenary, capable of handling more than a handful of vile enemies before you!

But what for? What's the goal? Where am i going? Exactly, nowhere. Aside from the prologue and some minor interactions there's not a lot of storytelling, it feels empty. After a while you get frustrated because you don't seem to make an impactful difference in the world. Sure, the game is not finished yet, it's being worked on. I get it, but it's been out quite a while now and there doesn't seem to be any priority towards storytelling,

There will be another big update this summer, but it's just not interesting to me farming new gear or seeing new places without any narrative. Like i said before, it feels empty and shallow after a while. I want to work TOWARDS something, not only improve my character for the sake of getting stronger.

Stoneshard, in my opinion, has great potential. But they aren't making significant progress. It lacks substance, a fundament and a STORY!

Get this if it's on sale and you don't have any better options. Otherwise wait a few years for a full release. I'm still thankful for the fun hours i had with this game
73 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
292 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.21 16:18
- great aesthetic
- engaging story
- sound design is on point
- ui design excellent

- managing 15 different survival meters pushes the complexity limit
- game feels tedious and often frustrating
- save system is too punishing and plays heavily into the tedium problem
- inventory management is quite bad.
- immersion is getting in the way of gameplay. why is my map taking up inventory space? you need to find a better way of balancing good gameplay with creating an immersive experience. right now the former is being sacrificed for the latter.
- viable combat strats include: shoot thing and run away
- arbitrary jumps in difficulty among certain mobs that aren't obvious. why are bears unstoppable gods?
- why do i need to take extra steps to see a mobs hp? seems needlessly tedious in a game that's already extremely tedious

Difficult, complex, unforgiving: pick two. Stoneshard wants to be all three. I really want to like this game and it took awhile to figure out why I didn't. All the pieces are here to have something special, but the devs just haven't quite solved the puzzle.
83 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1048 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.21 09:29
I like challenging games, but this is just made to annoy you.
1. If you kill difficult enemies during a mission and in between you save, they reappear again.
2. The enemies lvl with you, but always have better gear and skills, so you can never win from mobs
3. Skill selling merchant is not in first Town, certain builds you cannot start
4. Skill selling merchant comes in first Town after completing rescue mission, but suddenly dissapears when you perform the next mission
5. You will die so many times and just with only pure luck you will survive.
6. The missions are nearly impossible when you dont grind, level up and get first skills.
7. Saving you can only do in a few spots and when you die so often it is a pain to walk back and loose 1 hour or more of progress.
I do not recommend the game in the current stage. The devs need to change and repair many things first to let me come back.
220 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
829 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.21 01:44
why does the map take up an inventory slot? just to punish people without a second monitor?
257 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
429 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.21 05:13
The lack of a save system makes this game tedious, not challenging.

747 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1429 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.21 10:20
It's pretty tricky, fair high on the difficulty scale, and it doesn't explain everything particularly well, but it's also very rewarding, and has a lot of very cool combat and skill ideas - definitely worth a try, and only getting better over time
33 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2991 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.21 05:09
Stoneshard is a very unforgiving game. You will frequently find yourself battling with the game's multiple survival elements (hunger, thirst, morale, and sanity) as well as the game's punishing injury system and extremely low-power combat. Challenging would be an understatement for this game. One small mistake can ripple and become a death with relative consistency so one must be constantly aware of their choices, options, and surroundings. If you liked the unforgiving nature of Salt And Sanctuary or Dark Souls, but don't like the reaction-time based systems of the two, this game gives you a turn-based, tactics-oriented system that will make your every choice count. From choosing a gear upgrade over a waterskin to hunting a sanity-saving herb on the brink of death, this game will have you analyzing your every move before you even finish the tutorial.
42 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1680 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.21 13:21
10 злоебучих медведей из 10 в айронмоде
648 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1080 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 17:21
I really wanna like this game but so far I really can't recommend it. It's been a year and barely anything has been added and whats there is very little. If this trend/pace continues I recommend it will take at least another 4 years before it would come close to what I consider complete/worthy of more then 5 bucks.
156 Produkte im Account
55 Reviews
1329 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.21 03:24
Very hard game. Complex health system, and the cures for the many wounds have their negatives too. Only get a chance to save in town or camp. Very limited inventory; and the town merchants go to bed at night. Only get one chance to do each quest. So you die, and have to try again till the RNG smiles on you.

Altogether, a bit too tough for me to keep playing it. I had fun exploring the game for 20 hours, so I did recommend. I would play it some more if they had an Easy mode that toned down the challenge. There is a lot to like about the game, and it is Early Access.
70 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
422 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.21 03:59
When I first started to play this game, it was difficult, but in an enjoyable way. But when I actually started playing the game after the prologue I noticed some glaring issues with the game's mechanics. Firstly, the game has a save system where you save by going to sleep, but the main issue with that is that all of the beds are a tedious hike away from the spots where you would usually die, not only that, but you will die, a lot which leads me to my second issue, the high dependency on RNG can make the game incredibly unfun, at least in the early game. I had to restart the prologue ~4 times just to get some decent weapons to fight the first boss, and even then I struggled because my character kept fumbling every other attack (fumbling reduces damage), making the first boss completely unenjoyable, even its mechanics need polishing, as it just became tedious to fight him, because he kept healing and I was forced to run circles around him to avoid his attacks, some of which weren't avoidable and were the cause of 90% of my deaths, and other times due to the GUI I would die because something wasn't made clear enough. All in all the gameplay is great, but there are issues related to the games tediousness and rough mechanics that make me not want to recommend it.
215 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
33 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.21 16:54
Great execution of a classic style with updated features but the save system is downright annoying and will only force this game in to less popularity, didn't give it much of a go but I know well enough that I'd love it if that were changed.
70 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
244 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.21 12:52
This game has soooo much pontential!
So first of the pixel-graphics are really nice. I really like the towns and landscapes, buildings... I also like the combat and how many items there are.
But what makes the game so bad is: It is way too hard and reeeeaaally unbalanced.
In the beginning you have no chance against enemies. They are way too hard 'cause you are lvl 1.
The problem is you cant farm xp very vell. There are way too few animals or enemies which are easy to defeat. Also you need to get way too much xp to lvl up the first few lvls.
If you die you will just need to play from the last safegame which means: You've lost all the xp again IF you didn't always walk for 5 min back to the tavern and pay all your money to save the game once.
Ok...so thats bad. You spend all your money on ''savegames''. But thats not the only thing. You also need to pay for food 'cause you will not find much for free. Basically you have always the hunger-effect which will reduce your stamina a lot and can also lead to death.

It is really sad to see such a game with so much potential but this saving-system and all the other things I mentioned mess the game up a lot.
Oh and the worst thing is that half of all the players have already said that they dont like the saving-system but after a YEAR, yes a YEAR after the release they still didn't fix it.
Man...I'm reeeaaalllly disappointed.
294 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
567 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.21 12:42
This game could be fun, but its hard just for the sake of being hard. At level 1 anything else can kill you solo. Doing the very first mission pits you against multiple people and traps and theres no way to save once you get to a dungeon/keep. You die and go all the way back to town losing all XP gained. I just died to a fire trap because theres literally no way to stop burning in the game. I have a water bottle and cant even use it to stop burning. I had full health and the timer would go down to 1 turn then back to 10 turns of burning. Whoever thought that was a good idea was dumb.
229 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 15:30
This game has real potential, with an interesting game system and good mechanics, but I absolutely can't recommend it because of the lack of a save system. The auto-saves are too few and far between, and I have neither the time nor desire to constantly replay the same 20 minutes of the game over and over again. I'd change my recommendation if this gets fixed, but until then, you're better off working through something else in your Steam Library.
52 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
714 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 14:08
i yell, scream and pound my table while playing this game. I dont know why I keep restarting but I cant help it
19 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
97 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 12:30
There should be items such as tents that we can put up anywhere, we can sleep and we can save the progress of the game. Win win solution for those who give thumbs down in the review, overall this is awsome! MUST TRY! and also please add badge and achievements.
370 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2555 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 09:20
There is a thin line between challenging and tedious. This game is tedious. Otherwise very promising. Good luck to the devs. I will be keeping an eye on its development.
41 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
18515 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 14:23
one of the best roguelike games I have ever played I have almost 300 hours in this game and am still eager to play every new update. the most potential I have seen in a game in a long time and from the way things are going with the updates I think things can only go up! with that said I think that the game needs a better way of saving not necessarily an easier way or a way that takes away from the challenge but something that the player can use tactically like a sleeping roll or at a cost like a blood sacrifice in dungeons to save your game. this is the only gripe I have with the game but I still encourage new players who are interested to play the free prolog and see if its something you like.
117 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1487 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 04:55
A very well put together and challenging game with innovative and immersive mechanics I thoroughly enjoy...

... But one which I find impossible to recommend based on a truly terrible save system. I don't mind losing progress upon death or loss and find it a strong motivator and draw to the game but when I have no option to exit the game to deal with life without losing all my progress for no reason other then life calls and I do not have the luxury of playing another 40 minutes to wander my way back to a bed and finally save.

So much potential but I cannot get over this terrible save system. It feels like something that sounded great on the drawing board and may appeal to a handful of players but in practice its a frustrating gimic that does not add the the fun or challenge of the game and screams of terrible game design in an otherwise terrifically put together game.
30 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
6309 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.20 09:00
This game certainly has its flaws but they are more related to the lack of content and the disparity in certain archetypes than game philosophy or design. While it is a common criticism in other reviews I've read where the early game is too difficult to the point of making people quit I wouldn't say that is necessarily a bad thing. In fact I enjoy that part of really struggling to overcome the early levels but reaping the benefit of feeling near unstoppable in the later levels.

The only major criticism of the game so far is that certain builds seem much much stronger than others. For example a super hard defense build going for countering and high block chance is far more consistent and rewarding than a spear build. The mechanic of blocking and negating an enemies turn is just 100x more rewarding than immobilizing an enemy for one turn who you can't attack on the following turn without another ability if they are still 2 spaces away. This isn't true for all builds of course since some extremely offense based builds like while duel wielding or using a greatsword can be just as rewarding as the defensive builds. It is more an issue with just a few archetypes namely spears and magic. Even martial arts builds just intended to kick and mess with your enemies seem to be substantially more effective than the other two to the point where when I have done a magic build I find myself just leveling up quarterstaves instead since the magic itself is underwhelming. While many of the later game abilities are strong in these skill trees that is true of ALL skill trees. The early game is so essential to survive that when magic and especially spears struggle to make it through the early game you just wind up grinding wolves instead of actually completing quests.

The last criticism I have is that the saving system is a bit annoying. While it is consistent and simple to grasp that resting in a bed either at a tavern or camp saves the game sometimes it can take quite a while to get to such locations. If I could recommend anything to the devs if they by some miracle see this review it would be to allow saving outside of hostile locations.

Anyway with all that said the game is a blast even at its soul crushing lowest I can't help but coming back to keep trying. I'm excited to see how it develops and I'd highly recommend it for anyone into hardcore roguelikes and/or turn based rpgs.
83 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
332 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.20 00:10
Very promising but needs a hell lot of balancing.
My biggest complaints;

- Purchase/Sell prices at merchants desperately need to be balanced. Maybe implement varying prices for the quality of the item we want to buy/sell if you think money should be tight. So that at least quality items will yield a decent price instead of being sold for 10 gold while the merchant would ask 300 from us. And 20 gold for an apple or piece of bread are a little bit ridiculous don't you think?

- There needs to be the option to save the game on exit! I know you want the game to be unforgiving, hardcore and punishing, but real life comes first and one should really be able to quickly save the game and leave if necessary instead of spending another thirty minutes just to try and find a place to save.

- Why does the land turn black every time I re-enter the game? Do the trees in the forest stand up and walk around while I'm gone? And the buildings in the village mingle and shuffle like saturday night with too much booze? Or maybe my character is just dumb as bread and forgets everything he's done and seen yesterday?
I really think that areas which have been explored should stay revealed. Having everything black over and over again was the reason I stopped playing after a short while today, even though I planned to spend the night with Stoneshard. It feels like I'm wasting time every session just to unveil the map again instead of heading straight into playing.

Other than that I'm quite happy with how this game looks like so far.
If they balance it more, so that investing time into exploring and farming etc really becomes worth it and pays off in the end I think I'd be really happy. It's really all about the balance between efforts made and rewards gotten.

As for the recommendation. If you really like these kinds of games, go jump right in. Otherwise maybe wait a little, check the updates and changes and watch where the game goes before buying.
79 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
5194 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.20 22:24
I have played a RPG turn based games all the way back to Ultima series in the 80's. This game is not for the light hearted. This is a merciless game that will kick you in the *ss and laugh at you all the way. This is a game where you have to prepare, think, strategic thinking and no mercy. I loved it for the very fact that it separates casual players from die hard veterans. I just want the expansion to come along!! Need more content and bigger challenges! I rate this game a 9 out of 10. It is the first game in a long time that has demanded perseverance. Well done!
142 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1810 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.20 12:31
I really wish I could give this game a good review... But, It's just so damn unbalanced. On top of the insanely overpowered enemies you run into early on, the save system can be quite tiring. I find myself many times just sick and tired of the game. And, I try to give it another chance.

The one moral I have learn from this is that I will never purchase another one of this developers games.
249 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
451 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.20 06:56
Kited for a couple hours to get through the first bit then had 4 guys open a door and gang bang me. Game needs re-balancing, an adjustment to stun locking and/or change to how debuffs affect you. I have been itching for a Hardcore survival like game for a while, but this seems a bit too Hardcore. Alot of the aspects to the gameplay I enjoy for sure.
146 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2934 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 22:22
Great game, lacking in content, but the foundation is fantastic.
324 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1639 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 18:29
cool game. well done.
115 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1169 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.20 00:53
I really want to love this game, I really do. But it just isn't fun. It seems less fun since the recent changes in one square of forest I fought 9 bandits (3 groups of 3). The wolf population is out of control and I rarely see deer. Foxes run when you are a mile away. I get to the second mission to rescue the merchant and the guys inside that fort are way stronger than me, constant stuns and some dude with a dagger that stabs the hell out of me. The enemy has a worse shield than me and blocked 5 of my attacks in a row. I don't mind hard games if there is a learning curve so I can figure out how to get better, this isn't that type of hard its simply overly hard to a point of being comical. I will probably stop playing until the final product comes out maybe at that point it will be fun.
262 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1655 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 06:31
This is probably the hardest decision I've had to make when reviewing a steam title. Recommend or Not?

Stone Shard is very unforgiving, to a fault. This is mostly because of the save system in combination with an RNG based combat system. Normally I don't mind excessive difficulty in games, but this one seems almost unbalanced. I understand that positioning and approaching each dungeon carefully is important, but when I can fight an enemy at level 1, and barely scrape by, at level 5 I should be able to win fairly easily. NOT DIE HORRIBLY. Now I have to reset all the way back to the tavern and walk across the empty world to get back to the dungeon which has completely reset. A game shouldn't punish the player this much for bad RNG.

I feel like this game either needs to double down on the permadeath and make the overworld significantly smaller/random so the runs are shorter (Roguelike) or add some sort camping mechanic, requiring supplies to save, making this more of an RPG. So I can camp at a dungeon and not waste 15 minutes walking back to inevitable death.

Right now this game feels like it's at odds with itself, not sure what it wants to be: a roguelike or a hardcore RPG?!

I'd like to see them add a way to perception check beyond doors or something because almost every door in every dungeon is locked and once it's open, and if 4 enemies are on the other side that all aggro to you at once, you're dead. Once engaged, running isn't really an option, and stealth doesn't seem to be implemented yet.

All that negative stuff being said there is lots to like in this game. The sprite/tile work is great, I really like the way the game plays in terms of controls and user interface, the game play loop is very fun and it scratches an itch I haven't been able to reach. The combat is satisfying and engaging and skills actually seem to have an effect. The prologue boss was so frustrating at first but once I learned his move-set it was super fun. So far, in my 12 hours of playtime, I've yet to see another boss like that, but I really hope to see more!

Even though I really enjoy this game, I have to go with a thumbs down FOR NOW.

Sorry Ink Stains. I'm definitely going to keep playing it and I look forward to watching this game as it progresses. Maybe in some time I'll be writing a completely different review.

46 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 00:40
I Liked this game, its mechanics are interesting and I hope the ones they implement in the future too. But even so, it is not perfect. It is not appealing to people new to the genre, and it is, in general, hard already for itself. I´d like to believe that in the future, the overall difficulty lowers a bit in some special places, or that the missions are, in some way, fixated for your level. overall, really good and I expect big things from it.
417 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
116 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 04:53
Not really recommendable when the devs say that they cannot implement midgame saves. Possibly the only game ever where they can't implement it... It's not only the saves though, but you get to see the mentality behind the developers
3321 Produkte im Account
59 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
38 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 04:37
Veni Vidi Vomiti...et refundi.

There is a certain game design philosophy that i would call the Misery philosophy, because at its core, this design philosophy aims not to entertain, but to throw as much misery as possible at the player.
When it is well implemented this philosophy can lead to games that are quite addictive (thinking of the Misery mod for Stalker on which i spent over 1k hrs).
When it is badly implemented, it leads to clown shows like Stoneshard.
Basically the developers of this game collected all the negative status effects they could find in all rpg and survival games out there, and thrown them in this game without any rhyme or reason.
Balance? Who needs that? Balance is for wimps, this a game for real men.
Animations? Who needs that, this game is about dying not decadent stuff like graphics and animations.
Combat? You wont even be able to tell if you hit or have been hit unless you check the text log.

Get wounded, you lose hp...thats too simple, you get pain and pain affects your stats and your morale which in turn affects your stats some more, but dont worry there is an antidote for pain but...it will make you drunk which will negatively affect some other stats, and if you use some items to deal with those effects, that will lead to other negative effects.

So cool exploring and looting...well if you have where to store that loot that is.
Even identify scrolls dont stack, so yeah good luck looting with no inventory storage.
Surprised money (that also take inventory space) do stack, maybe someone should suggest the devs to make money non-stackable, im sure they will jump at the idea.
Edit: money only stack in small amounts (100 coins) so basically its only a partial stack, 1k coins will fill up 10 spaces in your inventory.

Game saves? Only at certain locations, and no there is no save on exit, but better read the developer's list of excuses for this situation in their own post, its sticky so its easy to find.

This game is special, i dont think i managed to observe so many blatantly bad design decisions in other games in less than an hour of gameplay.

Stoneshard is only recommended for those players who can draw pleasure from pain for the sake of pain.
373 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
37 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.20 20:58
The save system keeps me from playing the game. If they ever add a save on exit I will play more.
279 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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1580 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.20 15:31

I want to make it clear that the game I want to play, the one the devs seem to be developing, rather than the one currently available, is worthy of an enthusiastic upvote. My downvote is for the game curretly available.. Be aware, if purchasing Stoneshard in it's current state, that it is frustrating, punishing, and nigh unplayable. The primary issues are Balance and Quality of Life.

1. Absolutely beautiful pixel art
2. Mouse only interface
3. Deep customisation. Buying a shield with an emblem on it is represented on your sprite.
4. Complex economy
5. Complex character progression.

CONS (My main complaints)
1. Map does not track player position.
2. Map does NOT track player position.
3. I get this is a nod to realism, but player cannot add markers to the map, nor use the map to chart a course back to town. This is a very annoying feature.
4. Map is divided into square encounter regions. Player has not feed back as to where in the square they are currently located. Ergo, you can walk past your destination just because you are slightly to one side of it, and because of points one and two (above) you WILL become horribly and irreversibly lost.
5. Player is HORRIFICALLY under-powered for the primary quest offered at the beginning. You will need to grind on random bandit encounters, and you will need to save often.
6. Player may only save in a bed. This means that a great deal of quest progress can be wiped by a random encounter with a god-dammed boar. This has happened to me multiple times.
7. I managed to complete two story missions, plus innumerable random encounters, selling all the loot I could get my hands on, and never the less could never afford to buy better armour or weaponry that the crap shart I started with.

Devs, I love what you are trying to do here, and it really is a game I want to play. But please, I feel like you are punishing me for no reason. Why do you hate me so much?
1163 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
2550 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.20 18:49

One of my future favorites

It is a real roguelike experience. Saving the game only in town forces you to prepare for each mission and really think your actions as though as it were permadeath, with the sweet option that if you die, you'll just rewind to town instead of starting the whole game again.

Combat mechanics are very rewarding:
- Dealing an extra opportunity strike when the enemy is weak which is always critical,
- critical animations when they deal the final blow are surprisingly pleasant (head flies away off the enemies).
- Healing by resting in the middle of a dungeon while reducing the line of sight in the process is interesting... and frightening!

Replayability: There are tons of different combinations and they will all make you feel strong in their own way.

Graphics, combat, mechanics, music... everything is great. However, since this is early access, there is still much content missing. Once the game gets out of Beta, I'll definitely play it again and see if the developer took good care of the missing content, balancing and fine tuning. This could probably be one of my favorite games!


Buy it... once it gets out of early access! This game is going straight to greatness. Don't rush it, give it time to mature and come back when it's ready.
484 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
6753 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 05:47
Great art, great atmosphere, outstanding soundtrack and overall a fantastic game that challenges the player and encourages a more thoughtful approach to every combat scenario. The difficulty isn't insurmountable and all the tools are given to the player to overcome then if they have the patience to figure out what the tools are. Don't get put off by the people who got filtered by the tutorial boss.
251 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2519 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.20 15:09
This game can be summed up as a punishing turn-based survival RPG. Will you die? Yes. A lot? Yes. Will you have to retread the same path to get back to the dungeon where you just died? Yes.

But every time you mess up and die, you learn from your mistakes. You feel a sense of accomplishment when you finally make it back to town with the bounty after three attempts. And you feel like you really earned every power, every spell, and every piece of equipment you possess.

It's hard to believe this game is still in early access. If not for the empty skill trees and short story so far, I'd think this game was already complete. I'm so pumped to see the content they add in as the game advances to full release.

One thing I'd like to see is more of a standard roguelike element. It would be cool to keep a piece of equipment, or your gold, or a skill/spell, or reputation when you die and have to make a new character. You're playing a mercenary, so it wouldn't be a tough sell to pick up where you left off as a new member of the same mercenary company. Something like the death system in Sunless Sea would work really well in this game.
16 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4711 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.20 14:11
Playstyle of this game is different from casual grinders or hack and slash.
You must evaluate your strength before commiting to a quest, or risk losing your life.
If you carrying back a valuable quest item and come across a bear, leave it alone...
42 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
95 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.20 03:30
Hey. so played the game, but got annoyed at the save system. went through the forum and found that, though a large amount of their players have asked for something as simple as an exit save, the moderators refuse to go back and implement one, thinking that their save system is good enough and are too lazy to back track and actually implement something that they should have for a survival game in the first place. as someone who payed for this product, i'm extremely disappointed, as i barely hop on for long enough to find a save point, and i've seen others who have mentioned that searching for a save point in the game world so they can get off the game because of things happening in the real world is extremely immersion breaking. so you should probably decide if you're okay with a wonky save system before purchasing.
36 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1519 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.20 08:10
I desperately want to like Stoneshard. The aesthetics are A+, the soundtrack is like a dream and the voice acting is top notch. But I simply cannot get into this game because of its brutal difficulty spikes, especially in the early game.

To be clear, I am an avid fan of uncompromising rogue-likes. Kill me fairly, and I will happily start over again. For me, that doesn't apply to this game.

I have managed to get a couple of Stoneshard characters beyond the first few levels, cleared most dungeons and reached Mannshire. But the majority of new runs end in bitter frustration, early! For example: unforeseen ambushes in the woods that are tedious to escape. Or committing to an attack in a dungeon, just before more mobs step out of the fog of war. You already know you are dead before the reaper takes you. To then be sent back to your previous save location, usually erasing 10-20 minutes of your progress. Not to mention the journey back to your quest.

Sure, I am probably not a strategic mastermind, even though I have done my homework on classes, spell books and play styles. In this case, though, I think it is not only me who is to blame for my poor experience. Yeah, I guess I suck at the game, but Stoneshard won't allow a player like me to gradually find my footing difficulty-wise.

Don't get me wrong, I want Stoneshard to be challenging. But it is missing a more forgiving starting area around Osbrook, as a benchmark for your weapons and skills. With a starting area like that added to the game, the player can decide to either stay close and farm loot, or to venture further into to the next, more bountiful area, to see if gear and player skill still hold up in tougher battle. Let me dictate the pace.

Every time a new update comes out, I feel urged to dive back in to see what has improved. Hoping that it will change my experience of (the early game of) Stoneshard. I am sorry to say that, so far, it has not. I am confident, though, that future updates during this beta phase will finally draw me in. I will then gladly update my review of this promising title.
113 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
536 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.20 20:39
With a heavy sigh I pressed 'No' when asked if I could recommend the game.

I have absolutely no qualms with the game...difficulty is punishing and just (most of the time). Atmosphere is amazing, intro to the game is good...gameplay is nice...juggling between taking that grimoire you just found or an extra bread for the road.

But, and there's always a 'but'.

Imagine crawling through a dungeon, and looking through every nook and cranny. You fight dozens of mobs, sometimes running for dear life from them and sometimes mobs are introduced properly to your flawless sword techniques and the occasional fireball to the face. Then there at the very end you encounter that boss which acts like the dungeon is his, but he's only there because I accepted the bounty on his ugly head. And boy does he know it. He gets the pointier end of my sword while trying to bash his head on my stone armor—the fool—I take a step back and plunge my arrow in his head—not the knee, mind you. The boss falls, I collect some more loot and toss out this apple that looks a bit like it spawned feet...you know what? Let's eat the walking apple to stave off the hunger for a while longer. Then it's time to backtrack over the bodies, the rubble and the memories of this godforsaken dungeon—memories which I already am prone to forget because of that amazing magic hood I found.

Awesome story so far, if I may say so myself.

Then I see some light sneaking its way in at the end of the stairs. I quickly walk to meet the light, but the light is cheating on me with a pack of wolves. And wolves, dang, wolves are greedy. They want in on everything and don't even show any remorse. So they mauled my arse and danced in the moonlight with my hard earned loot.

Pfft, what a story. With a sad, but acceptable, ending. Except for having to reload my save from the last time I saved my game, essentially having wasted exactly the above awesome story.


Now before all you wise-men start going off on me; I know this is a Roguelike and it can very well be so that you lose progress. But this kind of loss is more an annoyance than really making me feel like I want to do the exact same again, hoping that them cheating wolves don't maul my arse after being exhausted.

Not saying there should be a 'save everywhere' option, but I'm kind of done after walking the same roads to the same-ish dungeon for the umpteenth time. There's no sense of progression if you die and lose everything all the time.

Don't get me wrong—I love the difficulty, but am tired of repeating the same things before I get to love the difficulty.

86 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
208 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.20 06:53
The game is super hard and you need to use a bed to be able to save the game. So basically you play more than an hour for the same quest again and again and it becomes boring after a while. No need to rage quit for such a little and nice game.

Combat system is chaotic and paradoxal, sometimes you kill a gang of four and sometimes a single enemy of the same kind kills you in a few seconds.

Not many skills are provided in the first steps of the game, nor coins, neither items, so basically you just suffer all the game to find valuable items and you die again.

It is hard to level up. Even the first few quests including the one you need to find the alchemy kit, you die more than 6-7 times and start all over again.

Prologue is okay but the retail version needs lots of practice that you can spend on an mmorpg game instead.

The game is good but the difficulty should be lower. I find it time consuming.
431 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1805 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 21:05
A lot of people are saying that this game is ridiculously difficult, that's not true at all. You need to break the business-as-usual gaming conditioning and adopt the rules of the world. It's a realistic one with more failures than successes, more so in the beginning that grants you a deeper satisfaction when you start to crawl out via perseverance and patience. This isn't a casual game, you need to think ahead of time and plan your progression from the beginning. Early mistakes will cause you problems, death is the best teacher. That might turn people off, but that's the itch that many people want scratched and this game delivers. Buy in now but temper your expectations, the game still has much it needs to flesh out and add, and yet the existing content is more than enough for the asking price. The graphics are lush and detailed, the SFX is well done and feels weighty, the music is light but atmospheric and the VO work was surprisingly good as well. This is a game that I have no doubt will be among the best RLs for years to come, good things come to those who wait
207 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
2735 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.20 04:42
Quite a hard roguelike that require some time to just get good at. People seem to be bothered with how the save system works, but for me they got it right by saving only when you sleep, having even more save possibilities would make the game too easy and wouldn't punish you as much as you should for doing the wrong move, also completely removing the roguelike feeling.(I'm happy permadeath is an option.)

The game is still in beta which means a lot of stuff are still missing and existing ones are likely to be changed, devs are taking good care of it, I've been following their discord and almost every week I see what they are about to do and it doesn't disapoint.

There are few things that I dislike, for example, not being able to see my enemy clearly even though the game shows in the log: *player spotted bear* *player spotted bandit*, but me as the actual person playing the game, I can't see it which can cause deaths that could be easily avoided and it normally happens when there's a wall or trees around. I also dislike how the game does not save areas you have been through in case you leave the game, even if you have saved it, the map becomes blackened just like the first time you have been there. And the last thing is being able to farm merchants stuff just by leaving the game and rejoining over and over to see what the guy is selling and buying whatever you want, this is doesn't hurt how the gameplay works much and to be honest I don't mind if they never change how this works.

Anyway, I really have faith in this game's progress, doing really good so far.
161 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.20 23:23
I love the difficulty of this game. It's refreshing. The save system makes it unplayable for me. I don't have endless time to devote to gaming. I'd like to be able to at least save on quit. Not interested in being able to reload or anything like that, but sometimes I just want to play a game for <30 minutes and I don't want to keep resetting back to the same spot every day. It's boring. Too bad, because I'm pretty sure a fun game lies underneath. But I won't be back until they fix the archaic save system. I'll be happy to update this review when that day comes.
34 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1243 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.20 21:55
Yea its a fun and difficult game, honestly just waiting till they release custom character creation, when that happens ill play a lot more.
392 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
362 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 17:30
Played it for a little while in early alpha. Excited to see the finished product for this game. Stay the course devs, we nede a real hardcore RPG game!
184 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
375 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.20 00:33
This game looks so promising, amazing gameplay, art and ambience. but currently is really incomplete (as a early acces game should be) i would recommend to buy it now only if you like to help in the development, otherwhise wait some time :3
106 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
7809 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.20 16:57
Good Game. It has a lot of paths that you can choose to grow your characters. Looking forward to even more after the beta ended.
Got no problem with the saving system at all, it gives you a sense of cautious when choosing your action. Just be extra careful during the starting of your character. As you level up until about level 3 with medium equipment your character will be much more easier to navigate around the terrain without accidentally dying to enemy's surprise attack.

The only thing I want to request now is to have a skill reset system. Invested a skill point to try out a thing but regretted it at about level 8. Even the punishing Dark Soul has status reset, why can't this?
It's a good game made of love from the dev. Thanks dev!
103 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3423 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.20 00:27
The game is just too hard. I've spent 10 or so hours and have only completed a single dungeon. The game might get more enjoyable once you level up a few times and actually get the abilities and equipment to deal with enemies, but I wouldn't really know since I've spent 6 hours trying to get past the second dungeon. I've put hundreds of hours into games like X-Com and Battle Brothers where the challenge is a selling point but this game just goes overboard with the difficulty making it a entirely unenjoyable experience, which is really quite sad, because this game clearly has a lot of potential.
234 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
34789 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.20 02:45
Stoneshard is one of my favorite games of all time, in the making.

Completely adore this game and haven't had a developer generate as much faith in their competency to build a game as these guys since... BioWare when it was ran by dentists.

Feels classic and fresh all at once.
345 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
469 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.20 12:45
Game is currently an exercise in masochism, doesn't feel like my time is respected by the developers. Yeah I know, git gud yadda yadda yadda. I also hope the devs take this chip off their collective shoulder and coduct themselves with a little more humility. It seems some of their replies are rather condescending, good way to tank your reputation and keep your little game in early access for a long time...
156 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
518 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.20 03:41
I won't tank this games reviews with another thumbs down. I love the concept of this game. I love the looting system and how it's random drops make having a good run even more exciting. But what makes this game hard is no progression save. There was one progression save in the tutorial or prelude. But then after, you can spend 2 hours doing a quest, just to get ganked by a pack of wolves as youre trying to return home, or while you're resting after killing the wolves, you discover a bear you can't run from. This game needs a better save mechanism. At least a save when you exit or enter a new dungeon for the first time. Something. I so badly want to play this game, and every day I try to get a little bit further, but I'm already super tired of getting killed and losing hours of progress.
587 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
252 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.20 01:28
Early access has given rise to this weird class of games that I play and immediately put aside because I liked it so much I didn't want to play it until it's in a final polished form. This is one of those.

The only negative i came across is the save system is overly punitive. It can lead to large time losses which is something I think the devs should address. I think the intent is to avoid save scumming but the measures taken are so harsh i think it does more harm than good. I'd suggest auto-saves on map load as a good middle ground. Especially since there's an iron man mode available.
211 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
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381 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.20 18:53
Sorry to say that, but despite the fact I really like the game, I simply can´t recommend it to anyone like me. If you (like me) have a family, job and hobbies, therefore your playtime is limited, you will try to rush through the game and you (like me) will fail it.

Wait (like me) for the common save system (devs can call it coward mode as long as I care) or play another game that you can actually enjoy for the 30 minutes you have for playing the games (like me).

I am still hoping for the change, mainly because I really like the game...
112 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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116 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.20 17:25
EDIT: So, I've gotten lots of comments on my original review stating that the devs have implemented some RNG campfires that can be used for save points. This is great news and I'm glad to hear that they are trying to make progress in this area. I still feel that this particular game could benefit immensely from a save-on-exit mechanic. So, my original opinion, in it's majority, still stands. Thanks for the feedback, though.

So - I love this game's story, mechanics, art, everything. BUT the save system is an absolute mistake. Currently, you can only save by sleeping in a tavern bed (which you have to pay for btw). This just causes pointless frustration. There's value in making a game experience difficult. It makes it more rewarding and often more enjoyable. But to keep your players from saving after they've EASILY spent hours in one dungeon and took 30+ minutes to travel to that dungeon... is just ludicrous. For one, maybe I don't have 3 hours to sit and play the game. Might be nice to be able to SAVE THE GAME so that I can CLOSE MY LAPTOP and REENGAGE IN MY LIFE. The combat takes skill - awesome. There's random, potentially deadly encounters when travelling - awesome. BUT what happens if I spend actual hours taking time to travel to and from various locations and exploring (you know, playing the game) and I happen to get ambushed by some OP bandits on my way back to the TAVERN to save, and because there's RNG GOING ON I get brutally ransacked and left for dead? You guessed it. You get to go back to the moment you first booted up the game 4 hours ago and you get to try again. May the actual odds be ever in your favor. Also, don't forget you have to pay the innkeeper to save. If you ever live to meet him.
405 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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612 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.20 07:27
I like this game, with all the hunger/thirst mechanics and exciting combats. However, I absolutely loathe the save system of this game. I mean, you want the players to have a hard time as possible, I get that, that's your fetish. But not even a save on exit? Loads of rogue-like games have exit-on-save mechanics, but apparently this one doesn't. The devs need to understand that players just can't play the game on and on without saving. Especially when you're exploring the grind dungeons.
71 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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183 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.20 19:54
Possibly due to beta, but difficult to the point of boring.

I love the graphics, love the turn based mechanics (although I'd love it more if turn based was only in combat) since the game just feels twitchy when you're just moving around.

The developers mention you're not 'a chosen one' ie, the enemies are quite hard. Great, I thought. Little did I know, that means when you start the game you're incapable of killing more than one enemy, unless you kite them off one by one, which is the _only_ viable strategy, and gets old really fast.

But that doesn't mean you need to be smart and do it a few times until you get your bearings. Oh no - the items and gear you find at the starting part of the map are worthless junk, and simple math will tell you you need dozens of them to buy anything remotely useful. Combine that with small inventory space and you get a looooong boring grind where you try to pick up scraps while trying to not get randomly killed.

Add to that the fact that you're constantly hungry, and thirsty, and everything wears down, and you need to go back to town to sleep (in order to save) and you get a negative feedback loop which is simply excruciatingly boring. And it's not even frustrating in the good Darksouls/Bloodborne kind, ie. 'I'm doing this wrong and I need to figure it out', but more in the sense of 'oh, two enemies, I'm dead again, let's start over.'

This has all the elements of a great game, tho, it's just that in the current iteration, it's simply not fun. I'm not saying it should be easy, far from it, but I get zero sense of scaling up with my character, and the constant feeding, drinking, healing of different body parts with splints, bandages and salves feels like it makes for 50% of everything you do in the game.

Probably a great experience for people who enjoy micromanaging and don't mind spending time figuring out the tedious ways of how to even survive the first few random encounters. The rest should avoid. I'll update this once an update comes out.
108 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3198 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.20 08:59
A really good game! Only downside so far is the lack of content.

It's really nice that you got to think about how you play. You can't just rush in, take on 6-7 monsters and then proceed to walk out of it with no scratches. At first you have to pick your fights, know what to look for around you and the village you are in to get enough Crowns to get by. Eventually you'll outlevel all the monsters and the game will be easy as all hell but the intensity of the early game is really fun.

I've seen a lot of people complaining about autosaves and saving overall be a bad feature so far design-wise. I think it's great that you don't have auto save on exit or that you have to actually walk back to the inn to save. It's nothing serious if you're constantly worrying about running out of rations or healing items. You can even save in bandit camps! And there's plenty of those to go around.

Combat system is good, wouldn't really change much about it. Shops and NPC's in villages seem a bit lacking, especially in leather armor department. Hard to build a rogue-like character. Also kinda sucks that there's no dual wielding tree yet.

But otherwise a challenging and fun game to play if you take the time to invest in it and grind your levels and Crowns.
Got level 30 just recently and already have over 35k in Crowns. it's really easy late game when you've gotten past like level 15 or so. Just a lot of grinding.

9/10, I'd give it a 10/10 but sadly not enough content.
169 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1130 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.20 07:05
Bullet points:
1. This game is really good, even in its current state, just a few weeks into early access.
2. It's like a single character Battle Brothers. Clearly influenced by Diablo 1 and (actual) roguelikes, like ToME, DCSS, ADOM, etc.
3. It won't be for everyone. Currently there are no save slots (so only one run at a time), the game doesn't save when you exit the game, only when you rest in a bed, dungeons seem to completely reset when you load game (eg. if you die or close game), and the missions have time limits of a few days.
82 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3948 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.20 22:57
In this game you have to think ahead and far ahead even. Plan to spend every skill point to 2-3 turns forward. And this is gorgeous!

Before wipe I was playing very slow and intelligent so to speak, to avoid any risk and chance of failure if I could. I've farmed ~3h for wolves and bandits just to take first level up before go on mission. Than 7h for my first and second dungeons plus travel time and road fights. Than 7h for another mission, travel to Mansheer and last mission for them before wipe.

That was intense, that was hard but I've been in a very dangerous situations only two or three times, but Second Breathe and good pack of medicine allways save me.

So yea, this is up to you how to play and some builds are better than other for some situations, but this is definetely not the game where you suppose to take a crappy club or knife and berserk to any and every enemy on sight. That would never end well in reality and in this game. So be aware, chose your fights carifuly, engage slowly and use any tactical advantage you can! Open with few arrows, plan for skill-combo and let the landscape be friend for you not for your enemies! And dont forget to read info about monsters, their skills, imunities and current state!

Know your enemy, know yourself and victory will follow! (c) Sun Tzu ːlunar2019coolpigː
38 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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6953 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.20 22:53
This game has promise but can be extremely frustrating due to their save game system. I get that the only way to save your progress is through sleeping in the few beds in the world, but I wish the entire damn game world didn't reset when you die. If you clear 2 out of 3 floors of a dungeon, go back to town to sell and save, and then die on the way back, the entire world and dungeon will have reset. This mechanic is just designed as a time sink, constantly forcing you to clear out the same content over and over.
1850 Produkte im Account
118 Reviews
1388 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.20 07:58
Important note: I'm writing this in the first week after early access release; if you're reading this much further into development, I'd recommend checking out more recent reviews. I'll most likely update this at a later date. Feel free to remind me if you see a significant difference in played time between review and whenever you're reading this.

The good stuff

Stoneshard's gameplay reminds me of one of my favourite games of all time, Angband. Angband was one of the original dungeon crawler roguelikes, released in 1990 with glorious ASCII graphics and a brutal difficulty that made me rage quit but always return, addicted. Although Stoneshard is a modern game, with an actual storyline and an overworld and voice acting and all that fancy jazz, it still very much captures that addictive level of oldschool challenge for me. You have to be incredibly careful, from your skill and spell choices, to where you choose to explore, to what items you carry with you - managing equipment, potions, medical supplies, food, drink and money. You will have to plan and you will have to micromanage and if you're already feeling your veins fill with rage at the very thought, this game is not for you.

There's a lot to discover here, long skill trees with plenty of options (if you can find the books to learn them), a wide variety of armor and weaponry to allow you to play all the archetypes of tank, archer, mage and melee with plenty of flexibility to mix it up. Environments and enemies are interesting and the two towns currently available filled with lore and unique characters. The storyline is intriguing and has potential; although I think it's too early to give any real verdict on it.

The turn based combat is brutal and you're really punished for your mistakes, so don't make them. On the normal adventure, you can die as much as you want, but you'll lose all your progress since your last save, which are in very limited locations so you can easily lose a few hours of progress.

It's a good start.

The downsides, caveat - Early Access

There are some flaws and the game has had a few frustrating moments for me. The tutorial itself feels glorious - you are offered a wide range of character builds, explore a fun dungeon, pick up glorious loot and then end with a well designed boss. Then everything you've done is over and you're given a cookie cutter character class start and told to do a bunch of side quests whilst the main character sits in a tavern drinking beer for a week. This felt really jarring and the fun level dropped massively. Having a full custom character creation and perhaps an extra skill point and skill book to start would far more suit this game in my opinion. I do like the difficulty level, but having to restart the game 4 times to decide on a character to play isn't about strategy or planning. If the game is intended to be open build; then let people build from the start.

I'll be honest, there was a point around 2 hours where I was having so little fun playing a character build (melee, ugh) I wasn't happy with, frustrated at the difference in feel between the tutorial and the actual game, dying to wolves in the forest and getting mugged by bandits, not even reaching the side quests let alone completing them, that I considered refunding it. I'm glad I persisted. Once I found the character I wanted (I have a level 6 pyro archer, breaks like a twig, but stuff has to catch me first!) and had gained a few levels, things just clicked and the game became super fun again but there's that little starting slog that I think is going to turn people away. If you're sitting at this point wondering whether to continue - do stick with it.

It hinges on the future

I'm not going to rant about the unnecessarily brutal save system, because the developers have already begun implementing improvements. The fact that the developers have been so reponsive to community feedback is very encouraging. I'm always on the fence about early access games. Some are massive successes, but I've got more flops than hits in my library... and more abandonware than both combined. I hold a reasonable amount of hope for this one. I'm 20 hours in, which is more than I spend in a lot of full release games.

I'm going to recommend this game if you like challenging roguelikes with oldschool mechanics and fancy taking a risk on an early access game. I do feel like this is going to be a polarizing choice, a love em or hate em game, but I'm happy with my purchase.

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Release:06.02.2020 Genre: Rollenspiel Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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