This patch contains a rebalance of seed maker, as well as some smaller fixes. All golden seeds chances from the seed maker have been increased, and certain crops will give more seeds back.
Note: Gold fruit in the seedmaker have not been changed this update.
- Increased all gold seed chances from the seedmaker.
- Seed amounts have been made less random, and have been slightly increased across the board.
- Cheesecake does not require the Patisserie Mixer anymore.
- Coffee beans now count as berries in terms of pricing. (Sell for about 1/10 the price.) They still grow year round.
- Certain emotes no longer appear from the lucky box.
- Fixed the off chance that rain could stay raining indoors for a long period of time, when enabling the "prevent weather indoors" option.
- Added "/hasCheated" as a command to check if the world has been cheated.
- Fixed a bug that could cause farms 2-4 to rotate into the town and destroy buildings.
- Fancy Table and Fancy Table Small now have docks to place items in.
- Animal Hunger has been capped to 2 food, rather than the previous 5 food. (They will eat 2 things if left alone for a while)
- Removed the ability for animals to despawn if left hungry and unhappy for too long.
- Harden animal scripts to stop them from infinitely eating.
- Fixed sponges having the wrong name on occasion.
- Giant turnip is no longer a quest item and is sellable.
- You can now select dialogue options with right click.
- Make sure some commands give proper errors when you don’t have enough arguments.
- Counters and store shelves are now required to be placed on the ground, in order to count, for all stores.
- Safety checks for duplicated control bindings.
- Avoid crashing if recipe book goes out of range.
- Avoid crashing on docks in cases where it expected an item but none was found.