- Bobbleheads for Jamie and Eris has been added. If you already have completed their final quests, you should be able to get it by talking to them again.
- Added a “Are you sure?” check to returning home via main menu.
- Added a new way to sort reactions when multiple reactions contain the same ingredients. Should heavily prioritise the recipe that is “most correct”.
- Clothing, sponges and other items without default codes should now work properly as part of reactions.
- Fixed yellow roof pieces changing into black roof pieces.
- Fixed an internal crash if more items with a category was placed in docks than needed for a sign/postboxes.
- Above fix also fixes a duplication bug that would occur upon placing an item in an area that was crashing.
- Fixed a couple NPC’s that would allow you to give the Friendship bracelet as a normal item. (These npc’s will not take the item anymore.)
- Fixed Aliza giving away 4 resource signs every time you need 1.
- Fixed Aliza counting resource sign that isn’t complete as missing.
- Resource signs are no longer quest items.
- Fixed some other NPC’s giving their totem even while the totem was placed and incomplete.
- Small changes to make transformation more reliable and less likely to eat clothing.
- Fixed a crash associated with a tile having no bounding collision.
- If a postman can’t find any postboxes to go to, they will leave the village rather than completely disappear.
- Fixed some cases which caused the mail in UI to not represent the currently selected mail.
- Mail of different petal counts will no longer stack together.
- If mail is stacked, the postbox will only take 1 mail at a time.
- If mail was stacked when sending, the reader will no longer open all mail at the same time.
- NPC’s will not ask for an item that cannot be gotten from the catalogue. (They will still ask for things not unlocked however.)
- Fixed a green line appearing on Golden Water Melon seeds.