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Über das Spiel

Nimm am Dorfleben teil
Als der neueste Einwohner gibt es vieles, auf das du dich freuen kannst. Das Dorf ist voller verschiedener Charaktere, die du treffen und mit denen du dich anfreunden kannst. Natürlich werden sie dich vielleicht um einige Gefallen bitten, aber wer weiß? Ihnen zu helfen, könnte dir unerwartete Belohnungen bescheren! Wenn du nicht gerade mit den Dorfbewohnern abhängst oder an deiner Farm arbeitest, kannst du einem neuen Hobby nachgehen, eine von vielen Sammlungen vollenden, dein hart verdientes Geld in den örtlichen Geschäften ausgeben oder an Verbesserungen im Dorf arbeiten. Deine neuen Nachbarn werden deine Hilfe sicherlich wertschätzen!
Pflege deine Farm
Lasse dich nieder und arbeite als der neue Landwirt des Dorfes. Du startest mit einem alten, heruntergekommenen Haus und Ackerland, das von der Natur zurückgefordert wurde, und es ist deine Aufgabe, alles wieder hinzubiegen. Pflanze Samen, kümmere dich um dein Erntegut und deine Tiere, und verbessere deine Farm. Vergiss nicht – wenn du dich um deine Farm kümmerst, kümmert sich deine Farm auch um dich!
Passe die Sandbox individuell an
Staxel spielt in einer Voxel-basierten Sandbox-Welt. Du kannst deine Umgebung verändern, wie du möchtest, und mit einer riesigen Auswahl an In-Game Materialien und einfach zu benutzenden Mods deine eigene, einzigartige Welt bauen. Wirst du das Dorf ausbauen, während du den rustikalen Charme beibehältst, oder wirst du in eine komplett andere Richtung gehen? Vielleicht verlässt du lieber das Dorf und arbeitest an deinen eigenen Projekten? All das hast du zu entscheiden und deine Kreativität ist genau das richtige Werkzeug für diesen Job!
Noch haben wir keine Systemanforderungen für dieses Spiel eintragen können oder es sind noch keine bekannt.
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
1082 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.22 16:51
2156 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.21 07:03
Die Welt ist liebevoll gestaltet und sehr Bund. Auch die NPC´s sind wirklich niedlich und man hat immer ein paar Aufgaben. Nur die ein oder andere Aufgabe scheint Zeitlich wirklich begrenzt zu sein, wodurch man bei allem eigentlich viel Zeit hat und sich selber Zeit lassen kann.
Ich hab die Welt auf so groß gestellt wie es geht, was wohl nicht so clever war, wenn ich bedenke das ich nun zum Strand will, dieser aber seeeehr weit weg ist XD
Aber alles in allem ein wirklich schöne Spiel, gerade wenn man ein wenig abschalten will.
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2354 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 09:53
1373 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.21 12:37
Durch die Mischung aus Minecraft, Cubeworld und Stardew Valley kann man sich durchaus in diesem Spiel einige Stunde verlieren. ;) Ich spiele selbst schon 10 Stunden und habe, noch einiges zu entdecken bzw. zu erarbeiten...
Auch in Verbindung mit Freunden, verliert das Spiel nicht an Spaß und es gibt für alle Mitspieler immer was zutun. ;)
3426 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.20 07:19
Staxel bietet ansich recht viel Inhalt und macht besonders mit wem zusammen sehr viel Spaß ^^
Die NPCs sind alle recht amüsant und abwechslungsreich gestaltet und die Atmosphäre im Spiel ist mega angenehm und entspannend ^^
Im Spiel gilt es sich eine eigene Farm aufzubauen und sich durch diese zu finanzieren. Das Wirtschaftssystem wie auch das Crafting System ist meines Erachtens ziemlich gut ausgereift jedoch zu Beginn bisschen kompliziert evtl ^^
Staxel wird meines Wissens leider nicht mehr weiterentwickelt was ich extrem schade finde da das Spiel wirklich klasse ist und noch so viel mehr sein könnte ^^
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1300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.20 11:45
oder auch:
Minecraft, Harvest Moon und Stardew Valley in einem nur irgendwie... schlechter?
Nachdem ich das Spiel schon im Early Access hatte, bin ich einfach nicht richtig damit klar gekommen. Hatte das Gefühl, ich weiß nicht, wie ich was machen soll und irgendwann wusste ich nicht, was ich überhaupt machen soll. Klar, mich um meine Felder und Tiere kümmern etc. Aber als dann die Aufgaben kamen, dass ich für andere neue Bewohner das Haus bauen soll, hatte ich absolut keine Lust mehr und das Spiel wurde monoton.
Jetzt habe ich es wieder angefangen und dachte, es muss sich viel getan haben. Okay, soweit so gut. Fange an zu spielen, versucht alles etwas langsamer anzugehen und die Aufgaben in Ruhe zu erledigen und bin nach ein paar Stunden wieder an dem Punkt, an dem ich mir denke ... was genau soll ich hier eigentlich machen?
Während ich gespielt habe, habe ich unglaubliche Lust auf Minecraft bekommen. Staxel erinnert mich sehr an Minecraft, nur ist alles viel kleiner ... man hat nicht diese großen, zufällig generierten Biotope, so vieles mehr was man machen kann, viel mehr zu entdecken. Und irgendwie finde ich, dass Staxel das Gewisse etwas fehlt ... es ist mir einfach zu langweilig?
Leider kann ich es daher nicht empfehlen. Ich habe es versucht, mehrmals neu angefangen und auch online nach Tipps geschaut, wie man mehr Schwung in das ganze rein bringen kann, aber ich denke, ich werde es nicht mehr weiter spielen. Schade.
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257 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.22 13:28
I do like how the game looks for the most part, the music and the sounds are nice, but the UI and crafting system ruin it for me. I know there are mods to fix and help with some of those things but I personally think the whole crafting setup is pretty terrible. I'm also not a fan of how many things aren't able to be interacted with. For example, you can turn on a water faucet and flush a toilet, but the crates and barrels are just decoration and can't store anything. Seems kind of silly to me. I might go back and give it some more time and try to get used to it, but as of now I wouldn't recommend if you're fond of something like Stardew.
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431 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.22 21:19
but the real shame is that this game really does look like it could've been much better.
the graphics to me are amazing, and quite charming, but when you really go in there to play it, there's nothing.
this game is souless in a sense because it really isn't fun. even when i resorted to mods to make this game at least a tiny bit interesting, the game felt even more hollow. Like starbound, you can't just fix this game with mods.
extend the playtime interest for certain, but fix the game with mods? no. and i'll wager there's someone out there that dissagrees with that motion, which i accept.
but, what this game feels like is a beta of something far more charming than it, which is a real shame.
it could have been far more interesting and less feeling like a grind.
I wholeheartedly, do not recommend buying this game, your money can be spent on other great games like Stardew valley for certain.
6794 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.22 11:48
My only issue is that there's not a catalog to see what you have caught.
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58 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.22 19:52
957 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.22 03:55
5019 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 13:19
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154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 06:27
First of all, the visuals were jarring at first. But you can get past that, and they're actually kind of cute. Second of all, you just get thrown into the game. There's no real reason for me to keep playing. There's no plot, no progression, and the npcs in the game are bland and lack depth. I got it on sale for 5 US dollars, and for that price I *could* say it isn't bad, but I've played plenty of free games that are leagues ahead of this game.
If you want a building game, then maybe you'll enjoy this. But it has nothing else to offer, and isn't anything like the preview images.
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340 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.21 03:23
more bug/fish variety than I've seen in any Stardew Crossing Moon game, but nowhere to display it
rinse and repeat and grind HARD to build houses for people to get what?
half of the ingredients or things needed for recipes aren't even craftable, have to be bought
a million different crafting stations that are unnecessary
such an in depth fun cooking system, but for what? what do I cook for?
game is as wide as an ocean, with the depth of the puddle. There is no point. I even asked on the discussions if I was missing anything, and other people seem to get the same feeling.. If this game was early access, I'd be SO excited, but it's pretty much abandoned.
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265 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.21 02:58
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757 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.21 12:01
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804 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.21 02:21
5088 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 17:01
I've played since it came out and the regular content updates and bug fixes through the years make it more and more interesting to play, especially with how much content there is (that even I haven't gotten to).
Some may find the controls a bit laggy/delayed, but it adds to the feel of how you're supposed to play the game in a more relaxed sense, not like how you may try to streamline production in things like Stardew or Minecraft.
Really worth it if you want a different type of farming sim, especially with how cute the characters are!
858 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.21 15:29
4978 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.21 19:19
10995 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.21 23:11
Okay, enough for now. Need to get back to my farm .....
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305 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.21 03:02
- Cute graphics (if you like voxel/pixelated art style)
- Pleasant music
- Theoretically fun activities centered around farming, social relationships, building, and more.
- Poor UI - Using a wheel mechanic vs a hotbar does not work well. Especially since you have to manually switch the wheel (by hold ALT while scrolling) to access the different rows of your inventory slots. Furthermore, there are no tool-tips to tell you what you have selected in your wheel. You have to open your inventory and hover over the item to see it's description. This also goes for anything you hover over in the world --- No tool tips so you really don't know what you are looking at.
- Building is un-intuitive - It's just not easy or pleasant to build. It can be downright a PITA.
- Crafting is a headache - Crafting recipes are too involved and running between stores to get purchased items (which is not obvious which ones you buy vs which ones you craft or harvest) it can take a long time just to get everything together to craft the item you want. Further more, browsing the stores are cute in theory but looking through shelves with all these little versions of the item is headache inducing.
- Poor Optimization - Whenever you alt-tab out of the game and bring it back in focus, the performance of the game suffers. Have to go into options, change your window mode to something else and back to the original for it to resolve.
I'll be keeping an eye on this game for future improvements. Hopefully they can make it more intuitive, user friendly, and less obtuse.
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163 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 20:43
7160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 23:20
3357 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.21 22:03
Warning! If buying for online play, whether it be with friends across the world, or someone a foot away from you; you should know the online play is simply nonfunctional. I cannot maintain a good connection with my girlfriend, and she is literally a foot away from me.
Overall, would recommend for singleplayer, would not for multiplayer.
6853 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.21 08:09
I have played this game before, but kinda just chilled. Playing it again, I had a lot of fun getting all of the Achievements and (while waiting for summer again because I missed two cicadas (anyone who knows me, knows how ironic that is)) I completed most of the Villagers Questlines. The Questlines made me like the characters even more. They were emotional and every one was very unique. I'll keep playing to finish the remaining Villagers Questlines as well.
The Fishing minigame was kind of boring and very simple. Bug Catching is also very simple seeing as bugs don't move. Both bugs and Fishes have really nice designs though. I love the style of the game in general.
[spoiler]Galaxy Island is beautiful. I love how everything there looks. Tomti kind of confused me at times, but after a while I figured out how to get through the Caves.[/spoiler]
Now, my biggest issue with the game. You have all of these different crafting and cooking stations that allows to give cooking different steps but also makes it a little tedious. Why do you boil popcorn. Why? This is the only recipe I came across that confused and concerned me.
Anyways, Now that I have all achievements, I see potential for there to be more! One for finishing each villagers Questline would give it a more permanent reward (although the characters and their Stories are rewarding enough already) for example.
I'm looking forward to potential future updates!
9043 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.21 17:31
8587 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.21 14:22
1331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.21 21:47
Its really early in the game for us and I will come back to edit this review but its worth getting for sure! Once my daughter is used to the game then I will get another copy so we can play together :D
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681 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.21 15:09
My other gripe about the game is the joke of a relationship system. Like most games that involve farming and small towns you want to talk to the other villagers and create a relationship with them. Some of us might even get attached to one villager in particular and want to romance them. This game does not let you do that and its an utter disappointment. The whole friendship and moving in with you thing is bull. It's a joke and its not cute. I also generally don't like the basic generic interactions you have with NPCs. They tend to say and do the same things leading to a less immersive and enjoyable game.
I truly feel this game could be a successful game if they added a romance feature and tweaked crafting and its UI. But until or if it ever happens I just don't want to play the game. Cute aesthetics art and farming can only entertain you for so long. I'm happy I bought it on sale because I really feel the game isn't worthy of being full price at this time. If this game ever updates and changes I will write a new review. though I doubt the devs will bother as it seems these development choices were based on personal pride and values that they hold. That's not inherently a bad thing but I do think whatever they are weigh the game down making it overall less enjoyable.
6698 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 21:06
However, when I run Staxel, my computer starts making strange sounds, and I need to set the graphics to the lowest level so that my computer doesn't shut down like before.
The difference is noticeable
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286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 15:55
It's actually horrible.
To make a white picket fence you need: raw wood -> lumber -> pickets -> lumber/pickets/nails -> rough wooden fence + varnish -> white picket fence.
Each step of the process has its own crafting animation. This broke me. I just wanted a nice fence, and I can only imagine the process gets more tedious with more advanced blueprints.
618 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.21 08:15
You can be a cat,elf or human. Villagers are also quite friendly multiplayer can be quite glitchy tho.
The range of quests are also fun.
I do recommend :P
2734 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 09:17
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2145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.21 22:01
The npcs say the same sayings every time you talk to them, if they don't have a quest for you. It just felt too robotic. I googled many things that they said they would remove, improve on and so much more, but those issues still exist.
Based on my hours played, I did really like it, it is just not something I could grind any more hours than I already have. I would recommend but also not, I'm really split lol. The storage for the game is terrible, organizing seems impossible which is a huge thing for me since I tend to be a hoarder. There just didn't seem much reward in anything
2317 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.21 17:23
If your a fan of farming games, cute games, and enjoy building houses in Minecraft, then you just found your new favorite game.
Imagine Stardew Valley but it's first person and immersive, all of the livestock is adorable, people and animals love you. Nothing is too difficult, that I've found so far, in this game. It's simply a good time, and add on the mods players have made in the Workshop and it's even better.
For me personally Staxel rivals the Story of Seasons/Harvest Moon games, it rivals Minecraft, it rivals current day Animal Crossing. I love this game and I could recommend it all day.
1983 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.21 13:45
585 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.21 18:01
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205 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.21 02:31
963 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.21 14:28
9762 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 20:52
At the time of the review(100hrs), two people are sharing the game and we each have completed one year and have plenty of quests to complete.
???? 999 stacks for most items
???? Switch entire row of inventory into active hotbar
???? Cute af animals that follow you around when you pet them (or hold their feed)
???? Day cycle that moves relatively quick, but allows you to fit a decent amount of work in thanks to the very generous bedtime.
???? Seasons that bring a bit of life to the world, and change up the gameplay in how you plan your crops and even builds.
???? No fall damage
Quirks: (things that stood out, but I don't think quite counts as a pro. Even if I enjoy the feature)
???? Crafting/Cooking is often a multistep process. Requiring different machines to refine and combine items.
???? Block placement is a little wonky on the edges compared to Minecraft, but works very well in terms of aesthetics.
???? No floating blocks. This means chopping the base of the tree will cause the wood above it to immediately break down into raw wood. This also means that if you break the roof support, the tiles above it will fall. You must build bottom up, or at least have one anchor block.
????No hidden storage. Everything is visibly displayed, like on shelves with bookcase storage. There are tiny little icons that you point your cross hairs at to pick up or place down. It bugged me at first, but it does fit the feel of the game. Your house organically expands as you slowly access more items (if you hoard like me).
???? No combat mechanics/health bar. It's a low-stakes environment. I can zone out without fear, and without using a special mode that means I can't access all the items. While violence doesn't bother me, it's refreshing to see a game that can exist natively without it and prove itself fun.
???? Special property to define stores that have unique, rotating items to acquire. Makes the town feel more unique and alive. A huge bonus is that you can customize them to match any town theme you wish.
???? The events are interesting, but feel separate from the main world. The characters in town when involved are clearly there just for you. It doesn't feel like the town celebrating together. Something I don't typically expect from games, but this one would really be benefited by it. The events don't effect you if you ignore them.
????Weak dialog. I quickly fell in love with characters, but unless you're actively able to work on their side quests you're stuck with 2-3 throwaway lines.
????Ability to split items into separate stacks
Overall opinion: 7.5/10 would recommend to any fans of sandbox and farming games.
25527 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.21 10:39
2761 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.21 09:41
Storage wise, I'm glad all the stackable things seem to stack to 999, which is very helpful. I am just not a fan of the visual storage areas (such as book shelves) since they seem to not have much space to store stuff, despite having plenty of space. I am also not a fan of the (What I am going to call) dynamic hotbar, switching between 4 different ones at will, and only being able to see a part of your current hotbar instead of the whole thing doesn't help me either.
It also feels like they are throwing a lot of building/renovation quests at you post tutorial and not a lot of harvesting/crafting quests, which leaves me confused on the value of growing crops/catching bugs and fish besides to put them in the museum.
This game is cute and relaxing, but can get stressful if you let it.
5653 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 20:34
The NPC's are good and some have even gotten improvements through updates and made more interesting and less one-note.
You can re-build or change NPC's homes and even your own builds you built for them if you got bored or wanted to improve on it.
There are 4 island sizes so you have more than enough space to build even on a full server of 4 players.
You can build as much as you want even when not in creative. Money is easy to get so easy to get as much building material as you desire which is good because I have often gotten carried away with my builds trying to perfect them and ordered too much materials.
There are seasonal events if you get bored with your farm or want to pass the time when you have done exploring the island for bugs, fish or destroying every tree you see.
My only issue with the game is often when waiting for some NPC's story quests to trigger or continue you are left waiting a few days and you cannot speed this up through sleeping until half the day is gone (the game pauses if you click out of it)
But this is where the building comes in, I found time went faster and less waiting because I actually tried to build and make a building what it was, even going far as to build out of the requirement zone to make it an interesting shape or just because I liked the NPC so much.
Only limit on building is yourself, build the smallest and laziest build for someone or be creative and go all out, such as a Super Mario Mushroom house for an NPC in the forest. It is down to how motivated you want to be with them.
330 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 15:06
2/10 Builder
I really want to recommend this game as a stardew type farming game.
However I can not recommend it if you are expecting something similar to minecraft or cutsomizing/building your house.
The block placing and the removal is an insane pain in the butt.
It's not intuitive, it'll end up in the wrong spots, it's hard to see what you've watered in 3D and if you want to tear down one roof block it ends up removing all of the roof.
Placing stuff in the cupboard instead of chests and buying it off the shelves rather than a shop menu is fun and immersive, however it makes things complicated to find.
If the dev/s get back to fix this I'll gladly edit my review.
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1281 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.20 03:04
Townsfolk will constantly ask you for favors to build structures for them.
Oh, and you can pet your animals, and they love you, which is cool.
If you're looking for a Minecraft x Stardew Valley baby, this isn't it.
This is Animal Crossing plus farming inspired by Minecraft. You're in full control of how your island looks like, but your villagers are pretty dry, and there isn't much else to keep you engaged. The game is good at making it seem like your island is huge and there's much to explore, but there really isn't.
Nothing to explore, nothing too exciting, it's bland overall. If you don't mind building stuff (and building stuff, and building stuff, and building stuff...), go ahead and get the game.
I tried to like it, but I wish I pushed through with my refund instead.
5123 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.20 12:45
Staxel is kind of like a combination of Animal Crossing and Minecraft? No fighting though (which is fine for me). There are definitely Minecraft physics going on in this game. One gets to build and decorate townspeople’s houses and more or less design the rest of the town like in Animal Crossing. Just like in several games of this genre, giving gifts is how you get people to like you and befriend you. Not a great message, to be honest, but at least gift-giving is fun. Possibly your character and NPCs are fantasy-based beings, like elves and cat people; although, you can also be a plain ol’ human. No romance, marriage, or children like in Stardew Valley and its copycats.
• Star Jellys are hard to find. Their graphics often don’t load until you’re particularly close to the tree that has one. They’re especially difficult to see during winter season, because then the trees are a blue tint. (Star Jellys are blue.)
• Star Bits are too scarce for how much they’re needed for crafting. Star Bits fall from the sky two at a time (as far as I can tell), but not every single night. Some crafting recipes require a dozen Star Bits. That means saving up Star Bits for quite a while just to make one item.
• Quests can be unclear as how to advance them. Even re-reading the quest in the journal doesn’t help.
• When creating something without a recipe, it doesn’t manifest the recipe in your collection. Realistically, if a person discovers how to make something, logically, they would write it down and therefore have a recipe.
• Recipes are too expensive, especially at the beginning of the game.
• Material islands are only available for a couple of days twice a month. That is way too scarce. There have been so many times in which I was bored and doing random things to pass time in the game because I couldn’t progress quests without materials needed from the material islands.
• Console cheats disable Steam achievements. That seems really petty and one might even argue it to be ableist. A lot of gamers have disabilities that make tedious tasks even more frustrating, if not just impossible, and they shouldn’t be denied achievements just because the devs are salty about people cheating. Sometimes, cheating merely allows someone to enjoy a game they otherwise couldn’t. Furthermore, maybe people wouldn’t feel the need to use console cheats if the devs hadn’t made so many items in the game unnecessarily scarce. And if you’re one of those people who think disabled people should just not play video games, then you’re an a$$hole.
• The fishing game is okay. Not the best, but definitely not the worst I’ve played. However, lagging can be an issue. The entire rest of the game worked smoothly, but for some reason, when fishing, it lags and causes you to realize the line has tension a couple of seconds too late. Lost a lot of fish that way.
• Storage isn’t the best. I like the display shelves; displaying stuff can be fun and aesthetically pleasing. That’s nice, but in most games of this genre, one can make or obtain a chest that holds hundreds of items. The display shelves only hold six item types per shelf and there are only five shelves per unit. This means filling your house/farm with a bunch of display shelves that take up way too much room. The empty crates are ideal for surface area occupied, but they only hold four item types.
• NPCs only have a few boring dialogue lines that they generically say on any given day you interact with them. It doesn’t have to be poetry, but they could certainly say much more interesting things.
Good Stuff:
• Left-handed mode! Yay! Thanks on behalf of left-handed gamers like myself.
• Very realistically programmed cat/dog. When petted/fed, it follows you around, gets in your way, and looks adorable.
• Adorable animals in general. When petted, they look so happy.
• You don’t have to kill the pigs to get bacon! They’re magical pigs that can just give you bacon somehow. ;)
• Several ways to craft items. Mixing, cutting, boiling, frying, etc for food items. Sawing, carving, assembling, etc for wood/metal items.
• Every item has a purpose. In a lot of games, useless items can be sold for currency, but everything in this game can be used for crafting/wearing/eating/lighting/decorating. Even the bugs and fish can be used in crafting, and if not, they can be used for displays.
• Lucky Boxes can give you items you’ve never had before. A fun way to discover new things. Sadly, you can end up with a lot of unneeded stuff though.
• Character customization has a decent amount of options. Lots of clothes are available throughout the game.
• Unique/eccentric/amusing/cute NPCs. Recruiting people to the village is fun as well. After fulfilling certain requirements, the mayor (or occasionally other NPCs) will ask you to build someone a house for them. The aesthetic of the mailbox given to the player gives you a clue as to which color scheme to use. Then, interacting with the mailbox itself informs you of what furniture the person needs/wants. I guess if you don’t find building houses fun, this might be a negative thing for you.
• The player can place the houses/stores/festival grounds/museum/etc you build for the townspeople anywhere you want as long as it doesn’t interfere with another places’ spaces.
Note: There isn’t any romance in this game, but I’d like to think everyone is aro/ace for queer representation, considering not a single NPC expresses any romantic/sexual interest in anyone. Leif has an interest in Cecile, but it's never stated why he's curious about her.
My verdict is ... it's fun, but it can also get really boring thanks to the unnecessary limitations in the game. If you like this genre of games, sure, it's worth a go, but maybe get it on sale?
1090 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 23:18
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34 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 20:28
I wasn't really impressed with the character creator (not a lot of options for like, hair color, etc) and it also wasn't immediately obvious how to make things. The orchid mantis was adorable tho!
But again, my main issue was not being able to get very far because I couldn't zoom out easily or do anything to stop the motion sickness, so who knows
8216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.20 09:00
9570 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.20 07:33
Has separate islands that respawn bi monthly in game so resources arent too big of an issue when it comes to designing your own look and feel, and the game itself has a nice healthy steam workshop full of visual and mechanic mods to add alot to the game if thats what youre looking for.
If you want a nice chill farming and building game with a cute aesthetic, mucho recommend.
605 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 06:57
To focus on the gameplay a bit, Staxel gives about what you'd expect in terms of farming. Plant seeds, water plants, feed your animals, the standard stuff. The main thing that separates it form other games such as Stardew Valley or My Time at Portia is its building mechanics. Akin to Minecraft, you have to actually build villagers houses in order for them to move in. Whether you just create the bare minimum house or spend days decorating, Staxel accommodates it well.
Overall, I'd have given a recommendation only for people looking for more farming, but it's unique aspects as well as overall charm make it so that it's a big thumbs up from me. It also has online multiplayer, and would make for a great game for kids to play as well.
62395 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 22:52
As for what Staxel is? It's an *all ages* old-school Harvest Moon crossed with Minecraft. You won't find combat or marriage here. You will find a lot of quirky friends with more or less ridiculous problems, a lot of farming, and a *LOT* of building.
Three of the things I like best about this game are some of the innovative features it brings to the farm-life genre: storage, crafting, and markers.
Staxel does away with chests and instead lets you store all your stuff visibly and in the open on shelves. It's a little strange at first, but it's fantastic once you get used to it. You can put anything and everything on display immediately, and you can find what you need at a glance without digging around in a dozen chests.
Yes, I know. Loads of farm games have crafting now. But none of them work like Staxel. Staxel has a good dozen crafting stations and they all do different things, it feels a lot more like you're actually cooking when you have to chop your veg, mix it together, toss it into your piecrust and actually put it in an oven rather than just dumping everything in a pot and getting a pie from it... somehow.
Markers are probably Staxel's most innovative feature and they strike a marvelous balance between the custom sandbox building of Minecraft and shoving a pile of material in to have a fully formed building pop out like in Stardew. Markers are signs or mailboxes (or other stuff) that define plots of land where a building will go. For a building to be functional you have to put certain items or blocks inside the defined area. (For example, most stores need some kind of shelving and a cash register.) Beyond those few items the sky is the limit and you can build however you like! (And if you're not super big on building, or you're utterly strapped for cash or materials you can dump all the requirements in a pile under a low hanging tree branch and call it a day!)
Staxel is also amazingly easy to mod. I've never seen a game one tenth this easy to create mods for and it's a lot of fun. Come try it out!
1076 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 00:39
Some cons:
-Worst crafting system ever. Makes you never want to build anything and just buy finished materials
-Little to no guidance when starting out. There isnt any direction and I found myself googling things constantly (ie building any of the tutorial areas)
-The world feels very empty. There are a lot of areas you can explore, but there is very little need or reason to leave your farm and the village (unless you cut down all the trees and need more wood)
Some pros:
-A majority of crops can be grown in multiple seasons, so you don't have to plan planting times super strictly
-Very easy to make money off of literally anything. Sell the poop, sell the rocks, sell the millions of bugs
-A lot of freedom in crafting and decorating
-Apparently a good modding community, although turning on mods/creative mode turns off the achievements
5744 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.20 13:16
It's a fairly simple game working on a 30 day - 4 seasons system. The story is nothing crazy, all the fun is in the gameplay. You're able to change everything block by block just like minecraft, so when you build a new villager a house you do everything from the ground up. At it's heart it is still a farming game where you manage your farm and make friends with the villagers. It also has great mod support, so you're able to add much more to the vanilla version of the game.
831 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.20 20:30
Selling/Storage is awkward and I would prefer menus, but workable so no major complaints.
I haven't tested multiplayer servers yet so no comment on those, I bought this expecting to just play single player.
Overall, gets a solid Mediocre+ and I expect to play about 40 hours happily. This game seems worth about $10 to me, so buy on sale. Get Stardew Valley first, though.
Nicht Empfohlen
170 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.20 21:43
1483 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.20 18:42
6/10 - Fun game but could use more features.
3688 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 16:23
5686 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.20 19:26
7076 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.20 01:10
I recommend only because Steam doesn't have a meh button and I like and enjoy it more than dislike it.
Nicht Empfohlen
284 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.20 20:48
I would give this game a 3/10 because of the boring missions, lack of direction and no attempt to ease the player into the gameplay experience. DO NOT BUY
518 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.20 10:50
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189 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.20 18:01
There's a steep learning curve to get used to these controls and I just don't get why it's so difficult.
I can't see what I'm doing half the time.
The outline of an item isn't enough to tell me if it's facing the right way, for example, so I put down a shelving unit and it got put down backwards meaning I can't see anything I would put on there.
Simple fix just hammer it apart and start again right?
THe hammer (of which I had 4 of) went INSIDE the shelf.
So now I can't get my hammers or turn the shelf around.
Why did I even need a shelf?
Because there's no way to empty my inventory and I'm full with basic stuff like... petals, and some dirt.
I'm in creative mode which makes things a bit more easy and casual but a side effect is if I have a single item of anything, using that item clones it, so I always have it in my inventory.
Which makes the whole emptying my inventory more impossible.
I'm getting tired of starting it up just to have another simple action be dragged out into a stressful, long, awkward dance with the controls and interface.
It's making the whole game feel kinda stressful rather than casual.
The positives are it's cute looking and it looks like there's a lot to do at this point.
But I doubt I'll get to do anything if my character is throwing away useful tools and clinging onto dirt constantly... >.>
7065 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.20 17:49
With the state of the world and all this covid-19 stuff keeping us indoors. it helps up laugh and play our way through this together,
1986 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.20 12:06
2004 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.20 21:23
+ I loved the colors.
+ Nice music.
+ World was big enough.
- Hard to understand at least for me, trying to find everything on the store shelf ugh a nightmare.
- Fishing meh.
- One of my sheeps *Alma* got glitched she teleported every 1 or 2 nights outside.
Nicht Empfohlen
1436 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.20 21:02
I know it's still an alpha, and I hope it gets better, but as of now I can't recommend it at all and I don't think it's worth the price.
1257 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.20 22:08
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4881 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.20 10:17
Nicht Empfohlen
426 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.20 17:21
3656 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.19 16:17
Staxel actually integrates the block-building and town/farm-sim elements in a way these games often don’t; to get new shops and villagers, you build their houses so they can move in. I had a lot of fun building homes and shops, and I thought the game was well-balanced so that your farming was lucrative enough that you could progress steadily without being so lucrative that you always had enough money. The game also has a lot of really great community content, so there’s just a ton of building styles and furniture and such that you have to work with. It also has really relaxing music.
When I last played the dev was just starting to implement the more story-heavy elements like friendship events and plots, and are also adding new land masses for you to explore. There’s also underground mines and a museum to complete and just generally tons of content for an EA game. It’s totally worth the sticker price but it also goes on sale with some frequency if that’s a bit rich for you.
Update: Staxel has come out of EA since I wrote this — check it out!
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