We share the same feeling of incompleteness about our game and the player experience, and we're going to give it some fervour and passion. With your supportive feedback and the release on iOS, we can finally proceed to make some major updates and prepare the additional content to the game.
First, I would like to remind to all that the game is oriented party/board game and not necessary just competitive. The additional contents, characters and future updates will increase this aspect.
Currently in v0.8 and with upcoming updates, consider the game still in “early access” with a lot of issues and bugs to fix this season. Latest feedback help us a lot and we definitively getting closer to a stable version, and we will be able to add further contents to promote the game.
For community better comprehension and avoid misinterpretations. The game has attracted 3 kinds of players: casual friendly, enthusiastic, and hardcore players. The interest between these communities on how to play the game are huge and led to a major issue in first experience during our release for both communities in early season. Some expectations about what the dev “should” do to the game is also divergent and sometimes conflictual, we will try our best to handle with it.
At each party, the unexpected/unpredictable variable about the difficulty or fairness aspect of the game based on how players play the game has incontestably affected the overall game experience for all. This parameter has not been properly taken seriously in consideration during the development process and we take it as a great lesson. We will take the necessary time to add the needed rules to the game to give players pleasant game experience.
To significantly reduce the experience level gap between players due to the Tree of Talent. We plan a major re-work completely the Talents system to integrate them (with several adjustments and additional augments) directly into the game after each turn. This will give more progressiveness to players and fairness to the game.
To proceed and stick to the original plan, we will mainly focus on main ranked mode: Classic. Add the mechanics, rules, and functions to bring more interest to the battle and improve characters and skills balance for the fairness. At present, Eilit is the only character that “unanimously” from communities and our point of view to have a need for debuff because of her resistance and survivability. As well as a debuff for the Ring of Rage to limit his value compared to other equipment. In the future, we would prefer to help and increase characters/equipment that need to be improved rather than debuff a character.
Here are below lists of known and expected modifications we plan to add/improve to the game in the upcoming patch(es) and future updates. (*This is an approximate prediction of our Roadmap and schedule which may vary from certain unpredictable events and unexpected development issues.)
Add Character Emote system.
Ring of Settlement implemented.
Ring of Rage max +6 attack damage limitation.
Ring of Leviathan reduce taken damage to 30->20.
Eilit ability change to each pair reduce cooldown.
Eilit Vampiric Pain skill restore half health from damages deals.
Reduce player turn timer 120->100s.
Add Summary screen game Statistics.
Matchmaking optimization.
Quit tutorial during tutorial settings when not the first time.
Surrender Button will be available in battle settings within conditions.
Solve Audio volume bug.
Fix several Freeze bug in battle.
Several UI/Text improvements. (Enlarge several Popup on mobile)
Daily chest timer adjustment.
Complete re-work of the Tree of Talent.
New game feature and implementation of Talents Selection in game.
Scoring changes for Classic Leaderboard.
Major scoring changes for Cooperative Leaderboard.
Matchmaking in Classic will be according to player current Leaderboard Ranking.
The 4 elementary pair tiles Quests will be related to character element.
New day Quest: deal 2 Attacks to any player with higher health than you.
New day Quest: Deal 15 damages to "character".
Allowing name changes once per Season and trading some Golden Nuts (Necessary conditions to avoid mass changes and extra problems).
Showing all skills and their description in selection panel.
Add and implementation of player turn extra time.
Extension “Guardians” with 4 Characters and 1 Equipment.
Alternative team character selection for Cooperative mode.
Add Soulmate friend list.
More Equipment.
With all the major updates planned, implementations of new characters/equipment, improving the Classic/Coop modes and adding more party game contents and options to Custom mode. Unfortunately, due to its high production cost and the need for more preparation, we cannot schedule the PVE game mode at this time.

And here is a reveal of the next "Guardians" characters.