Now, Spiritle Beta Test Starts!
For the players who request access to the game before and after you have received an email from Steam that granted your access to the playtest. Congratulation! You can get back to the store page then download the game.
For the players who didn't request access before, please click the "request access" button and wait for the email from steam. Once you receive the email, you can go to the store page then download and install the game.
We might set up server maintenance during the test time for server stability or bug fix, if you are not able to access the server, please check steam announcement/discord announcement/our social media post.
The beta is available only by invitation, the restrain number of players will surely increase the search time between players to join a room and participate in classic mode. Be patient.
How to share feedback?
Beta testers are welcome to help with the development of the game. Based on your feedbacks and bug reports, the game will be improved. Please feel free to contact and share with us via Discord #beta-test or email. A special in-game gift awaits upon release helpful and insightful testers from the Discord.