News Liste SpellForce: Conquest of Eo

SpellForce Conquest of Eo Update 1.7
SpellForce: Conquest of Eo
24.10.24 13:13 Community Announcements

Patch 1.7


• First great Allfire node now doesn't spawn in hostile domains anymore.
• The initial Circle spire holding your master's lost spell page does not violate your domain anymore, potentially taking away your goblin camp.
• The “Demon Incursion” adventure no longer freezes player stack on world map.
• Lava hexes are no longer valid for the Uram Gor City adventure to spawn on.
• The fire beetles for Lore Grimm's questline don't wander off anymore. Additionally, they protect a hive that generates new beetles in case other AI stacks kill them off.

Quality of Life

• Reduced bright spots for Fog of War color of Dreamweaving maps (makes it easier on the eye).
• In most crafting screens you can now toggle the option for ingredients to remain in the slots after hitting "craft" (if there are more of that ingredient available in your inventory).


• Fixed missing character for Turkish language (uppercase i).
• Fixed faulty gamepad glyphs on the first Dreamweaving spellpage.
• Fixed several German typos.
• Fixed issue with No Regeneration also blocking all forms of regeneration other than the base daily regeneration.
• Fixed tooltip anchors for the popup inventory window when using a gamepad.
• Fixed AI never using the Shaper Golem's "Recharge" ability.
• Fixed nonresponsive state with Gamepad, if firing all units of a stack when opening the Unit Details screen from stack splitting mode (D-Pad down -> R3).
• Fixed preview of influence area when building a lodge not including faction modifiers.
• Fixed glitches in "Fallen Skies" and Hokan's Adventures, that would have you jump to another part of the adventure.
• Fixed the life leech from "Vampiric Presence" not working.
• Fixed an issue where certain units could still get stuck during leveling and no options being available (Undead in particular).
• Fixed losing control over Nightmare once an enemy stack moved onto it.
• Fixed the game freezing when selecting a stack that has a unit whose maximum world movement is 1 (often happened with the “Dream of Retirement”).
• Clarified the goal for the "Constructing a Base" adventure.
• Fixed the skillbar in battle crashing if a unit had too many skills. If you have too many now, you can page through additional skillbars.
• Fixed an issue where units in battle could gain negative focus and turn unresponsive.
• Fixed issues with localizations

• UnitRank for unit’s levelup progression is now moddable.
• AntagonistSetup is now moddable, allowing to change stats and behaviours of the Circlemages.
• Fixed an issue where modded assets would show up for the wrong campaigns.
Logo for SpellForce: Conquest of Eo
Release:03.02.2023 Genre: Strategie-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Owned by Gravity Vertrieb: THQ Nordic Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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