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  • SpellForce: Conquest of Eo: Screen zum Spiel SpellForce: Conquest of Eo.
  • SpellForce: Conquest of Eo: Screen zum Spiel SpellForce: Conquest of Eo.
  • SpellForce: Conquest of Eo: Screen zum Spiel SpellForce: Conquest of Eo.
  • SpellForce: Conquest of Eo: Screen zum Spiel SpellForce: Conquest of Eo.
  • SpellForce: Conquest of Eo: Screen zum Spiel SpellForce: Conquest of Eo.
  • SpellForce: Conquest of Eo: Screen zum Spiel SpellForce: Conquest of Eo.
  • SpellForce: Conquest of Eo: Screen zum Spiel SpellForce: Conquest of Eo.
  • SpellForce: Conquest of Eo: Screen zum Spiel SpellForce: Conquest of Eo.
  • SpellForce: Conquest of Eo: Screen zum Spiel SpellForce: Conquest of Eo.
  • SpellForce: Conquest of Eo: Screen zum Spiel SpellForce: Conquest of Eo.
  • SpellForce: Conquest of Eo: Screen zum Spiel SpellForce: Conquest of Eo.
  • SpellForce: Conquest of Eo: Screen zum Spiel SpellForce: Conquest of Eo.
  • SpellForce: Conquest of Eo: Screen zum Spiel SpellForce: Conquest of Eo.
  • SpellForce: Conquest of Eo: Screen zum Spiel SpellForce: Conquest of Eo.
  • SpellForce: Conquest of Eo: Screen zum Spiel SpellForce: Conquest of Eo.
  • SpellForce: Conquest of Eo: Screen zum Spiel SpellForce: Conquest of Eo.
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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 03.02.2023
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Preis Update 30.11.24
SpellForce: Conquest of Eo
  • Plattform: PC
Zum Shop
Preis Update 26.01.23

Über das Spiel

In diesem rundenbasierten Strategiespiel in der Welt von SpellForce tretet Ihr das Erbe Eures Meisters als Herr über einen rätselhaften Magierturm an.
Lernt zahlreiche Zauber, um sie auf das Land zu wirken, beschwört Dienerwesen und bildet mächtige Krieger aus, um durch die Welt zu ziehen. Stellt Euch spannenden rundenbasierten Schlachten.

Erkundet die Reiche von Eo
Gewinnt mächtige Helden für Euch, die auf Abenteuer ausziehen und Artefakte und Schätze aufspüren.Sucht Euch begabte Lehrlinge, die Eure Domäne erweitern, und Arbeiter, die für Euch Ressourcen sammeln. Entschlüsselt die Geheimnisse Eures Meisters und folgt seiner Queste, auf die ultimative Quelle magischer Macht zuzugreifen - das Allfeuer!

Stellt Euch mächtigen Feinden
Ihr werdet Euch den großen Armeen und noch größeren Ambitionen Eurer Rivalen stellen müssen. Werdet Ihr im Kampf der Magier bestehen können?
Ihr werdet das Allfeuer beherrschen müssen, um Euer Grimoire mit neuen Zaubern zu füllen, mächtige Artefakte zu erschaffen und Euren Turm zu verbessern.

Wählt weise
Werdet ein Nekromant, der gefährliche Untote erhebt, ein Alchemist, der Tränke und explosive Stoffe für den Einsatz in der Schlacht mischt, oder ein Zauberschmied, der Glyphen und Artefakte herstellt. Stärkt Eure Macht mit über 60 Zaubern und mehr als 100 verschiedenen Einheiten von einfachen Goblins bis hin zu majestätischen Greifen.

Prägt die Welt
Überzeugt Städte, erntet Ressourcen und erweitert Eure Domäne. Füllt Euer Grimoire mit magischem Wissen, um Eure Rivalen im Kampf um magische Quellen auszustechen. Spürt arkane Artefakte auf und enthüllt die Geheimnisse der Former oder erobert mythische Orte, um ihre Energie zu absorbieren. Verbessert euren Turm und richtet ihn mit neuen Räumen wie der Krypta des Nekromanten oder der mystischen Kristallkammer ein, um Eure Domäne zu vergrößern.

Fliegender Turm
Eure Magie erlaubt es Eurem Turm, von Land zu Land zu schweben. Auf Eurer Queste, die magischen Ressourcen Eos zu erobern, werdet Ihr euch den Fanatikern der neuen Reinheit, feindseligen Granitzwergen und blutdurstigen Orks stellen. Begegnet Untoten, Dämonen und Monstern, während Ihr vergessene Ruinen erkundet oder von Geistern geplagten Dörfern helft.
Ihr werdet die Armeen anderer Zauberer in der Schlacht schlagen müssen, um die Türme Eurer Feinde zu belagern und zu schleifen. Oder vielleicht findet Ihr auch einen Weg, mit ihnen Frieden zu schließen und von ihrem Wissen zu profitieren?

SpellForce: Conquest of Eo erlaubt es Euch, in eine liebevoll gestaltete Welt voller Magie und Abenteuer einzutauchen. Werdet Ihr der mächtigste Magier aller Zeiten werden oder auf dem Weg dorthin versagen?

  • Verbessert und baut Euren Turm mit neuen Räumen aus
  • Wählt aus drei Archetypen und sechs Zauberlisten, um Euren Spielstil zu finden
  • Rekrutiert Helden und Lehrlinge, um Eure Truppen in die Schlacht zu führen
  • Interagiert mit dem lebenden Zauberbuch, dem Grimoire, um ihm neue Geheimnisse und Zauber zu entlocken
  • Nutzt Eure Handwerkskünste, um alles von magischen Glyphen über Artefakte bis zu untoten Dienern zu erschaffen
  • Erforsche über 600 Abenteuer, die in jeder prozedural generierten Kampagne variieren


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-3170K
  • GFX: NVidia GTX 1050 2GB VRAM
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: 64bit OS - Windows 10
  • HD: 9 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch, Deutsch, Chinesisch (traditionell), Chinesisch (vereinfacht)
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X / Intel Core i7-10700K
  • GFX: NVidia GTX 2070 Super 8GB VRAM
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: 64bit OS - Windows 10
  • HD: 9 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 12
  • MISC: SSD Harddrive highly recommended for quicker loading times
  • LANG: Englisch, Deutsch, Chinesisch (traditionell), Chinesisch (vereinfacht)

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

Dieser Beitrag hat noch keine Einträge.
316 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
18 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.24 12:05
I exchanged several emails with support, and finally identified myself the bug I have when starting the game with a debugger: my processor doesn't have the AVX instruction set. So I can't play it with my current PC, of course. I asked support several weeks ago to modify the steam store page to specify, as Yakuza Like A Dragon did, that not all processors work! And it still hasn't been done yet.
0 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
8141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.24 01:49
i loved this age of wonders look-alike, and like this one more... BUT it has a few glaring problems in my eyes:
1, i hate how random it is. it could be so much better if everything wasnt just a roll of the dice. i want to choose my spellpages that i earn throughout the story. i want to choose what to research, and i want to choose how my troops level up. none of these things should be left up to the devs programming, no matter how much i love their work and game (thank you for building this masterpiece devs).
2, the first few weeks could definetly be made less annoying to replay every play-through. the time i wasted repeating the exact same process was kind've ridiculous.
3, (minor complaints from here, and more opinions than anything concrete, but...) summons should be affected by the follower trait, and should not cost that much by any means. throw some other resources in the pricetag if you must but 150 mana for a golem is outrageous no matter how powerful they are, and the phantasm warriors are the same. also after having played as long as i have, i got to say that the progression is painful. you almost need another gameplay mode where things are a little less campaign, and more freeplay.

i loved this game, but thats my critique
325 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
7699 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.24 10:15
I bought this about 3 or 4 weeks ago and it's amazing. The difficulty is tough (balanced) so I haven't finished yet, but it's definitely a breath of fresh air. Everything in the world is interesting, and the combat is always fun (unless you're getting slaughtered). Must buy for a TBS fan.
0 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
3058 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.24 02:04
Very fun game, though gets really grindy at the end. Granted, I am obsessed at completing every side quest in every game I play, sooooo.... I Never quite beat the campaign, but I obviously got my money's worth out of it in the end at ~50 hours of game time.
0 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1021 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.24 21:58
I liked it for a bit, but the combat seems a bit simplistic. I got bored of it pretty fast. Spoiled by Battle brothers.

Some unique ideas and approaches to things, and I thought the story was kind of neat at first. The alchemy, art, map were all cool. The tower, and spell-casting were neat if a bit unusual.

Choices seemed limited when some events occurred. I ran into some elves that were feeling murderous because some humans took their sacred herb. The choices were basically "Kill all the elves!" or "Kill all the humans!" And I was like.. wait a minute, what's going on, can we talk about this? So yeah, dialogue options limited, story a bit linear, perhaps assumes you know the history of the world from previous games? Not sure, really I mostly got bored of the combat.
351 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1225 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.24 05:08
I'm 20 hours in and I am very sad to have to NOT recommend this game.
I bought this thinking it was like Heroes of Might and magic, or Age of Wonders. And while it has some similarities it has some things that are very much its own.
You cannot get higher tier units by yourself. You have to go to prioritize going to random villages and grind quests to get them to like you enough to give you a schematic for a better barracks, or to hire a unit from them, or to possibly learn how to include a 6th zombie in your army (what?).
Because of this behavior, after 2 losses I had to give up on playing spoiler free and google where to go to increase army stack sizes, because my size 5 army full of tier 2 units was getting hammer by size 7 armies of tier 4 and 3 units by the enemy AI.
The story encourages you to build lodges to harvest materials, and capture allfire nodes, but this hyper-aggravates the AI so they hunt you down mercilessly.
Units take a long time to build, so losing an army feels catastrophic and hard to come back from. If you only have one training slot it can take 20+ days to rebuild an army, which encourages you to reload when you get wrecked. This feels cheesy but necessary, and is further complicated by the fact that there is no quicksave or quickload buttons, forcing constant menu navigation and loading screens.
You don't realize it at first but you have a timer. Your growth triggers the enemy to attack you, so even if you keep to yourself and try to build up, once you are strong enough the hammer falls.

I really enjoyed the gameplay up until that moment. Once they lock on to you it doesnt matter if you try to lift off your flying wizard tower and relocate. They will hunt you down and do not stop.

And after 3 runs, and 20 hours, I don't have the energy to try this balancing act a 4th time.

0 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
8641 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.24 19:56
Wizard tower good times
0 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
990 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.24 23:08
0 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
8200 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.24 03:38
I have not yet completed this game but since I like it a lot I thought I'd share some thoughts of the game so far.
The game is very well designed and crafted.
  • There are lots of elements that come together and work really well. The tower, grimoire, events, story, battles, troops, apprentices and heroes, resources and crafting.
  • Game balance seems working well with all these elements.
  • The art is good and fitting. The music is nice as well. Combat sounds are okay.
  • The atmosphere is good in the game.

Having played the HoMM series (1-7, except 6), this feels like a spiritual successor to that series. I like Conquest of EO more than Songs of Conquest, though the latter has a system more closely aligned with HoMM.

Hopefully there will be additional content made for this game in the future because it has a lot of potential to grow even better.
0 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4527 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.23 04:16
The game requires a lot of love and reworking.

Building tower and crafting is really fun.
The idea of mobile fortress is insanely great, i enjoyed every bit of it.

But there is also a bitter part.
You want to explore the map, scavenge resources, but your tower is constantly getting hammered by circle mages forces, beasts, demons, every unit on the map in the vicinity of your base.

Eventually you unlock the recall spell, but because good units have very high upkeep, until you build your economy, most of the time you only have 2 doom stacks that can clear the map. Constantly jerking them to defend your base doesn't feel nice, you want to do quests, clear camps, etc.

There is also a special part.
The demon realm.
Demons are fun to fight, but there is one but.
This part of my review is dedicated to you, dear developer, who thought it would be fun for players to fight demons, who are formidable enemies among meteor showers.
It seems to choose targets "randomly", but it doesn't.
2/3 times it hits your backlines, you have to move your units, receive opportunity attacks, just not to die, because meteors hit very hard. Sometimes areas where meteors are going to hit are invisible, it also add fun to the game. Sometimes areas where meteors are going to hit in lava, so you also cannot see them.
My main question, dear developer who was working on meteor shower, is why do you hate people?
Games are supposed to be fun.

Later in the game when your forces grow there is a bit too much micromanagement for my taste.
It is a big problem for all games of this type.
Least you could do is automate harvesting of resources and make navigation between quests more informative. After a couple of sessions i had big problems finding what should i do to earn reputation for one of the cities.

Don't get me wrong the game is not terrible, it is really fun to clear it for the first time.
But my overall impression from the game is bitter-sweet.
In my life where i don't have time to play all games and have to choose, i wouldn't recommend this game.
If you are starving for a 4x game that you have not played, you might enjoy it.
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Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
80.53% 947 229
Release:03.02.2023 Genre: Strategie-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Owned by Gravity Vertrieb: THQ Nordic Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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