This update brings fixes for some known issues with temperature ranges, along with a healthy serving of new exoplanets. Also new with this set of patch notes, we're including the full list of Catalog updates to answer the question every user has asked: "Where to?". Feedback welcome as we know it makes a longer read.
Dr. Megan, our resident brown dwarf enthusiast, highlights two entries from the new additions: Gaia-4 b and Gaia-5 b!

"As their names suggest, these objects were discovered with the Gaia space observatory. Launched in 2013, Gaia was designed for astrometry: the precise measurement of the positions and distances of stars. Exoplanets and other stellar companions can leave distinct footprints in astrometric data; as these objects progress along their orbits, gravitational forces tug at the host star, and it wobbles around the system’s centre of mass. This results in the star following a corkscrew-like motion across the sky. When the host star is small and the orbiting body is large (like a massive planet or brown dwarf), these motions are larger, and easier to detect, as in the case of Gaia-4 b and Gaia-5 b. Gaia-4 b is a super-Jupiter, about 12 times the mass of Jupiter, orbiting an early-M or late-K dwarf star. Gaia-5 b is a brown dwarf with a mass of about 21 times the mass of Jupiter, orbiting a mid-M dwarf star. But just because massive planets orbiting smaller stars leave larger footprints, doesn’t mean they are very common! Smaller stars typically host smaller (and often more numerous!) exoplanets than larger stars. To find such a large planet and a brown dwarf-sized object orbiting these small stars is very unusual!"
- Fixed a bug where Solar System Browser temperatures were not updating unless the planet was selected.
- Improved the equator-to-pole temperature range when Tmin/Tmax are set in catalogs/editor.
- Fixed a bug where temperatures were scaled inversely with distance to their parent star in binary systems with a catalog/editor temperature override.
- Fixed acceleration for units mph, kn, and c being displayed as mph², kn², and c² instead of
/sec. - Fixed a bug where the star browser filter "moon/exotic life biome: any" was not applying.
- Enabled the Camera Velocity Vector Marker in Flight Simulator mode.
- Assorted corrections to catalog inaccuracies

Catalog Additions:
- EPIC 201595106 c/K2-360 c
- Gaia-4 b
- Gaia-5 b (Brown dwarf candidate)
- HIP 56998 b/HD 101581 b
- HIP 56998 c/HD 101581 c
- HD 20794 f
- HD 73344 c
- HD 73344 d
- HD 86728 b
- KMT-2021-BLG-2609L b
- KMT-2022-BLG-0303L b
- KMT-2022-BLG-2286L b
- KMT-2023-BLG-1743L b
- KMT-2024-BLG-1044L b
- TOI-1295 b
- TOI-2580 b
- TOI-406 c
- TOI-4504 b
- TOI-4504 c
- TOI-4504 d
- TOI-4994 b
- TOI-5108 b
- TOI-5688 A b
- TOI-5786 b
- TOI-6016 b
- TOI-6038 A b
- TOI-6130 b
- TOI-6383 A b
- WASP-132 d