Earth is dying. There will be no recovering from the apocalypse that man has unleashed onto the world.
The land is swarming with mutated people and animals, the weather conditions become more extreme week by week and resources have become all but non-existent.
Earth is no longer a home, you must reach out to the stars and find a new one…
Introducing – Sheltered: Stasis
In Stasis, the next game mode for Sheltered, you’ll be tasked with building and launching a rocket to leave Earth.
The game will be complete if you successfully find all the rocket parts and launch the rocket, or, if your family dies/become unconscious. There are eight different endings for Stasis, depending on the success, or failure, of your mission.
You’ll have 75 days to complete your mission before your shelter can no longer protect your family.
How to access the Stasis Beta
IMPORTANT – If you decide to participate in the Stasis Beta, please back up your save data for the original game as save data may be affected.
Beta Branch Password: ShelteredStasis
Password Input Location: Game Library > Right click Sheltered > Properties > BETAS > Input password > Select Stasis Beta.
New Features
Added new Scenario game mode – Stasis
- Wardrobe: Players can now change the outfits/colours of their family during the game.
- New planter functionality (With new fertilizer item) ○ The planter now has a new added state - ‘Wilting’, before it dies. ○ The planter can now use fertiliser to increase the yield of harvest. ○ The planter can now be harvested at any time (so long as there is something to harvest)
- New UI label is displayed on the map for visited locations showing what items the location can contain (survival mode only). This also tells the player which equipment they’ll need to unlock a hidden item (Stasis AND Survival).
- Changing a party members loadout (weapon, equipped items and load carrying items) is now possible during an expedition (Using view map).
- Clipboard now shows more information.
- Unlockable, hidden items at locations (Require lockpick set, prospectors kit etc)
- Radio auto resolves now give the player more information (If someone was lost in the wasteland etc)
- Characters lost in the wasteland now spawn a quest in which you can release them from a prison. The character will then return to the shelter.
- Characters can now eat meat from animal traps without having to first create a freezer.
- New Icon & text for damage taken from bleeding, suffocation and radiation will display when a character is in the shelter.
- Players can now reload their gun during combat (wasteland only). Ammunition is now present on the UI during combat, as is equipped armour.
- Item Bin: The item bin is a new addition to survival mode. It’s a solution to a problem we’ve had with player’s having to lose items when they return and their storage is full. Now, any excess items not added to the main storage are added to the item bin on the surface. When it contains items, the lid appears off. When it’s empty the lid is on. Items contained are essentially an extended storage for the player, but items are regularly taken by passing people on the surface. The more items in the bin, when the bin men arrive, the more items they take.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed spelling mistakes in localisation.
- Characters permanently becoming sideways when deconstructing a bed that is being slept in.
- Glitch where a single frame of the climbing out of the hatch animation would disappear.
There you have it survivors!
There’s even more new content, both helpful and…Not so helpful, that we’ve added into Stasis that hasn’t been listed in the patch notes. We wanted to leave some surprises for you to discover…
Your feedback is important to us, you can share all your experiences and suggestions in the Stasis feedback thread HERE. Please submit any bugs you find in the ‘Report a Problem’ sub-forum HERE.