Hey survivors,
We hope you're all enjoying Sheltered's newest scenario, Stasis!
Following the release of the Stasis update, the team have been working on some bug and quality of life fixes for the game.
We're pleased to say that the following changes are now in effect:
- Surrounded - The boss avatars sprites have been corrected in Surrounded.
- Surrounded - Fixed a crash that could happen at the end of combat when finishing a fight with a full inventory.
- Fixed an issue regarding hazmat suits not being removed correctly.
- Avatar sprites now updates correctly when you change your appearance with the wardrobe whilst wearing a hazmat suit.
- Items within the item bin will no longer duplicate.
- Stasis - The suits within the hazmat suit bay will now correctly save and load its stats.
- The item grid present within item transfer menus will now refresh correctly when altered.
Thank you to everyone who has been playing, giving us their feedback and joining the discussion over on the Steam forums - it's great hearing about your experiences with Sheltered as we continue to develop it.
Also a HUGE hello to our new Sheltered players who have joined us through the sale. If you have any questions as you attempt to survive the apocalypse, don't be afraid to ask!
Good luck out there.