Hello Knights!
For the past week, we have been on cloud nine with the support and love Sands of Aura has been receiving. Thank you so much! We just have so much gratitude for you all.
We were on and maintained our position on the exclusive “New & Trending” list on Steam because of your support! We have seen an explosion of activity in our Discord and Steam Discussions. There was a massive spike in active players and reviews! All of this just made our hearts feel so full. Thank you all so, so much!
While Sands of Aura is considered fully released, it does not mean our work is done. The Dev team is actively paying attention to all of the suggestions, feedback, reviews, discussions, bug reports, and just the overall passion during this past week. And we will continue doing more of the same. So while we won’t be able to address every single comment, we are actively working on everything our small team can tackle in the most timely manner possible! We thank you for your patience during our maintenance and updates.
Today we are updating the game to Version 1.00.49. This patch includes numerous fixes, updates, and suggestions made by you, the players. We are listening, so please join the Discord to let us know what you think, and if you haven't already please consider leaving us a Review on Steam! It greatly helps a small indie studio, like ourselves, and it helps us improve the game for you.
So what’s next?
We have mentioned this in the Version 1.0 Release announcement and our Discord, and we want to address this again.
Chashu Entertainment is actively working on a future localization update. While we regret the fact that we were unable to provide localization in Version 1.0, it is a feature we want to provide for our players.
More details on a localization release date will be provided once we can. Thank you for your patience while we work to improve Sands of Aura for you!
New Game+
The team has heard a significant demand for this feature, and it is a feature the development team wants as well! We have begun planning and developing a New Game+ system that the team believes you will be excited about!
There is a significant amount of work and testing involved to ensure this system works as intended and that it will be a fun experience for our players. For now, we will hold the details on this feature a little closer to heart, but we are excited to implement New Game+ soon!
Original Soundtrack and Digital Artbook
There has been such massive support and love for the music in Sands of Aura.
We are pleased to announce that we are creating a Sands of Aura OST that will be available on Steam! We are also working on compiling a Digital Artbook!
More details and dates on both of these products will be available when we can provide them.
The team at Chashu Entertainment is extremely excited to get these new features and updates out to you as soon as we possibly can. In the meantime, please join our Discord and follow us on our Socials for additional updates later. And if you haven't already, please leave us a Review on Steam to let us know what you thought!
Thank you for playing!
- Chashu Entertainment

Patch 1.00.49 Change Log
- Added ability to auto-attune spellbook if learned with no attuned spellblade types.
- Increased damage bonus and proc chance for Bloody Mess pommel effect.
- Increased damage bonus for Hallowed Ground pommel effect.
- Adjusted AI for Ishular Knight to give more opportunity for the player to attack. Slightly reduced their damage.
- Fixed bug causing Ishular Knight eyes to not animate properly.
- Fixed bug allowing the Feral Ferrum in Starspire Cavern to respawn under certain circumstances.
- Made adjustments to VFX in Ubaani boss fight to improve performance for lower-end hardware.
- Navae will now remove additional copies of the Book of Scripture from your inventory when completing "Ashes and Dirt".
- Yilda will now remove additional Copper Coils from your inventory when completing "Out of Commission".
- Galina will no longer sell the Book of Scripture and Copper Coil after their relevant quests have been completed.
- Updated text on the Festival Emblems so that they now mention the correct character to trade them with.
- Changed description on Well Suited talisman to increase clarity of effect.
- Fixed description of Tackling armor effect saying it stunned instead of staggered. Functionality remains the same.
- Fixed bug causing Furn to sometimes regenerate items that should only be generated once.
- Adjusted quantities of all tiers of sacrumite that Galina can stock to increase the availability of lower-tier resources and make it easier to level up new weapons & armor.
- Increased Sacrumite Ingot costs for upgrading weapons and armor to level 20. Costs were unintentionally too low causing an imbalance between chunks and ingots available to the player.
- Fixed missing loot table for some Ishular Wheelwrights. [*} Fixed bug that could cause Rakky's Sigil and Hirath's Sigil to remain in players inventory after the were used.
- Updated Hirath's sigil to use the correct version of the icon.
Environment & Islands
- Doubled the spawn rate of the moving buckets in the Flare Forge.
- Flare Forge moving buckets are 25% faster.
- Players knocking into pipes/trees/grates on the moving bucket rides has weakened their structural integrity and has been destroyed.
- Added track to make the jump up from the Ferrum armor chest easier in the Flare Forge.
- Adjusted collision on the stairs in Starspire and the Ruins of Hurwell.
- Adjusted collision of the catwalk in the library of Radix Stronghold.
- The residents of Starspire have filled in the gaps around the main Starspire docks.
- Added a shortcut ladder near the Starspire Refuge merchants to allow quicker access to their shops.
- Fixed an issue that would cause the Flare Forge storm to not properly reset if you were killed by a lightning strike.
- Fixed an issue where the floor could be between the camera and the player, blocking the view of the player in the sunken tower.
- Fixed collision issues on stairs in the Cinderhold, Starspire, Ishular, black rot chasm, and Melgom’s Cavern.
- Added more loot to a secret location in the colossus of radiance.
- Quests will no longer have a strikethrough.
- Removed Disabling the button on item crafting when an item hits 20 it would prevent navigation.
- Fixed Runecarver changing item selection with the mouse making it hard to remove runes.
- Added SFX to the spell upgrade menu when doing actions.
- Changed focus location when opening the spellbook to first select ‘Attack’ to attune the weapon.
General Bug Fixes
- Fixed crash on exiting that could occur for attackable comps.
- Fixed bug that could cause elevator sound to get stuck playing.
- Fixed multiple typos and grammar errors throughout the game.
- Fixed Alaira’s armor so that her cloak doesn't go through her skirt.
- Fixed bug that could occasionally cause Galina to be standing at her shop when she wasn't supposed to be anymore.