• Sands of Aura: Screen zum Spiel Sands of Aura.
  • Sands of Aura: Screen zum Spiel Sands of Aura.
  • Sands of Aura: Screen zum Spiel Sands of Aura.
  • Sands of Aura: Screen zum Spiel Sands of Aura.
  • Sands of Aura: Screen zum Spiel Sands of Aura.
  • Sands of Aura: Screen zum Spiel Sands of Aura.
  • Sands of Aura: Screen zum Spiel Sands of Aura.
  • Sands of Aura: Screen zum Spiel Sands of Aura.
  • Sands of Aura: Screen zum Spiel Sands of Aura.
  • Sands of Aura: Screen zum Spiel Sands of Aura.
  • Sands of Aura: Screen zum Spiel Sands of Aura.
  • Sands of Aura: Screen zum Spiel Sands of Aura.
  • Sands of Aura: Screen zum Spiel Sands of Aura.
  • Sands of Aura: Screen zum Spiel Sands of Aura.
  • Sands of Aura: Screen zum Spiel Sands of Aura.
  • Sands of Aura: Screen zum Spiel Sands of Aura.
  • Sands of Aura: Screen zum Spiel Sands of Aura.
  • Sands of Aura: Screen zum Spiel Sands of Aura.
  • Sands of Aura: Screen zum Spiel Sands of Aura.
  • Sands of Aura: Screen zum Spiel Sands of Aura.
  • Sands of Aura: Screen zum Spiel Sands of Aura.
  • Sands of Aura: Screen zum Spiel Sands of Aura.
  • Sands of Aura: Screen zum Spiel Sands of Aura.
  • Sands of Aura: Screen zum Spiel Sands of Aura.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 27.10.2023
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Preis Update 22.05.24

Über das Spiel

Ein verheerender Kataklysmus, ausgelöst von einem gequälten Gott, bringt die ewige Nacht über Talamhel. Die Sanduhr der Zeit zerbrach, ihr Inhalt ergoss sich über das Land und schuf eine endlose See des Sandes. Die einst prachtvolle Welt von Talamhel wurde zu einem fauligen Schatten ihrer einstigen Größe, und diejenigen, die sie ihr Zuhause nannten, sind nur noch leere Hüllen des Verderbens--brutale, unsterbliche, unnachgiebige Soldaten des Todes.

Aber Talamhel ist noch nicht verloren. Über Generationen hinweg haben einige wenige Gerechte überlebt. Du gehörst zu ihnen.

Kurz vor deiner Aufnahme in den Orden der Restritter, den letzten Beschützern der Menschheit, wird Talamhel erneut von einer Katastrophe heimgesucht. Die zerstörerische Natur der Nachtplage ist mutiert, und die Menschheit braucht die Restritter mehr denn je.

Finde das aufkommende Böse und zerstöre es. Schütze die Menschheit.

Steuere deine flinke Kornwoge über die gefährlichen Sandmeere, um die Quelle dieses neu entdeckten Schreckens zu finden, aber erwarte kein Leuchtfeuer oder ein rotes X auf einer Karte. Du wirst deinen eigenen Kurs bestimmen--treibe auf der offenen See und wähle die Richtung, die du für richtig hältst.

Aber Vertrautheit ist ein weit entferntes Konzept an Bord der Kornwoge--der sich bewegende Sand verändert sich ständig und enthüllt Geheimnisse, Gefahren und vorher ungesehene Wege. Die Dinge sind nicht so, wie sie scheinen ...

  • Talamhel ist eine Open World, die du erforschen und entdecken kannst, wie du willst
  • Jede Insel ist einzigartig und bietet eine bunte Mischung aus Kämpfen, Lore und Beute
  • Mit abgestuften Schwierigkeitsgraden bieten die Orte Herausforderungen, die diejenigen belohnen, die sie meistern
  • Mit einem treuen (untoten) Gefährten, der im Mastkorb ruht, segelst du nie allein über die Meere

Die Verderbnis, die Talamhel heimsucht, hat eine Horde aus Menschen und anderen Einheimischen Talamhels hervorgebracht: Die traditionsreichen Ferrum und die insektoiden Hashara mit Schwarmgeist. Einst kriegführende Nationen sind zu einer abscheulichen Armee aus unendlicher Bosheit geworden.

Von Weltuntergangskultisten bis hin zu gefallenen Königen - die Feinde, die die von dir gesuchten Antworten bewachen, sind fest entschlossen, dein Ende zu erleben. Bereite dich auf eine unerbittliche, unnachgiebige Kampferfahrung vor, die du nicht auf die leichte Schulter nehmen solltest. Gib dein bestes, mutiger Ritter.

Aus Hunderten von Waffenkomponenten, die aus den zerfallenen Überresten der Zivilisation geborgen werden können, kannst du Tausende von einzigartigen Waffen schmieden. Finde den Griff, der genau richtig passt.

  • Besiege mit 7 verschiedenen Kampfstilen das Böse
  • Schütze dich mit Dutzenden von Rüstungssets, welche alle ihre eigenen Eigenschaften zur Verteidigung haben
  • Kombiniere und modifiziere deine Zerstörung mit magischen Verstärkungen, um einen individuellen Build zu erstellen

Starspire ist der Zufluchtsort, den du dein Zuhause nennst, und seine Türen stehen all jenen offen, die ihr als würdig erachtet. Auf deiner Reise werdet ihr auf Flüchtlinge treffen, die eine Unterkunft brauchen, und ein Restritter kann dafür sorgen, dass sie diese in Starspire finden.

Jede Person, die Zuflucht in Starspire findet, wird ihr neues Zuhause stärker und sicherer machen. Aber nicht alle haben diesen Ort verdient.

Als optionale Ergänzung zum Hauptspiel bietet Starspire die Möglichkeit, die Führungsqualitäten und das Urteilsvermögen der Restritter zu testen. Die Entscheidungen, die du in Bezug auf die Bewohner von Starspire triffst, werden die Geschichte verändern und dein Schicksal sowie das Schicksal anderer beeinflussen--aber nur, wenn du diese Entscheidungen triffst.
  • Neue Bewohner von Starspire schalten Vorteile wie besondere Ausrüstungsgegenstände und einzigartige Dienstleistungen frei.
  • Entdecke das Leben anderer, ihre Entscheidungen und Handlungen, und entscheide über ihr Schicksal
  • Begegne Charakteren, die du noch nie getroffen hast, und bauen eine Gemeinschaft auf.
  • Keine einfachen Entscheidungen: Lerne über die Grauzone zwischen richtig und falsch.

Die Sinfonie des Sandes wird durch einen stimmungsvollen, mitreißenden Soundtrack zum Leben erweckt, der von dem unglaublichen Eduardo Lopez komponiert und produziert wurde.

Sands of Aura bietet einen vollständig symphonischen Soundtrack mit einer breiten Auswahl an Instrumenten--von den eindringlichen Streichern der antiken Viola da Gamba bis hin zu den klangvollen Tönen eines professionellen bulgarischen Chors.

Dies sind die unvergesslichen Klänge von Talamhel. Die Partitur einer verwundeten Welt.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel i5-4440 / AMD FX-8370
  • GFX: Nvidia GTX 960 / AMD R9 285
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 (64 bit)
  • HD: 22 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX 11 sound device
  • DX: Version 11
  • MISC: These requirements may change during early access period.
  • LANG: Englisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel i5-8400T / AMD Ryzen 5 2600
  • GFX: Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB / AMD RX 580
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 (64 bit)
  • HD: 22 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX 11 sound device
  • DX: Version 11
  • MISC: These requirements may change during early access period.
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

0 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
5458 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.23 15:58
What a beauty of a game <3
0 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1127 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.23 19:58
really nice spin off on souls like. It caught me off guard and I played two whole days. Every time something new comes up.
Such a great level design! props to that
540 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
616 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.23 19:14
its a really nice indie souls like of the easier kind, like i would really recomend this game for a souls like beginner. Also it feels very polished. It's of a smaller scale and everithing is a bit simpler, but it has some interesting ideas that work really well, like the really uniqe take on weapon crafting. I wholeheartedly recomend it. Graphics look really nice and performance wise i ain't got nothing to complain about (there are graphics options above epic, called cinematic). Be warned though, it is not compatible with ultra wide screen displays, but it's possible with ultimate unreal enige unlocker. Really, give it a try!
347 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
28 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.22 21:06
ich finde es bisher gut macht bock, was mich sehr stört das Balancing ist noch nicht 50-50
115 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
707 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.21 17:31
Geiles Game! coole Kämpfe wenn noch ein skilltree oder mehr waffen kommen wäre es der wahnsinn! freue mich auf mehr!
63 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
47 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.21 17:53
Played for a little (for now).
This is a very Dark Souls like game. You will die, a lot. But that makes the wins even more satisfying.
Excited for whats to come in the future!
0 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
514 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.23 11:03

Reminds me of a classic RPG called Silver i played back in the day!

Absolute gem of a game! Glad someone told me about this, it completely skipped my radar!

This game deserves more eyes on it for sure!
0 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
108 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.23 20:21
A Souls-like, Diablo-y action RPG with a few twists on the formula and aesthetic! The combat is challenging, the exploration is rewarding, and it's hard to dislike a game where your character kicks a chest to open it.
0 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
500 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.23 17:44
I love darksouls and I really like isometric rpgs so this game seemed like a no brain purchase. I don't play early access though so I was eagerly awaiting the official release of this game. I haven't had a chance to fully sink my teeth into it but I am really liking what i've played so far.

First and foremost, you can customize your own character. There aren't a ton of options, but for a small indie team I really like the variety available especially with the hair. A lot of the styles are pretty fun and creative and I had a hard time picking which I preferred which doesn't often happen. My only complaint with the character creature is I couldn't rotate the character. You also don't get to name your character, but it's a single player game so that isn't such a huge problem to me.

The UI design is very nice and pretty. I enjoy looking at and navigating the menus. I didn't immediately see a way to look at how the character stats break down and work, but maybe I missed that part. It'd be great if you could mouse-over the stats and they would tell you what they do.

I haven't talked to many NPCs yet but so far the voice acting is top notch. I'm always wary of heavily voiced games because a bad voice actor or directing of voice actors can really pull me out of a game. Haven't experienced that yet! (Also is Sir Lawrence a Bloodborne reference???)

There are talismans that you find and can affect your build, even if you haven't found the talismans you can still read their description in your inventory which I think is great. This allows you to think about the different ways in which you can customize your build which is one of the biggest features of this game. Armor is also socketable with gems that can change how your build plays. You can attach various fire, lightning, frost, temporal or simple martial effects to your attacks, blocks, and dodges which further allows you to mix and match play styles and approaches to defeating enemies. I REALLY like this. It reminds me of Elden Ring and being able to customize your weapon art, but even more in-depth.

The combat feels nice, but definitely meant for a controller. I might just be bad though because I'm not used to arpgs on KB and mouse. Your character positioning matters a lot and there is no lock on feature which makes combat that much more challenging as you really need to be aware of where your character is facing. Attacking from the back gives you critical damage and getting attacked from behind means you take critical damage. Keep that in mind.

The story is a lot more forward rather than cryptic in comparison to Soulsborne games. There is still a lot of mystery and I appreciate that there isn't an over abundance of exposition that clearly defines and outlines every aspect of the world like some games do. The writing still leaves mystery and treats you like an intelligent person who can figure things out.

This is all just from the first few minutes of the game and I'll definitely come back and add more to this review as I get further in the game. Overall I highly recommend.
0 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
128 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.23 16:16
Watching this game grow and adapt into what it is today with the 1.0 release has been exciting and fun. The devs have listened to feedback since day one and still do unlike a lot of other studios. This game runs great on steam deck and is a good souls-like that I would recommend to anyone to try out!
0 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
7240 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.23 16:16
I bought this game about a year ago, while it was in Early Access.

Since then, I have more than gotten my money's worth with Sands of Aura. I enjoy the story, the gameplay, the design and general setting and find it to be worth my time and my review.

The changes that have been made through the Early Access process have made the player's life easier, while still keeping with the general theme of the game in my opinion.

With the final, 1.0-shipped out version, I would describe Sands of Aura as a third person open world fighting game, with souls-like mechanics that are on the light side via its blocking and parrying systems. The character customization is reasonable enough to make me happy with my characters looks (thank you for helmet toggle so I can see my bodacious hair), and I can lean into a number of different build styles with the armor rune system. There is a large amount of gear customization available, with more than a few set bonuses, talismans that give chunky noticeable buffs, different stat runes and weapon-crafting which drastically changes what a weapon brings to the table.

To note, the basic mechanics of each weapon remains in terms of its swing pattern and style, but you can augment for poisons, bleeds, -min / +max damage range, to list a few. And those are just pommels.

This is a definitely recommend from me, and I'm so very excited and happy to see Sands of Aura launch into 1.0. Now, let's go save Talamhel. :D
0 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1267 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.23 16:03

I am blown away by my first impressions of Sand of Aura.
The world and environments are incredibly detailed and thought out, bringing an atmosphere that feels refined and intentional.
The art style is captivating, adding to the immersive feeling while exploring.
I couldn't believe that all the characters throughout the game are expertly voiced, which brings an extra level of detail for world building.
The characters that you meet in the game feel diverse, and interactions leave lasting impressions.

The movement and combat in the game are superb. Usually, this is my BIG make or break it for any game I play.
There needs to be intentionality in the way you approach combat and bosses. Do not button mash your way through a health bar, instead, observe the enemies move-set and telegraphs, and dodge/attack with intention. Similar to souls games, learning the enemy before trying to force your way through them is the best way forward.
The weapons and systems are unique and impactful, giving you options on how you want to approach combat and exploration.

And speaking of souls mechanics, prepare to die while conquering new areas and bosses. You will loose your hard earned Glint (Souls), it will feel frustrating, but once you figure it out and pass it... Well, you know, amazing feelings of accomplishment.
If you struggle with a boss or area, maybe go explore more and come back later.

There are many hidden secrets to find during exploration, so check every nook and cranny.

I will say, exploring the "sandseas" was quite a bit of fun while getting massive air off some of the dunes. I don't know why this stuck out to me, but its just one extra detail that added extra depth to the enjoyment of the world. You will find many environmental features that have particular reactions that add to the realism and immersion that this world creates.

I know there is still tons of content for me to explore, be surprised by, and even frustrated at, but I can't wait to experience each moment.

This is a game that nearly every detail feels intentional, created through hard work and love of gaming and this genre, working through tons of feedback from the community to create an epic and memorable experience.
While this game may have aspects that are inspired by other genres, it feels unique and fresh with its own individual style.

If you have any doubts, read a couple of their updates about the games journey to launch.
This game is worth every penny plus some.

Ignore some of the older reviews from Early Access, as much of the issues/complaints have been resolved by launch.
I highly recommend the "Tips, Tricks and Info" in the guides section to help a bit with your new play-through.

I never thought I would drop money for a bunch of sand, but here I am, playing in Sand(s of Aura).
0 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
7461 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.23 23:25
I am no soulslike expert, just an old guy who played lots of crpgs, rpgs and action rpg. This is an enjoyable mixture of some of those generes, challenging at times mostly on bosses. Enough secrets and tinkering to keep people entertained. a Yes out of YES/NO
248 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
73 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.22 02:14
This game will be an exciting title to explore once its fully been released. Aside from some combat issues and a general darkness that seems to dark in my mind the game is charming and has much potential. I do think that the forge needs a better icon to show what your making so you dont make the same mistake i did. I also would like if there were more options for customization. And even say like a body structure so you can be like skinny, buff, or if you want wide.
747 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
978 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.22 00:05
Fun and charming adventure game! Can it be hard? Oh yes, but of course difficulty is relative to talent. I would rank myself as a 6/10 gamer, and I see this as a 6/10 on the difficulty scale of games I've played, and yes I've played and beat all souls borne games. The world is charming and has a lot of small details if you take the time to sniff them out. I find traversing the sands over world map to be boring but it still works. The game has a character upgrade system that relies on you upgrading a skill tree, runes, magic, and equipment, but the character itself does not level up. This is fine as there is a enough variety of crafting equipment to make the your sense of progress solid as you upgrade pieces of armors and weapons. Bosses are souls like, though not as hard as a souls game. If you get stuck, ride the sands and fine other places to go. Overall a fun little world and I hope the dev keeps building on the great if not limited frame they have put forward.
211 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
393 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.22 07:14
Succeeds (so far) on most aspects of an RPG but the combat is kind of mediocre at best. Good art, intriguing world, nice soundtrack, distinct characters. I do feel readability of what's on screen suffers often and I find myself wishing for more zoom options, you can't even rotate your character to properly check out hairstyles or armor details. If you're the type to overlook some fundamental flaws or problems in order to experience less tangible aspects of a game like atmosphere or lore, such as with classic Obsidian games, then this is a definite recommend, otherwise reconsider.
132 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2341 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.22 06:02
Really is a hidden gem. setting, story, game play, mechanics are all fantastic. Only thing its missing is more content but that is to be expected in early access. The devs are very active and helpful so you know the game will only get better as time goes on so its a good investment.
232 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
531 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.22 23:32
It's a good start to a game. I explored the world away from the main questline before taking on the main story boss as it is now and I enjoyed it, but there's probably not much more than 10 hours to it at the moment.
33 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
139 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.22 05:14
I like this game a lot. It's very much like dark souls. If you like challenging fun games then this game is definitely the game for you.
155 Produkte im Account
67 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
711 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.22 23:54
I am really surprised of how many good reviews this game has. It is bare-bone game, content for less than couple of hours, and some of the UI aspects need to be changed for the game to be considered user friendly.
The game is quite stable aside from some small bugs, but all the Youtube videos you can find do not present the game properly for how shallow and short it really is. It kind of feels like early 2000 MMO games, with somewhat better graphics.
Do not be confused by the game description, half of it is pure BS/wishful thinking, as for now, considering its 4 years of development already.
Also, this game has Dark Souls like mechanics but in 2D, what means it is less adventure and more grinding is inevitable, and required. That is not mentioned anywhere in the game description.
I cannot recommend this game with pure heart. Even more, I do not advice to buy it before release. It will more likely be a serious disappointment for you at this stage.
39 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
442 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.22 00:13
currently i think this game is pretty good. quite difficult but still manageable. my only complaint is the quests are sometimes very vague and hard to figure out where to go.
107 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
414 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.22 19:13
my favorite thing about this game is the controls, it plays like a regular 3rd person game hold w use mouse to look, other games like this have imo weird controls like using mouse to move character any awesome game.
9 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1219 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.22 21:58
This game is one of the best games I've played in a long time. The combat is fun, tight, and satisfying. Some parts needs to be more difficult it's easy for my taste.
220 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
502 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 06:26
love it! cant wait for full release!
10 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
299 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.22 18:20
Billed as a souls-game, this game was exactly what I was hoping for. Familiar combat system with its own twists, beautiful scenery, haunting lore, and of course the constant repetition of dying one way or another. I've played about 4 hours so far and it's a lot of fun, pretty easy to grasp too. Oh and the music and voice acting are sublime, that's something that just warms my heart.

So far, so good. Highly recommend this one even while still in development and especially while on sale (it was just $17 when I got it).
271 Produkte im Account
72 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
343 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.21 17:45
Early Access Preview, Patch 0.01.06

Sailing your sand ship, or Grainwake, over the shifting grains of quicksand that are slowly swallowing this dying world really hammers home the carefully crafted visuals and art design, with gorgeous desolate ruins and architecture accompanied by a beautiful, haunting soundtrack just beckoning you to explore them.

Interesting lore, found over the world and on many items, and compelling characters, eking out a living in the sanctuary of Starspire and other drifting islands, bring this world destroyed by a cataclysm to life. They’re both occasionally splendidly narrated or have great voice overs.

But all of that isn’t a big enough bag to hold all the restless, shifting grains of sand spilling from it. Inordinately vague quests, weird camera angles and bird’s eye views of combat that make everything tiny, and janky, slow and unresponsive combat that also feels weightless and suffers from a lack of feedback all plague the world of Talamhel.

Combat mechanics function as an action RPG, with the added difficulty of souls-like mechanics, thankfully, without stamina. All the other bells and whistles of souls-likes are here, including large bells called Resonance Bells that serve as respawn points when you die, smaller bells or Testament Bells that act like health refills, and the obligatory souls that drop from enemies called Glint. The ever present die/repeat loop, learning patterns and respawning enemies are also alive and well here, just more frustrating because of all the mechanical problems.

Along with your basic attack, there are two special ones at your disposal. A charged heavy one that is usable when you fill a bar by attacking with your normal ones, and a spellgem one. There are different kinds of spell gems that can be socketed into your weapon, and they all grant bonuses to your attack and dodge. For example, a frost spell gem adds freeze to your attacks, and also makes your dodge leave frost trails behind you.

The main issue with combat is a certain stiffness and unresponsiveness of your attacks, a floaty character, and your rather short dodge also doesn’t seem to have any invulnerability frames. Combine that with the already mentioned lack of solid hit feedback, very easy deaths in a few swings, or even just one from a boss, and those learning patterns become very tedious. The peculiar block mechanic, with a lantern that produces a shield around you, which is also somewhat slow and hard to time, doesn’t help much either. It’s particularly unusable when the camera zooms out so much that everything on your screen is tiny, even in 1080p.

Equipment seems to be plentiful for the present state of Early Access. I’ve found 3 different armor sets during my playtime, a lot of different runes and gems for socketing, potions, sellable relics and some miscellaneous items that seem to be quest related, but I haven’t found a use for them. What really stands out here is the weapon forge. You can combine 6 fighting styles with many parts that come in the form of weapon heads, pommels and codexes to produce a variety of weapons, from cleavers to sabres, kukris, lances and pikes, and they all behave differently.

There is no levelling up with Glint, at least for now, your character statistics are only increased by armor pieces and socketed gems. It’s used for equipment upgrades, weapon forge and a small amount of different purchasables, so it never became a big issue if I lost all of it. Character creation is basic, giving you a couple of options, along with the male/female aesthetic. The biggest part is that you can pick any of the fighting styles to begin with, which also gives you a corresponding weapon.

The world of Talamhel and its inhabitants are the stars here. It’s wonderfully crafted, with a sense of verticality since your character can jump. It’s also rich in well written history and lore, further making the world a believable place. All the characters I’ve met felt like survivors, living on the edge of a disaster, with their own problems and issues. Quests are wonderfully written, but are unclear with directions even more than what is usual for souls-likes, leading to possible player frustrations of not knowing what to do next, besides roaming from island to island. If they’re purposefully that vague, they might be a discouraging factor for many.

There’s a lot to love in Sands of Aura, but the awkward combat which is a big part of the game, and the even more than usual lack of hand holding are keeping it from being an instant recommendation at this stage of Early Access. According to the roadmap, it will stay in it well into 2023, so it’s still very early to say where it will go. My thoughts, for now, are that it’s being held back by clinging to souls-like mechanics and that it would potentially work better by being more of an action game, but maybe Chashu Entertainment can turn it around and bring their vision to fruition.

I’ve had no issues with performance running the game on an i7-7700K, RTX2070, 32GB of RAM and an SSD.

P.S. I did have a slight issue with the game running its own launcher, from a minor publisher, over the Steam one. I find it to be a weird decision and something that’s really not needed.

For more reviews from the pens of gamers and enthusiasts, stroll on over to SaveorQuit.

More off the beaten path games, wonders and failures at the Cabinet of Curiosities.
399 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
414 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.21 15:57
Game is very solid for the price. The fact this is a really early build of the game yet still not many bugs and loads of fun to play is very refreshing and its how an early access game should be. If you are a fan of souls likes and want something new and different i would highly recommend to give this game a shot!
67 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
528 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 02:51
there is a glitch, which after completing the very 1st cave you need to talk to Lawrence at you home and he was just frozen so dialogue won't start and you can't countinue without it
57 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.21 22:11
Windwaker Diablo-Souls.
15 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2455 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.21 20:45
This game has a lot of potential in a year, yet the developers did and are doing a really good job in making this game better each day. There are always bugs like in all Early Access but they are always being taken care of .
661 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
1550 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.21 10:52
Just leaving a quick review which I will update as EA progresses. The best thing about this game are the Devs. They are extremely responsive and are working very hard to make this game the best it can be. If you like action RPGs with interesting story elements, you'll very likely enjoy this game. I'm a huge souls fan, and although it does share some elements, it's definitely not a souls copy. For example, although there are save points similar to bonfires and you can create/upgrade a wide variety of weapons, there is no stamina gauge. With regard to EA, it's in a good place overall and there is quite a bit of content. Optimization is good from my perspective, but some folks with less powerful systems have had difficulty getting the game to run well for them. I have a 2070 super card and have no problem playing at 1440p / 60 FPS with a few hiccups here and there.

I hope you enjoy the game as much as I have :)


16 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
549 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 18:04
Just jumping in but really love what they have here and looking forward to see this game develop because there is definitely a vast future . Some UI QOL is definitely needed but easy to overlook at the moment. Combat feels good, and it may be the starter weapon I chose (glaive), but it can feel a little unresponsive. Movement and combat in general seems to have a bit of input lag on mnk.

The art design and world they have created are great. Still too early for me to comment on armor/weapon build crafting but it seems to have potential.

1st impression: Solid game with lots of potential. Verdict still out on armor/weapon builds, boss encounters, and endgame

P.S. separate binds for sprint/dodge please

34 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
642 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 00:20
Where to begin with this game. Make the obvious Dark Souls comparison? Nah let's first off praise the stellar voice acting and writing. Interacting with the various people about town and the odd person you run into outside it's safety is always a joy.
Next let's talk about how unique the crafting is, you don't simply choose a weapon to forge from a hand full of categories, instead you are select your fighting style, one handed, two handed, dual wield or staff, the first two of which come in either thrust or slashing focused flavors. Next you chose the actual shape of your weapon:
dual wield great swords? sure thing
two handed slashing dagger? yeah that's a thing somehow
After that you choose the weapon's pommel which is essentially an enchantment and after that you also get an actual enchantment.
Suffice it to say there's a lot of fun experimenting to do here.
Actually using your weapon of choice is a blast too. Dodge, block or parry enemy attacks while looking for a window to get your own attacks in, at least with bosses, a lot of regular enemies you can kill fairly quickly once you figure them out which isn't a bad thing since they respawn if you die or rest at the game's bonfire equivalent.
The bosses I have fought so far have all kicked my butt to a satisfying degree and were equally satisfying to finally take down. There's already a decent amount of variety here too and the designs are very stylish which brings me to my next point.
The game is really damn pretty, the art style for the characters and creatures is almost Burton-ish/Claymation-esque while the environments are stunning.
Exploring the beautiful and expansive desert with your sand ship is a total joy and each location you find is exciting as they are all visually distinct and fun to explore.

Should you play this game? I mean...yeah, durr, it's really good and there's a whole lot of very palpable love being put into and the result is a very fun and unique action RPG filled with charm delivered to you via great voice acting, visuals and music with a story that's shaping up to be very interesting.
35 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
893 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.21 23:12
This game is amazing so far. The Forge system adds a great variety to how you can play the game. I would definitely recommend this game to someone else and I'm looking forward to seeing the final product. If I had to make any changes there are two that I would make. First of all, being able to change the blessings that you selected would be nice especially for when you make a mistake. Finally, it would be nice to be able to enhance the runes and gems that you pick up, even if it's done by combining a large amount of excess lower tier ones to make one higher tier. These two changes would allow for more variety to the game and give the player additional optional goals that they can strive for.
16 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
888 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.21 03:28
Game is amazing, Devs constantly interacting with community. They also listen to feedback and suggestions and fix bugs super quick. Gameplay is super smooth and very rewarding, and the sense of progression when upgrading your weapon is incredibly noticeable <3
197 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
526 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.21 04:25
TL;DR: This game is about exploring. Pick this game up if you want to play a top down isometric 'souls-like' exploration game and you have some extra cash lying around.

This review was written one week after early access release. There were three patches in the first week which fixed a lot of the issues players like myself brought up to the dev team. Based on what I've seen so far, I'm fairly confident the dev team will release a polished game. Here's what I enjoyed about the game in it's current state:

* Exploration is amazing. There are many diverging paths and secret areas. It's usually worth it to go back through an area after clearing it to see if you missed anything.
* Combat is punishing for the greedy. If you initiate an attack, you commit. There is no way to animation cancel out of an attack with a dodge.
* Weapons are customizable. Each weapon has a base type: 1H/2H Sword, dagger, spear, etc. On top of that, 'weapon head', 'pommel', and 'codex' are customizable to change crit rate, attack speed, adding poison DOTs to attacks, etc.
* Spellblades are gems that can be socketed into any weapon. Spellblades allow you to augment attacks, dodges, and blocks with elemental effects
* All enemies can be parried/countered. Or at least that's what a dev told me. So far I've only managed to parry/counter one boss.
302 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
649 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.21 08:56
Looks fantastic, plays very well, I'm just beginning my playthrough and loving it!
159 Produkte im Account
105 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
27 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.21 01:22
looks nice But..
lag between button push and action kills it for me
the controls (keys) seem scrambled - maybe it was the time between button push and action ?
maybe it will be a much easier to play game when it's out of ea
217 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
391 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.21 20:45
Overall, I enjoyed my time playing Sands of Aura and would recommend this for anyone who enjoys top-down/isometric exploration + combat-focused games. I believe I finished every available island and I'm looking forward to future updates that introduce the newer areas. For what it's worth, I played a ton of Diablo as well as every game in the Souls series (DS1, DS2, DS3, Bloodborne, Sekiro) and this took me approximately 6 hours to finish most of the content. I expect players less familiar with the souls-like genre + top-down games to get more gameplay time.

For reference - I played with a mouse + keyboard.
Combat was pretty typical of souls-like games. There are a few different weapon types with varying attack speeds, ranges, and combo patterns. You have a main attack that you can charge into a strong attack, a dodge that gives you an iframe during the dash animation, and a block which also acts as a parry if you time the block when an attack is about to hit you.

In terms of weapons, I personally tried out the 1-h sword (default weapon), dual wield (my primary weapon), and 2-h spear (my secondary weapon). I understand other people's complaints that the game initially felt clunky due to how slow the 1-h sword's attacks were, but as soon as I swapped to my dual wield blades + equipped some haste runes, the game felt a lot more fluid. I personally really like faster gameplay like Sekiro which is why I opted for faster attacks. Bosses had a variety of attacks where you were rewarded for using blocks vs dodges and vice versa, so it was always exciting to learn the attack patterns and optimize my responses accordingly! Overall, I really enjoyed the combat but I do have one negative that I'll mention below.

Although the beginning definitely felt souls-like and required me to utilize my dodges and blocks, I felt like the personal power creep in this game made the game feel more like a hack & slash.
[spoiler] The power creep comes heavily from the blessing, though weapon scaling does have an impact. I upgraded my dodgy set armor to level 2 and my weapon to level 3 (it was a simple janky dual wield weapon iirc) and upgraded my blessing with the 30% damage blessing. After doing this, I had such an unexpected power spike that gameplay became more hack-and-slash as I was able to kill enemies within the stagger animation before they were able to attack back. I tried out the 2-h spear, and even at level 1, I had no issues killing mobs so I feel like the blessing skill tree probably accounted for a ton of that power creep. I opted to stop upgrading my gear at this point to preserve some difficulty in the game. I wish there was some way to increase difficulty in this game without having to stop your gear progression. [/spoiler]

Level Design
I really enjoyed the overall design of the levels. The game was structured as open-world and you travel to different islands which are essentially different levels. Each level/island had a different mechanic or environment that made it feel unique from the others. The top-down isometric view helped showcase the effort the devs made in designing the layout and general aesthetics of the area and each area had certain mobs that helped enforce the specific vibe of that island. The limited camera control did make it hard at times to navigate through certain areas. I'm not sure how this could be improved on, but at the moment, you can only move your camera around your character.

[spoiler] In particular, I really enjoyed Cinderhold's design. It gave me DS3 Fallen City vibes in the section where you had to find cover whenever the angels rained arrows on you. In terms of camera control making gameplay hard, the super top-down view made traversing the Sunken Tower a slight pain, though I understand why you would like from top-to-bottom since you're descending vertically.[/spoiler]

Item & Menus
Menu was pretty straightforward - there was a view for equipment/items where you could equip different gear and runes, a view for your quests called the Journal, and a view for a map which showed your location in the open world map. Nothing really out of the ordinary, but I feel like some QoL improvements would include
  • being able to access your journal + map via hotkeys instead of having to open the item inventory and navigate to that specific view
  • having sub-tabs in your equip inventory to view equippables, consumables, runes, etc
986 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
68 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.21 14:38
Enjoying it so far. As it says on the page, it's a souls-like aRPG. The controls feel smooth to me and the overall production values are good. I had one slight problem with a help window that I couldn't get rid of, but otherwise a smooth experience. I could do with some kind of quest markers to head for or a more detailed map but its not a big problem.
453 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
792 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.21 14:21

Lumin's Character Creation Review

Sands of Aura is a open-world action adventure RPG with a (mostly) top down view so the fact that we're able to customize our characters at all is already a good thing, most games of this genre only either let you pick from pre-made characters or classes, or forgo any form of customization all together. That said, while the character creator is far from the most robust, featuring only six options (face, skin color, hair style, hair color, beard style, beard color) in total, it does still allow for some interesting combinations. The art style of the game, and characters in the creator, seems really cool and cartoon-y, and really works to give us some decent personality on the characters at least.

There are no male or female options and instead you basically just create your character to look the way you want it to and that is that. If you add a beard, I mean, I guess it is a guy? Choose the face with eyeliner and pretty eyelashes, well, I guess you could be a lady? That is all up to you to decide with I personally see as a positive.

I do think a choice between body types (perhaps burly, muscular, skinny, hunched?) could allow for a whole lot more personality but I realise that might add a lot to the dev time because of armor, cosmetics, and all the rest having to be resized and modified. Finally, I'd love to be able to rotate my character in the creator, can't really see all the hairstyles and such completely from the front alone.

Overall it is a pretty decent creator for the type of game, especially in early access. You can find my full character creation video linked below! Be sure to let me know if you're enjoying the game and the creator! <3

Sands of Aura - Full Character Creation (All Faces, Hair Styles, Beards, & More!)

Gameplay Impressions

Quick edit regarding the game / gameplay after having played the game for a few hours tonight: Game is good hard fun and even though it is perhaps not quite as responsive with its dodges and parries as Dark Souls and the like it really does feel pretty decent thus far. The Spellblade (they combine with your weapon to add extra abilities to your attacks, dodges, blocks, etc) runes, the crafting system, and the weapon special abilities spice things up a whole lot. Seriously, the weapon crafting is great (You combine a fighting style, a weapon head, a pommel and a codex to make one of MANY different weapons to suite your specific wants or needs) and you should definitely check it out if you can.

The visuals are fantastic for a top down game and the world that they built really is breathtaking (especially the verticality) and the storytelling seems to be a mix of traditional quest and objective stuff combined with some Souls-like world based and item drop storytelling.

If you do play the game do yourself the favour of making it out of the first dungeon before deciding whether it is for you or not. I am not saying that the first impressions aren't as good, I am just saying that the game definitely comes out if its shell at that point and feels better when you enter the slightly more open world with a bit more room to explore and do your own thing.

Anyway, hope this was useful, my dudes, I have been playing and enjoying Sands of Aura and will no doubt continue to do so. If you're interested you can find my gameplay linked below. Thanks for reading!

Sands of Aura - Part 1 - Starspire
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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
72.43% 155 59
Release:27.10.2023 Genre: Action-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Chashu Entertainment Vertrieb: Freedom Games Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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