We're excited to announce that Very OK Vinyl will be releasing Russian Subway Dogs soundtrack on vinyl! Pre-orders are open today with an estimated release date of June 2022.
Each record comes with:
ːhappysubwaydogː24pt Jacket
ːwinksubwaydogːX-Ray printed record sleeve
ːdroolingsubwaydogːX-ray record essay by Jordan McCormack published under "The Daily Reputable"
ːcoolsubwaydogːVinyl exclusive track, "Crunk Canine Rabid Overture"
ːproletaricatːOriginal artwork from Russian Subway Dogs creator, Miguel Steinberg

Two styles to choose from: Metalic Gold/Red Split or Translucent Black.
Both Styles available direct from Very Ok Vinyl (CANADA - $39 CAD)
A limited amount of the split gold/red colour variant are also available at:
Ship to Shore (USA - $32.00 US)
Black Screen Records (EU - €35,00)
Chipfreq (UK - £29.99)
Read more about the vinyl release in our latest Spooky Squid Games Newsletter

We also recently released Russian Subway Dogs on PS VITA, one of the very last games on the system!
Purchasing Vita games is a bit tricky. If you want to pick it up you'll need to either use a gift card or add money to your PSN wallet on the website or a PS4/PS5 then open up the store on your PS Vita and make your purchase. You'll find Russian Subway Dogs permanently listed in the New Releases.
Read more about the PS Vita release in our previous Spooky Squid Games Newsletter