New Character! New Difficulty Mode! New Prolatericat Pop-up Missions! New OS!
This big update is out today and includes:
- Xiao Hong the Red Panda - a brand new playable ‘pupper’ as voted on by the players!
- Tourist Mode - a new campaign difficulty mode for players who prefer an easier game with faster progress.
- Increased variety and replayability with over 20 new pop-up Proletaricat missions added to Endless mode. Obey your feline leader and reap the rewards!
- Linux Support!
Xiao Hong unlocks at 79 bones. If you’ve already reached that number she’ll unlock on the title screen when you first load the game after updating.
You can switch back and forth between “tourist” and “normal” difficulty at any time from the title screen options menu. The only thing this changes is how many bones are needed to unlock levels, so switching will change what levels are available to you at the moment.
In addition to new content we’ve added some extra polish and refinement:
- You can now re-watch map conversations in campaign to re-live your favorite Kitten quips (“1” on the keyboard,” Y/Triangle on controller.)
- Pause screen now works in the campaign map so you can quick exit or change options.
- Pausing now pauses music and sound.
- Steam integrated screen capture quality improved for Mac OS.
- New sound effects for Ratcoon and various fish interactions.
- Turning music off in the options is now saved between play sessions.
- The same Proletaricat pop-up mission will never appear twice in a row when playing endless. However, you still may get similar missions.
- More difficult Proletaricat pop-up missions will happen less often in Endless.
- If you complete a Proletaricat pop-up mission it will switch back to the generic spawning pattern right away instead of waiting for that mission’s queued spawns to complete.
- Tweaks to some existing pop up missions, such as adding more burgers to missions involving cat toys.
- Improved logic for determining when the game automatically moves you to the next map area when unlocking levels in later lines.
- Controller will no longer infinitely rumble when the game ends mid vibration.
- Sound errors caused by exiting a level at key times no longer happen.
- Patched a few potential memory leaks related to both of the above.
- Some subtle tweaks to minor game interactions.
Hope you all enjoy this first update! If you want to see what other improvements we have planned and make suggestions, we have an ongoing thread in the forums here. Also if you’ve been enjoying the game so far, please leave a review and help spread the word. We’re only a handful of reviews away from being able to add Steam trading cards, emotes, etc!
Keep barking!