Sylvanos from Rivals of Aether by Dan Fornace
Finally answering the question, what if wolf but also plant?

Horror from Nuclear Throne by Vlambeer
Gotta love a character that's 90% mouth!

The dog from Minit by Kitty Calis, Jan Willem Nijman, Jukio Kallio & Dominik Johann
A perfect pixel pup for your subway scavenging!
If you have already reached the Campaign requirements to unlock these characters they will automatically unlock the next time you open the game. Same with the new Kitten doodles and improved ending presentation mentioned below. Just revisit those areas, no need to restart the game from scratch!
So what else is in this update? Here's the full list:
- 3 New Playable Guest Pups previously exclusive to PS Vita.
- Improved sound design and additional sound effects.
- New “Random Character” and "Random Station" options. Great for adding variety to marathon sessions of the Endless Arcade mode!
- Improved Endless leaderboard experience: - Rebalanced online letter ranking. - You can now browse up and down the leaderboards. - New "Leaderboard News Ticker" on the title screen.
- Additional Kitten doodles in campaign as an extra visual reward for getting all the bones for each line.
- Improvements to the story presentation in the final two levels of Campaign.
- Minor balance tweaks to some Campaign scores and letter ranks.
- Lots and lots of additional minor bug fixes and tweaks, fancy lighting effects for a couple stations, unique art when fishes run out of air, etc...
- New savegame format (see note below).
A Note on Save Games and Cloud Saving: This update uses a new save format, your old progress will carry over and the original file (campaign.sav) will be preserved. All new progress will be saved to a new file (campaign_v02.sav) this should be seamless and invisible, however if you are using mismatched game versions along with cloud saves you may get some odd behavior. I strongly recommend updating to the newest version on all machines you play on.
MacOS: I'd hopped this update would be an opportunity to release a 64-bit build for newer versions of MacOS. Unfortunately it looks like some incompatibility issues with GameMaker, the game's codebase and MacOS will not make this possible. The existing 32-bit version will remain but won't be getting these updates. Due to the new save format cloud saving between the MacOS version and Linux/Windows builds will no longer work. Though Mac to Mac cloud saves should still function. If you are playing on both Mac and another OS I strongly recommend just turning off cloud saves to avoid confusion.