News Liste RUNNER HEROES: The curse of night and day

RUNNER HEROES: The curse of night and day
01.04.20 22:19 Community Announcements

Confinement is starting to get long, and the whole team at IKIGAI Play wants to try and help make these days bearable for everyone.

For this reason, we want to launch our SPRING SALE from the 2nd to the 13th of April in which you can buy the video game RUNNER HEROES: The course of night and day with 25% promotion.

We want to remind you that RUNNER HEROES is accessible for the whole family, an adventure that you can share with its two cooperative modes with everyone... fathers with sons, mothers with grandmothers, girlfriends with boyfriends, you alone or with your neighbour in the fifth, since you can activate playtogether in steam and play online with another player... the fun and entertainment is guaranteed.

From the heart we hope that this initiative will make the time more bearable for people who are having a regular time, giving them a moment of disconnection, fun and joy.

From IKIGAI Play . . . Everything will be fine.