News Liste Robin Hood: Sherwood Builders

Devlog #10 - Factions / Sons of Adam
Robin Hood: Sherwood Builders
20.02.24 14:39 Community Announcements

???? Hello, Sherwood Builders! ????

Our free prologue, Robin Hood - Sherwood Builders - Bandit's Trail, is getting a major update soon! Join us for a live broadcast on February 22nd at 9:00 AM EST / 2:00 PM UTC on update day when we feature live gameplay from the prologue! The broadcast will appear on the prologue's Steam page:

Robin of Loxley and his Merry Men face no small challenge in their quest to stop the Sheriff's evil reign once and for all. This is not only because of the royal soldiers, still fully loyal to the despot, but because of the questionable allies he made while establishing himself as the land's ruler. Bandits, renegades, outcasts, and all manner of unsavory characters form different enemy factions in Sherwood Builders, all too ready to do the Sheriff's bidding for their own benefit and stand in Robin's way. Today, let's talk about...

To describe the Sons of Adam in one word, they are bandits. As bandit as anyone can get, but with a particularly unpleasant twist. Led by one Adam Coterel, with his two brothers serving as the group's lieutenants, they take to theft, robbery, and all other manner of criminal activity, very often in service to their associates, to further their personal interests through destruction and intimidation.

This particular faction doesn't enjoy an exceptional degree of organization, which makes the task of taking it on possible, but also brings with it tragic consequences to the people of Nottingham – The Sons of Adam are brutal, savage, and resort to exceptionally cruel methods of running their criminal operations. They tend to commit truly evil atrocities, giving Robin even more motivation to oppose them.

The Sons of Adam appear ragged, with bones, scraps, and their iconic heraldry adorning their outfits and camps. They are quite ubiquitous as far as their presence around the Regions goes. You can encounter them just about anywhere, ready to opportunistically prey on the defenseless. With the Sons of Adam furthering their cause through utter cruelty, it's up to Robin to put a stop to their vicious ways.

We hope to see you take on the bandits on February 29th when the full version of Robin Hood - Sherwood Builders is released!

More news to come!
MeanAstronauts Team

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Release: Genre: Rollenspiel Entwickler: MeanAstronauts Vertrieb: PlayWay S.A. Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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