???? Hello, Sherwood Builders! ????
If you've been following our game for some time now, it's become more than obvious that during his quest to liberate Nottingham and its surrounding lands, Robin Hood is going to face a vast number of threats. These threats will grow in severity the closer Robin draws to deposing the Sheriff. How not to get overwhelmed by your foes? One thing you have to take advantage of is the...

As Robin gains experience points in the game through various means, such as vanquishing his enemies in combat, he eventually gains levels, and with levels come skill points. These can be spent in a special window of the game's menu called the Passive Skills. It's a branching grid that provides an overview of Robin's general abilities and characteristics. Spending skill points here allows you to decide how these advantages are going to be developed.
In order to better navigate the available options for character improvements, the tree is separated into several sections, called paths:
- Path of the Blade – This section mainly includes passive skills that simply increase Robin's raw damage output, whether through the enhancement of regular and special attacks or overcoming your enemies' defences. It also offers some good investments if you're interested in keeping Robin capable of swinging his weapon for longer before he gets winded.
- Path of Craftsmanship – Multiple passive skills that specialize in improving resource extraction from the various nodes of Sherwood Builders' world. Also a good area if you'd like to conserve your tools more effectively and increase your carry weight capacity.
- Path of the Arrow – A ranged equivalent of the Path of the Blade, albeit with a few additional intricacies. The price of being able to attack your opponents from a distance is the necessity to have better control over the various conditions for using a bow. With a little extra time put into consideration, these passives should help tailor your archery to your needs.
- Path of Endurance – Survival is the name of the game and the base health and damage resistance boosts from this part of the tree should help with it indeed, especially on higher difficulties. Seeing as some enemies in Sherwood Builders resort to special damage type attacks, certain passives here may eventually prove to be a necessity.
- Path of Shadows – The branch of stealth. These passive skills help you stay hidden more effectively when sneaking, but also make you a more effective assassin with improved execution damage and enemy level threshold for an assassination attempt. Some of these even provide utility by enhancing Robin's Hunter Vision ability.
- Path of Dexterity – Passive skills which improve Robin's movement. Speed, whether simply travelling or already in combat, but, what may be even more interesting, provide enhancements to critical strikes and penetrating enemy armor. What's not to love?

You'll notice that many of the passive skills in the tree offer miscellaneous utility along the way, regardless of the path in which they're placed. These are sure to prove worthy of your attention as well!
We can't wait to see what clever builds for Robin you will all come up with as the game launches, but whatever your choices, we hope you'll enjoy your adventure!
More news to come!
MeanAstronauts Team