Dear Community,
We just released the first hotfix on the beta branch for the March Update.
Please make sure to verfiy your game files after downloading the update (Go to your library in Steam, right click on Railroads Online, open Properties, go to Installed files and click on "Verify integrity of game files").
We also had to change the handling of the switches. Now they will move by only clicking on them (left and right mouse button), not by pulling them anymore.
Following issues have been resolved:
- Fixed an issue with fatal errors for certain interactions
- Fixed and issue where the roundhouse would duplicate wood in the tenders of engines when entering
- Fixed an issue where the logging camp was not auto regenerating logs or cordwood
- Fixed an issue where industries would stop producing goods if a second output was at max. capacity. If one output is at max. capacity and the other output is not, the industry will create items at a x1 output until at max capacity.
- Fixed an issue with soft locking inside of the buy menu
- Fixed an issue with knuckles vanishing after derailing or rotating out of the pockets Should stay in place now when derailments occur
- Fixed an issue where the water tank car had no knuckles in automatic coupling mode.
- Fixed an issue where Oahu water tank car can not be deleted
- Fixed an issue when track laying splines would lay at micro decimals
- Fixed an issue that caused cars to recouple after being uncoupled in automatic coupling mode
- Fixed an issue where the Class47 didn’t couple to anything
- Fixed an issue where the camera in driving mode moved around when you drove into a curve
- Fixed an issue where the sandhouse didn’t refill anymore
- Fixed an issue where clients got softlocked in the buy menu and didn’t see anything
- Fixed an issue with the passenger car not being in the buy menu
Your Railroads Online Team