News Liste Project Wingman

Post-Release Report #1: Version 1.0
Project Wingman
04.12.20 01:02 Community Announcements
Forgive any lack of eloquence in this report but we started writing this on our D-Day, launch day of Project Wingman. As of us writing this it is currently over 24 hours since launch, and boy, has it been a launch.

Not smooth, definitely bumpy, with cracks we’re looking to patch up as soon as possible, and we’re not gonna say this is a straight victory yet having launched, however it is a milestone on the way to a full realization of Project Wingman. We think it’s too early to start celebrating, however, there is something to be said that, upon launch, we are currently 2nd best selling globally on the Steam charts, and for that, how could we not thank you all? If it wasn’t for the fact we’re in overdrive right now, I’d be crying.


But there’s no time to cry and only time to report to you, our long time backers:


Project Wingman’s 1.0 is named as such because it has all the elements we wanted for a 1.0 release. It is the complete experience. That being said that does not mean it is the perfect experience as it has clearly been put together. Now this is of course a consequence of immediately widening out the user pool. Naturally things have broken, and things are being fixed as we speak, however everything is there for us to set up and build upon as we go on. Beneath any of the mistakes we have made is something we know is worth it. The campaign as a whole can be played start to finish, conquest is in and ready to be expanded, our banging tight soundtrack is out in full force and there is a selection of planes to choose from to tickle your fancy as you fight from the Creole Republic to the very precipice of Hell itself.

Our expectations with 1.0 internally was that we knew things would break, and as far as we can tell the most major issues surround hardware configurations (HOTAS implementation especially), and VR. SteamVR at the moment is not exactly playing well with a minority of systems despite indications from our testing, however we are working as fast as we can to settle it and have everyone play PW as best as they can.

One thing that is not completely in at the moment is backer fulfillment, we are populating the game with the remaining names now as we speak in mostly natural ways. This ranges from Conquest implementation to Mercenary mode cameos.


1.0 Issues and Support

As we said earlier our 1.0 is not where we’d like it to be, and we recognize many issues ranging from aforementioned VR issues, to fatal errors on startup, to some screwy localization and subtitle work. As more and more people play and more and more bugs are reported, it’ll just make this next patch able to hit more and secure a better gaming experience for all. So if you’re reporting or experiencing bugs, keep on coming to us and letting us know.
This isn’t the official post-report where we sit down and talk about how far we’ve come, that comes later, but for now, we’ve got another challenge ahead of us: post-release.

We intend to keep the game updated and maintained as we go on forward, however as for any major plans we have in the future?


We’re living day by day at the moment, and until everything is settled, we won’t be happy.

That being said there are ideas being brought to us: such as more endgame two-seaters for some reason we can’t place our finger on. Tons of people are asking for them, so we are, naturally, going to investigate whether or not we can throw those aircraft into your inventory.

Kickstarter Rewards

All game keys were sent out prior to release, and our soundtrack keys are also on hand ready to be sent out when we are able to organize a push out. The art book will be also handed out at a later date. Be aware that many keys are ending up in spam folders, so if you have not gotten your key yet, check your spam folder, and if it’s still not there, come talk to us.

Keys would’ve been sent from domain.

Also be aware whether or not the key you received was a GOG key or a Steam key, based on your preferences as listed in the survey.

In the immediate future

Expect patches to roll out until 1.0 is crystal clear and the game is, by itself, a well-maintained and self-sufficient package.
Logo for Project Wingman
Release:01.12.2020 Genre: Actionspiel Entwickler: Sector D2 Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine: Unreal Engine 4 Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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