- Due to a bug that went completely over everyone in the closed testing, in the first two hours of the launch, no one could play single player games. Whoops!
- The official server saw a peak of 90 players.
- With all the population on the official server and the many factions/outposts, there was a ~5 MB download for everyone connecting to it. Players on slow connections that would take more than 10 seconds to download that data would get disconnected due to inactivity. That one took 4 days to fix!
- According to Steam, there were almost 250 players in Sightseer at one point on Sunday.
- The 664 unique players on the official server created 252 factions and 1150 outposts.
- Players found and reported 4 different duping bugs of varying severity. Thanks!
- Many quality of life features and hotfixes were added due to direct player feedback, all found in the patch notes.
The official server currently looks like this:

Going forward, I am thinking it would make sense to put up new worlds on regular basis, and eventualy retire old ones. This way new players that want to play online won't feel like they've missed out on all the good spots. Thoughts? Comments? Let me know!
In the meantime, it's back to work for the two of us at Tasharen. Workshop support? Modding guide? Achievements? Actual... story to the game? All of that and much more. Keep an eye on Sightseer -- as I've said before, all of this is just the beginning!
Thank you everyone for your support! You're awesome!
-Michael "ArenMook" Lyashenko