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It's tinyurl.com/p5notes btw.
To give a quick summary, the vast majority of them have been bug fixes reported by players such as yourself. Of course there also have been a lot of quality-of-life improvements as well -- from improved driving physics to color-coded map markers presented in a handy selectable list, to newly added radiation instantly killing everything and everyone due to a "slight" bug in distance calculations and the at-the-time lack of shielded storage containers.
Then there were the bigger changes too, the largest of which is the Steam Workshop support that is now in what I'd call a "beta" state. Aspiring modders can now change everything about the game by following the tinyurl.com/p5mod modding guide (tinyurl.com/p5mod), and can download the modding project (github.com/ArenMook/P5SMod) to get started adding their own custom content to the game!
Just for the fun of it, one of the first mods Neil and I added to the Workshop is a mod that adds a Sloop and a Corvette for all you Windward fans out there!
(That was an actual link to Steam's own store page for Windward)
And best of all, the entire project is available for modders to examine and change as they see fit! If you're interested in modding Sightseer, it's quite simple. I'd link it, but you know... tinyurl.com/p5mod
So instead, check out the handy video tutorial to get started:
And as usual -- if you have questions, comments or bug reports, you can find me in discord: https://discord.gg/trruSNc
Wow, that's the first link that actually worked!
One last thing, since I know someone is bound to ask the "what's next?" question -- tutorial, hostile threats and raidable outposts, task system (quests), more world customization options such as keeping your vehicle after you die and an actual alternative "survival" mode are the next notable tasks on our TODO list.
Keep an eye out on Sightseer's progress in the coming months, and from both of us at Tasharen -- thank you for your support!