Project 5: Sightseer
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Über das Spiel

You will start with nothing but a scanner and a mining laser in the location of your choosing -- either by yourself or with your friends, then venture forth to find resources, build outposts, research technologies and ultimately claim the world as your own.
Exploration is the core part of Sightseer. As you venture forth into the vast world, you will travel across dozens of scenic biomes, discover natural resources, strange artifacts, find discarded upgrades, and (depending on your chosen world configuration) other denizens that chose to exploit its bountiful resources.
Once you find a nice spot you wish to call home, you can claim it by building an outpost. From simple automatic resource extraction satellites to sprawling, heavily-defended main bases, it will be up to you to turn it into something you'd be proud of.
Outposts will not only extract resources for you, but they can also perform scientific research, unlocking new technologies, vehicles, parts, and structures. Furthermore, outposts built near artifacts will offer additional powerful technologies that can potentially improve all vehicles belonging to the player's faction.
As your grasp of technology grows, you will unlock new vehicles, along with weapons and other components to customize them with. All vehicles have a role, but it's up to you how to customize them to your own play style. Will you choose to emphasize stealth in a fast, agile race car that gets stronger the faster it moves, or will you choose to take to the skies in a heavily shielded flyer? Or perhaps a sturdy, dependable 8-wheeler with extra threat to draw enemies attention along with ample hull self-repair modules and an assortment of weapon attachment points is more to your liking? Then there are the various weapon types to choose from -- lasers, miniguns, cannons, plasma, missiles, railguns -- they all have their advantages and disadvantages that will unlock new designs as you use them.
Sooner or later, you will need to defend what you've built -- whether it's from opportunistic pirates, or other players (if playing on a PvP server). The easiest way to get your wheels wet is to run combat simulations -- virtual scenarios that won't cause you to lose anything. As you get better and gain upgrades, you will be able to customize your vehicles further, and will be even better prepared to face the world's enigmatic protectors, as well as their ultimate chief.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Dual-core Intel i3
- Software: WIndows 7
- HD: 1500 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch, Russisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Quad-core Intel i7 4790K
- GFX: NVIDIA GTX 780 or better (resolution-dependent)
- Software: WIndows 7
- HD: 1500 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch, Russisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
7444 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.20 08:12
Sehr schade, dass die Playerbase nicht grösser ist, wobei ich denke, dass es bei den Meisten einfach nie auf dem Radar erschienen ist.
Wenn ihr Sandbox mögt ist dieses Spiel ein kleines Juwel. Macht am meisten Laune mit Freunden.
Viel Spass!
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757 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.19 10:42
Es kamen so gut wie keine Updates, kaum etwas wurde in den 2 Jahren verbessert und das Spiel wurde nun einfach unfertig aus dem Early Access gehoben, in der Hoffnung, dass es nicht auffällt.
Neben der schlechten Optimierung hat das Spiel immer noch die gleichen Probleme, wie am 1. Tag. Es mangelt an Content, einige Gameplay Features sind undurchdacht oder unfertig, PvP bringt haufenweise Balancing Probleme mit sich und die Server sind größtenteils ausgestorben.
Besonders bei dem Preis von 20€ müsste da einiges mehr kommen, doch das scheint sich vorerst erledigt zu haben.
5134 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.18 08:45
733 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.18 12:38
-- wäre schön wenn spielsprache deutsch endlich mal eingepatcht wird .
8434 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.17 20:10
Das Game ist richtig, richtig gut.
Es gibt kaum Bugs, obwohl das Game gerade einmal 14 Tage im EA ist.
Es läuft sehr flüssig mit stabilen Frames.
Vom Content her, locker 100h Spielspaß. Mindestens.
Mining,Crafting,Basebau,Handelsrouten,Automatische Systeme. Sightseer ermöglicht alldies ohne Probleme.
Für alle , die der Englischen Sprache nicht mächtig sind:
Es gibt im Communityhub vom Entwickler eine CSV. Datei mit DEUTSCH ,italienisch,Russich,Englisch, die weitere Sprachen ins Spiel integrieren. Pauschal würde ich sagen,dass die Deutschübersetzung zu 95% abgeschlossen ist.
Ich kann jedem das Spiel nur wärmstens ans Herz legen. Vor allem mit mehreren in einer Fraktion, ist der Spielspaß enorm :)
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359 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.21 10:52
When TF2 went free, the game had been released, playable, and really fun for a long while, and they at least granted an exclusive token to their paid customers, so they would not feel entirely and completely ripped off. And it worked. I spent less money on TF2 and I don't feel bad about doing so. I'd do it again. But not here.
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2885 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.21 18:47
Game's dead, not really any point in playing now.
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332 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.21 15:59
I've spent years looking for an exploration game with minimal crafting (I find crafting to be extremely boring). I don't really have any specifics on why the game doesn't grab me it just doesn't, I've uninstalled it probably for the last time. It appears that the developers have abandoned the game. All of that said...
One minor addition would have been nice, and that would be support for game controllers.
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587 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 16:07
So, what am I complaining about?
This is a game where you drive a rover vehicle on a randomly generated planet which is 80% impassible to wheeled vehicles. The only place that you can find resources is in canyons which are impassible. Any area where you could actually drive a vehicle is completely devoid of resources. Once you have a flying vehicle, things get slightly better.
The learning curve is ridiculous and involves a lot of ruthless experimentation until you figure things out.
The research tree is inverted, meaning that everything that you need to make the game playable is locked far behind research and as everything is so damn slow, expect to spend many hours just doing nothing waiting for things to actually accumulate enough resources to do anything at all. Well, you can attempt to hilariously drive around to find garbage laying around to fill your inventory if you like, but I do not recommend it as you are likely just going to end up screaming because the damn vehicle cannot drive straight, or even at all.
Here is something fun to do with this game. Just hold W. It is actually the most fun thing you can do. Don't steer, just drive. The ridiculous bouncing pattern of randomly switching directions and bouncing off of everything is way more entertainment value than attempting to actually steer anywhere.
For Pete's sake, can any one developer make any sort of vehicle where the forward momentum matches the reverse momentum? My car does not travel 4 times the distance in reverse before stopping as forward. Why the hell does every developer miss this? Why does every single vehicle have infinite mass travelling backwards and none travelling forward?
Yeah, even at $2.50, this game stretches more than just patience.
898 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.21 19:23
It is a tech demo for the company's graphics and world engines. They've put them together into a game that is kinda cool, but a bit lacking. That's technically all it is.
Still, it creates a cool world to move around in and explore - the name 'sightseer' is fairly apt for what you do. I would probably recommend Planet Nomads as a similar but better game, but it's still worth a look. It displays engine capabilities for lighting, terrain generation and water that are quite promising.
24794 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.21 12:44
6035 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.20 17:07
7647 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.20 02:03
It takes a bit of patience in the beginning - don't expect a perfectly smooth learning curve. But once you get the basics and understand how the world effectively works, it's mind blowing. Even though procedurally generated, the terrain is really beautiful to look at, from details like the grass dancing with the wind to dramatic beams of light outlining treetops of a temperate forest at sunset. Exploring it is relaxing, and also rewarding when you find new resources, nice outpost locations or even enemy settlements.
Apart from that, the game has several scientific aspects that make for interesting choices. For instance, cooling down gases until they become liquid is much more efficient space-wise, but on the other hand will require more power in order to keep it pressurized.
Trade routes can be established creatively - you basically get a vehicle, start the creation process and then get to the destination as fast as you can. The trade route capacity is calculated in proportion to the cargo volume versus time, so building roads in order to use high capacity land transports or relying on flying or water vehicles with different capacities and limitations is up to you.
Most choices have significant consequences, and once you understand them and approach the challenges creatively, you can succeed. Or turn on creative mode and build away. Or just go... sightseeing ;)
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3242 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 11:32
I really want to recommend this game as it has a special place in my heart but as it currently stands it's an unfinished shell of a game. The devs seem to have no intention to return to this product.
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4586 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.20 06:42
Do I recommend this game? No, for this game has too many isseus to be properly enjoyable as is. It is however a hidden gem with lots of potential where fun can definitely be had if you don't mind slow progression and some unbalanced mechanics.
I'll rate it 3.5⭐/5⭐ (if steam had a 5 star rating)
Long version:
I really want to like this game, and i do yet i can't give this a thumbs up.
This game has a good foundation and good idea and for what is there, decent implementation of what it set out to do, it is however left in a unfinished state with quite a few things that only become more obvious as you progress.
I'd say the game is about 85% done, it needs some quality of life, balancing and spitpolish to actually be finished.
For starters, AI has not been implemented all that well and as such the world not only feels empty especially since there are few to no players at any given time, if the ai would spawn land and naval vehicles and maybe some simple mobs such as birds and a fish or so to bring life to biomes it would already help.
Vehicle ai for players is limited to just 1 follower, would have been better at 2 even if that would only be for smaller stuff (especially because you'll be doing things mostly solo) Like the meerkat flyer or puma and scarab vehicles and small drones.
The minimap in the top right corner is great and really helpful, too bad you cant actually enlarge or use it to really benefit from its capabilities, a missed opportunity especially since the worldmap is near useless except for marking stuff roughly.
Respawning sucks, if you get killed for whatever reason, you die and respawn at a preset point in the world or randomised and especially for far away bases you suffer as you get respawned at said static ai base (or random) instead of your own hq or at one of your remaining outposts you own that remain with a functional vehicle hub, there is a teleport feature using the main map but it has a 2 hour or so cooldown and after use going anywhere is a manual fly or drive in real time which is pretty damn slow, it's frustrating at the best of times especially if you dont have acces to a flying vehicle. (Timing can be changed per server config i think but it's still annoying to deal with the randomness)
Resources are plenty but poorly spread especially in some biomes and some resources, even some beginner necessary ones, are awfully scarce and unfairly so, making it so that you can get stuck in early researches very early on by luck of the draw. (Not sure if resource nodes even move or refresh every now and then but haven't seen that in 17 hours of play so i doubt that) On top of that progression and gathering is fairly slow too but at least capable of being automated. The trade route/network is pretty messy though as its not very clear, same goes for reviewing your bases expenditures and incomes.
Construction costs needs some balancing although not much seeing setting out can be really rough if you happen to be in a unlucky spawn. Later on foundations and walls are too damn expensive no matter how you look at it, i know they are a intended resource sink but it's still outrageous in most scenarios.
Don't look up to the sky, angry triangle gods be there and the defensive turrets will not help you... in fact the turrets don't help you at all in a lot of cases unless you are directly attacked, they dont help allies either even if they are attacked within range.
Visually the game is decent if not outright good looking and the core gameplay is there, if only they spent about a 100 to 150 more hours in it for a final patch to round things up and smooth things out.
I bet the community would do all that and maybe more and revive the game if it weren't for the locked game files making modding impossible. But hey... It's not profitable right? So why bother...
i tried to like this game... 76 hours in, i just couldn't push to play anymore... i can invest my time better, and without that one person on the servers i tried who was friendly and helpful i probably would have quit much earlier.
ps, some achievements do not work... or at least didnt activate for me personally, like artifact, both credits, sighseer biome one, lvl5 and a couple others i definitely should have gotten but never got for some reason... ah well. bugs were to be experienced and anticipated...
12447 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.20 20:13
Looks like the game adjust itself to your play style, if you run around in vehicle without weapons, combat events are much less frequent.
And if you armed to the teeth, you'll get plenty of stuff to shoot at. The more you kill pirates, the bigger the grudge they hold against you. If you like to blast things from the sky, make sure you put some defenses around your outposts.
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2077 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.20 19:19
PvE only if you pollute the environment too much
If it was still in development it would get a thumbs up, unfortunately the project was too expensive and was dropped.
17323 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.20 10:56
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24705 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.20 08:14
9912 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.20 09:42
It's incredibly addicting and honestly you risk burnout while playing it because of it. The music is amazing and helps you relax into the world you're exploring.
Can't wait for Windward 2.
3364 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.20 11:43
26894 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.20 17:20
A combat simulation program is available and challenging. It's very useful for winning upgrades for your equipment. Neutral traders drop by to trade upgrades and resources and some come to you looking for rescue from pirates. The tech tree has a lot to unlock through research and as you advance through it you can have a base (or bases) bristling with gun turrets, nuclear power and advanced vehicles.
Before entering the game world, I strongly advise going through the world configuration options. Going in blind will likely lead to you not enjoying the game. Single player games should have the standard settings adjusted to make this multiplayer slanted game suitable.When the game starts, be aware of choosing a suitable biome for your basic 4-wheeled vehicle or you'll struggle to move around. Desert, Bleached Hills, Plains and Desert Highways are mostly conquerable by your vehicle at the start. Until you upgrade the wheels to a stickier model you will have difficulty with gradients. Don't upgrade to a more powerful engine before wheels or this issue gets worse. Weight carried seriously affects movement too. Your generator also needs upgrading to provide decent mining time with your laser.
Sightseer is now permanently half price compared to its release. Very good value for an involving vehicular open world base builder.
604 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.20 23:00
Graphics: Decent
Gameplay: Some room for growth
Specs: Decent
Difficulity: Easy
Grind: Final Fantasy
Story: Vegetable
Length: Sandbox
Cost: Bargain
Stability: Minor bugs
I enjoyed this game, but it would be improved by having a story element and quests.
29284 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.20 16:28
I still have a ways to go to playing this game and will update after I've progressed more.
If you don't mind managing resources and pollution and enjoying exploring, in pitch black when night hits, you'll like this game.
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9608 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.20 19:10
+ tech tree
- relief (too sharp elevation changes)
- unfriendly interface
- combat system
- bugs
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8 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.20 16:39
A big problem with logging in to official servers.
I can not connect to official servers.
My provider is blocking your servers.
I live in the territory of Ukraine.
Now I am returning funds to the purchased game!
1154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.20 14:12
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43 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.19 02:47
Been waiting a long while for an update/patch and there's nothing...
So.. if you want to get a game that feels unfinished..
I hate the fact that most games these days get sold and never finished... Yea.. I am grumpy.
UPDATE: Well there is none... Yup Feb and I can give this game a solid thumbs down for abandoning it. They are working on another game... I won't buy it judging by them not finishing this one.
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12781 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.19 01:40
But ultimately there isn't that much to do in this game, and there seems to be zero development happening after launch.
I built a bunch of bases, built all the vehicles, set up a bunch of trade routes, found some artifacts, and left it.
I spent a fair while doing this and enjoyed it, but there's basically no replay value and there's very little depth so there's no reason to play beyond that.
3594 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.18 01:07
Section 1_________________
There was a bit of a rash of negative reviews on this game from a faction that got banned from the dev server for hounding and ganking new arrivals with endgame gear. I'm posting this review to clear the air on that;
They were behaving toxic and adversarial and were removed as such. The developers have maintained a firm grasp of the basics and are focusing on a very fleshed out PvE base before expanding out into the wild world of PvP. This group of players were upset by the temporary removal of PvP on the official dev server and they responded by using known exploits to achieve their PvP goals, harassing and pursuing players who simply wanted nothing to do with them or PvP gameplay.
When they were banned for repeated exploit abuse and harassing of other players, they then harassed the developers to the point of upset and used the logs of the post-harassment ire to create a false reality to fit their victim narrative and started bombing with negative reviews, openly harassing anybody who posted a positive review, even so far as when I, myself posted the original version of this review and received harassment across multiple platforms.
They behaved like petulant children and bullies, yelling and swinging their tiny fists when they didn't get their way. The developers would not be swayed by such behavior, and they did what few in this industry brave to; told the screaming manbabies to take a hike.
Section 2_________________
On to the game itself.
The game is, as of April 28, 2018, somewhat unfinished, but it is already very playable and very enjoyable. Optimization and graphics options are slightly lacking and my 1050 card can sometimes struggle, but such is expected in early access.
The game has an interesting and unique take on basebuilding and features RTS elements as well as an already solid vehicle combat system where upgrading your gear is key to victory.
The world is sprawling in depth and vibrant in variety, with each biome feeling truly unique and an exploration rewards system to encourage pushing your horizons outward. Resources are there for the taking, but you'll have to work to get the rarer ones and the richer deposits, whether by frontal assault, overwhelming base defenses, attrition, starving their powergrid until the guns and sensors shut down, or stealth, sneaking in and stealing supplies right out from under their noses. All three of these tactics apply to players and NPC's alike.
The game also features a very dynamic ecology system which sees regular attention from the devs. Pollution is something to keep an eye on, everything from the sensors on your research stations to the lenses on your solar farms will suffer if you let a layer of smog surround your base. This is to say nothing of what happens when your toxic cloud upsets the locals.
In all, this is a game worth keeping an eye on, it's already fun for somebody who enjoys PvE, and holds promise of not only bringing in vibrant PvP, but expanding greatly into new fields and venues for the warrior and miner alike.
Graphics[h1] 7/10
[h1]Gameplay[h1] 10/10
[h1]Replayability[h1] 9/10
[h1]Immersion[h1] 8/10
[h1]Dev. activity[h1] 10/10
[h1]Community[h1] 9/10
[h1]OVERALL: 8.8/10
Genre:keine Infos
Tasharen Entertainment Inc.
Vertrieb:keine Infos
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos
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