Warden: Lin, Alexis
Entry number: 6559X
Finally, the day has come! Thanks to our cutting-edge tools and advanced robotics we have built the perfect correctional facility. No more outbreaks, no more fights, everything will be in order and everyone will be happy from now on. I just have to push this button and let technology do its course.
Oh, wait, what is THAT!?
[communication over]

Get Future Tech Pack here to take your prison to the next level:
Prison Architect: Future Tech Pack Key Features:
- Advanced Searchlights [list]
- This technological marvel tracks misbehaving inmates. Equipped with a CCTV camera, a dramatic cone of light, and a siren, nothing will go unnoticed. The best thing? You can operate the searchlights yourself!
- Squares are a thing of the past — embrace the future with hexagonal and triangular tiles. Thanks to the new shiny keycards that open every futuristic door, your guards won't need keys anymore.
- Equip the most troublesome prisoners with tracking devices. Through this new section in the security menu you can select which prisoners need extra monitoring. The tracking devices will allow them access through designated keycard doors, tell you instantly of any new addictions, and, most importantly, instantly inform you if they dare to leave the range of your routers using the new tracking monitors in the security room.
- Say goodbye to concrete walls and welcome Glass. With Glass walls, you can keep an eye on your inmates at all times. Who needs privacy? If you deem it necessary, there is also an Electrified Fence at your disposal.
- We have reworked the design of inmates' and staffs’ uniforms, for a more futuristic look. And don’t forget Subwoofer and Byte, the two new robot guard dogs.
Future Tech Pack Full Details (2.99 USD/ 2.09 GBP/ 2.99EUR)
- Security - a group of new devices based around the idea of increasing the security levels of your prison.[list]
- Electrified Fences & Glass Walls - These new wall types are designed to help manage your prisoners by both helping to keep them inside whilst also helping to keep an eye on what they do whilst inside.
- Prisoner Tracking - Prisoners can be equipped with tracking belts which all them to be tracked within your walls - which allows you to monitor their health and misconduct.
- Keycard Doors - Jingling metal keys are a thing of the past. These new door types will use keycards along with the new tracking belts; though this level of access can be revoked at your own discretion.
- Advanced Searchlights - This technological marvel tracks misbehaving inmates automatically. Equipped with a CCTV camera, a dramatic cone of light, and an incorporated siren, nothing, and no one will go unnoticed.
- Stun Batons - Equipping your prison with better tech is one thing, but equipping your staff is even better. With Stun Batons, your standard guards and any riot guards that are called will be better able to handle any confrontations that do happen.
- Robot guard Dogs - These good lil bots "Byte" & "Subwoofer" are more than happy to help in securing your prison. They may be not have the best battery life when compared to their fur-covered brethren but they make up for it with their improved detection skills.
- Uniforms - The second uniform pack has arrived, with this pack both your prisoners and staff will gain a new futuristic style to complement the other new additions.
- Flooring - Every angle besides a right angle isn't necessarily a wrong angle. Embrace the future that are Triangular and Hexagonal flooring tiles.
- Clock Face - When time becomes confusing and jumps forward, you can now keep record of it with a nice fancy blue clock face - ooh.
The Slam (Free Update)
Update Features
- Visitor only Zone - A new sector that will be prioritized by civilians, allowing them to enter or exit the prison through specific points.
- Deployment times - Two more time slots have been added to the Deployment Scheduler, allowing for more control over your guard deployment.
- Quick Connect - This wiring option has been improved so that only specific items will be wired to one another.
- Gang Segregation - This gang feature has now been updated so that non-gang members will now be blocked from using cell blocks or dormitories assigned to gangs.
- Staff Rota - You can now choose how many staff can take breaks specifically for Guards, Workers, and Cooks, instead of a general setting for all staff.
Full Patch Notes:
Price will be 2.99 USD/ 2.09 GBP/ 2.99EUR.
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