But first, Pile Up! has been selected for Game Connection Europe 2023: Game Development Awards! And most importantly, we are nominated for the “People’s Choice Award”, which you will decide who will be the winner by voting, so we need your help!
If you would like to support us, please consider voting for us via the form below. Also, don’t forget to check out the other nominated games too! They are real gems <3
-> https://forms.gle/hSfgcQhtEtVZRd7AA
So, with this out of the way, let’s talk about the game.
This update log will only be focused on the clarity update we just released, but if you want to learn more about the game’s future, keep an eye out on our socials for the next “State of The Game” post this weekend.
In the V0.4.6 update, we focused on clarity and quality of life changes, as the name suggests.
What’s Changed?
- Now, newcomers can select the language as soon as they enter the game. No more saying “The game opened in a language I have never seen before.”. By the way, that language was Turkish (which is our native language!), and you’ve learned something new about us today.
- Camera movement improved to be more fluid.
- Overall animations and day-night cycle transitions are much faster.
- You don’t have to wait for the “happiness balls” to reach the menu to end the round.
- You can right-click on a building on hand to open that building’s page in the handbook.
- The color of the little happiness bar menu icon now changes depending on how well you do. So you can still learn how your people feel without having a big wheel on your screen.
- A red vignette will appear if your happiness level is below the limit to make you realize the risk.
What’s Fixed?
- The major bug occurring in the selection that prevents you from continuing the game is fixed.
- Buildings’ scroll field in the sandbox is fixed.
- The game prevents duplicate selections now.
- Minor bugs.
That’s all for now, see you in the “State of The Game” post and the Game Connection Awards 2023!
-Fausta & Emir