News Liste Phasmophobia

Adjusting the Ascension!
17.01.24 15:30 Community Announcements
Welcome back, we've got some news for you!

Any information and images are Work In Progress (WIP) and may change drastically before releasing

Since the Ascension Update, we've had plenty of feedback on how the game currently feels for players. We wanted to share our thoughts on how we're planning to adjust the game to make sure progression and other areas are the best they can be for all types of players.

We'd love to hear your feedback on these proposed changes and get the ball rolling! We'll be looking to make the following changes, with additions, straight after the upcoming Shop rework!


Leveling rates are currently too slow
  • We originally made the levelling rate slightly slower so that we could increase the pace if need be, so we'll be doing exactly that; less required XP per level across the board

Equipment Tier unlocks are too linear and too slow
  • Alongside the progression rate changes above, we're going to change Tier unlocks so that multiple are unlocked at once instead of only one. This means you'll have more choice on which Equipment you want to upgrade first, and which you want to save for later
  • We'll also be increasing the cost of some upgrades as at the moment players can unlock almost everything straight away, when some upgrades should be something you save up for

Prestiges are a completely optional part of Progression, however, we understand that there aren't many incentives right now to encourage players to prestige:
  • With new player models we will be adding unique Prestige-related unlocks for players to purchase with in-game $, such as accessories for your player model or a cool new jacket!
  • Coming soon for each prestige, players will be able to choose one of the following:
  • [list]
  • A sum of extra starting money to kickstart their equipment loadouts or to save for their first few upgrades
  • Or a small XP boost for that prestige only, allowing players to level up slightly faster, but have to manage their money better.


Evidence Equipment

  • T1 is slightly too hard to use, so we'll be making it brighter and increasing the range of the light it emits

EMF Reader
  • T1's needle often gets too close or even goes past the [5] mark during events and hunts, so we'll be clamping that pesky needle a little harder to make sure people aren't mistaking it for evidence
  • T3 will receive a new sound for an EMF5 reading, making it easier for evidence without having to pick it up
  • Additionally, we'll be changing where the T3's sensor reads from for PC players. This will make the directional indicator more accurate and feel more intuitive to read

  • T1 never had its randomness to the readings, making it much more accurate than the other tiers. We'll be implementing a slight fluctuation on readings to reduce it's effectiveness
  • T2 and T3 will be adjusted so that after the initial "hold to scan", continuing to hold the use button will keep refreshing the temperature reading every second or so
  • T3 will have its randomness reduced further to make it even better than T2

  • We'll be flipping T1 and T2 around so that players start with the flashlight and unlock the glowstick second. This should feel more like a useful progression than it currently is

Optional Equipment

Firelights & Igniters
  • We'll be increasing the duration and light range for all tiers, giving players new ways to walk around in dark areas

Head Gear
  • We'll be adding an additional keybinding for toggling on and off your Head Gear slot, as many players have expressed that the current method isn't ideal
  • All three tiers of Head Gear will have a new sound play when being interfered with by the ghost to let players know they should turn it off during hunts!
  • T3's night vision doesn't currently have any paranormal interference, so we'll be adding some of that to reduce its effectiveness during hunts and keep it on par with other equipment

Motion Sensor
  • T3's truck map indicator will be changed to be more accurate and show what it's detecting clearer

Parabolic Microphone
  • To aid hearing-impaired users, we'll be making the red LED light on the side of the T1 Paramic "flash" when it picks up sounds

Photo camera
  • T2 will receive a slight buff to photo-taking speed
  • We'll be fixing (for the final time) the oversight of taking the ghost photo with a full book. Pesky haunted cameras!
  • There are still some bugs with photos, but with the major photo overhaul coming soon, a lot of that will be fixed as a byproduct. However, we're still looking at increasing the consistency of photo-taking!
  • More benefits of upgrading the camera Tiers will come with the new system, including the removal of failed photos!

Sanity Medication
  • We'll be speeding up the Sanity restoration effect for T2 to make the upgrade more worthwhile

Sound Sensor
  • We'd like to add a mute button to each sensor in the Truck, so you can concentrate on watching DOTS on the monitor in safety and silence

Cursed Posessions

Monkey Paw
  • With the most recent change to the Paw affecting the "see ghost" wish, we're going to make the darkness effect start when the hunt starts, so you can actually see the ghost during the event!


Some parts of Training aren't accurate to gameplay or are frustrating, so we'll be making the following adjustments:
  • We'll replace the DOTS section with something more accurate to how ghosts act in-game
  • Lower the overall temperature in the warehouse to make the Freezing Temps section less frustrating, as well as add cold breath to relevant areas.
  • The EMF section should require EMF5 to progress instead of any EMF.
  • The Ghost Orbs section sometimes completes without the player knowing why, so we'll be increasing the time that you need to aim the camera at the orb before the door unlocks.

If you experience any issues or want to give feedback, please join the official Phasmophobia Discord:


The Kinetic Games Team

Logo for Phasmophobia
Release:18.09.2020 Genre: Actionspiel Entwickler: Kinetic Games Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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