- Gamepad players can now press the south (Xbox - A) button to quick access the main menu board
- You can now press the east button (Xbox - B) to exit the spirit box text voice recognition without dropping the item

- Pressing the east button (Xbox - B) while the journal is open will no longer drop the item you are holding
- Doors will no longer get stuck while held when using a gamepad
- Placing a crucifix will no longer sometimes push it through the floor, but photos will be temporarily worse
- You are no longer counted as being inside the truck if you push the spirit box into the truck wall from outside
- Ignitor tier 3 now correctly lasts 10 minutes instead of 5 minutes
- The shop funds visual no longer defaults to $999,999,999 if your save file fails to load the value
- The music box will now correctly do the ghost event when within 5 meters of the ghost
If you experience any issues or want to give feedback, please join the official Phasmophobia Discord : https://discord.gg/phasmophobia