- A commemorative plaque has been added to the Lobby allowing you to see your Legacy Badge
- Added new sounds for radios in houses and campsites

- 3 star photos are now easier to get instead of 2 star
- Increased the range for a 3 star ghost photo
- Firelights 1 and 2’s light sources are now brighter than igniters

- Moved the guitar in the blue room in Tanglewood so you can take EMF photos if the ghost uses it
- UV light tier 1 and 3 will no longer roll forever when dropped
- You can now take fingerprint photos on the Willow glass doors
- Cursed item photos are now more reliable
- Cursed item noises will now appear on the parabolic microphone
- You will no longer lose your items when dropped into a salt line
- CCTV monitor will no longer break when swapping between cameras on tier 1 tripods
- You can now take a photo of a fingerprint, in the same location as a previous fingerprint, which already had its photo taken
- Taking photos of dead bodies should now be easier
- Lowered texture resolution of several textures to lower RAM usage
- Video Cameras now work in multiplayer
If you experience any issues or want to give feedback, please join the official Phasmophobia Discord : https://discord.gg/phasmophobia