Patch 3.8 has been deployed today, bringing the first wave of Syndicate robots, lighting and environment reworks, plus various fixes and improvements.
Syndicate robots: Wave 1
The first three robots of the Syndicate faction are now available for purchase for a combination of faction tokens and NIC in the Syndicate Supplies store. For more information on Syndicate robots check out our relevant blog post.

Class: Light robot specialized in firearms
"The smallest member of our hybrid-technology fleet of robots. Its armor is weaker than the average, but its small size makes up for it, resulting in a hard to hit target. Coupled with excellent detection and masking systems, the Vektor makes not only a good scout, but a tough opponent in combat as well."

Class: Assault robot specialized in firearms
"The gist of our firearm-wielding force. A swarm of Locusts can quickly shred enemy groups, but their specialized framework increases their survivability in solo engagements too."

Class: Light robot specialized in transportation
"The Ikarus is a snappy answer to the Perpetuum Project's long-standing need for a fast and light transport. Its main element is a repurposed Argano-chassis, stripped of anything disposable to make room for the relatively large cargo hold. Aided by the agile undercarriage of the Laird, this is the most efficient robot to get fair-sized packages from A to B quickly. Speed comes at a price though, as the construction is very fragile."
EP boosters now affect EP rewards
Based on a forum suggestion, we have incorporated EP boosters into the EP reward system: if you have an active EP booster, any EP rewards that you receive from your ingame activities will be doubled.
Lighting and environment tuning
The lighting, environment, and post-processing setup of the game has been revisited, to make your time on the terrain feel a bit nicer.

Like always, the patch includes a few other fixes and changes as well.
ːrepairshopː The full patchnotes are available here.